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U.K. Edition
Friday, 27 September 2024


Credit: WKTV
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Congressman Anthony Brindisi and his opponent Claudia Tenney said they've been busy out on the campaign trail in the final days of the 2020 election.

As early voting polling sites officially closed on Sunday, both candidates made their final appearances and phone calls to voters.


First, the 22nd congressional district.

Both candidates spent the day winning over voters.

News channel 2's brent kearney spoke to them today.

He joins us live in the studio, brent.

Callihan both candidates are saying this is going to be a very close race and are trying to convince their base to get out and vote.

"as early voting poll sites close their doors, both congressional candidates in the 22 nd district are making their final appearances and phone calls to voters.


None .

None " we've been all over the place trying to get the boat out and making sure people vote now with early voting closing up do you want to make sure that everybody gets out.

We need to get our boat out obviously were very excited about the race.

It looks like it's really shaping up the momentum is on our side and on the side of the president."

" well for these last steps the campaign is really continuing to do a lot of phone banking reaching out to our supporters making sure that they are aware that this is the last day to early vote and make sure they have a way to vote on tuesday and still reaching out to some of those undecided voters to convince him on why we are the better choice in this election."

If elected both candidates plan on focusing on economic recovery and the virus.

Brindisi "so i would say that number one we have to continue to fight this virus provide economic relief two americans and small businesses that are shut down.

And then we need to look forward and see what we can accomplish to go together whether it's infrastructure or is making healthcare more affordable lowering prescription drug prices for seniors there's a lot on the docket and i think we need people in washington right now that can work together and bring us all together and get things done."

Tenney: "i think we need to grow the economy back to where it was as i indicated in my speech just now seeing that gdp number the largest gdp number in the history of the country is a real sign that the work we did in congress is working.

Lowering taxes cutting back on unnecessary regulations rolling back a lot of the bureaucracy in the executive branch.."

And as the negative campaign ads from both sides dominate our tv screens.

I thought it was time to ask if their was anything positive these two candidates could say about one another.

"i respect that my opponent is someone who is a great parent she has a son who is serving in our military and we should all be proud of that service i admire the relationship that she has with her son and i appreciate his service and sacrifice to this country.

"well we said we were together in the state assembly i think that anthony has a good sense of humor i think we always get to seem to laugh with each other and work together even under the angst of a tough election.

So i still feel the same.

I saw him during the debates we had good conversations.

And a lot of people don't understand that we're both lawyers so are used to battling it out in court and having a cup of coffee later because this is really about issues and about policy and about representing our community not about personal stuff."> election day is on tuesday.

If you're interested in hearing from other candidates in our area, we have full interviews on our website at

In the studio brent kearney news channel 2

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