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Friday, 27 September 2024

Mask mandate in effect for the state of Alabama

Credit: WXXVDT2
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Mask mandate in effect for the state of Alabama
Mask mandate in effect for the state of Alabama

If you plan on making a trip to Alabama sometime soon, you’ll now have to wear a mask.

272 new deaths.

- we'll bring you the latest- numbers when they become- available to us.- - if you plan on making a trip to- alabama sometime soon,- you'll now have to wear a mask.- today, alabama governor kay ive- issued an emergency - proclamation containing an- amended safer at home order tha- includes a statewide mask - requirement.- individuals will be required to- wear a mask or other facial - covering when in public and in- close contact with other- people.

- the new order begins thursday,- july 16 at 5 p.m.

And continues- through july 31.- - - - - new today...informati on on - covid 19 cases in

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