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Friday, 27 September 2024

Floods Trap People Inside Homes

Credit: WAAY ABC Huntsville, AL
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Floods Trap People Inside Homes
Floods Trap People Inside Homes

WAAY-31's Sierra Phillips discusses how floods have been trapping people inside their own homes in Jackson County.

Flooding across jackson county is blocking people in their homes -- especially near the paint rock river.

Let's check back in with waay 31's sierra phillips.

She's live off highway 65 near garth.

Sierra, what's situation like out there?

Right now i'm seeing serious flooding.

Just in the last few hours i've watched as flooding expanded on this road-- i actually moved my car back just in case the water rushed over the bridge.

Right now--crews are blocking this road further up from where i am now.

Ema officials say the flash flooding mostly receeded by this morning -- but areas near the paint rock river like this one are seeing flooding.

I spoke with volunteer firefighter bobby wilbourn he spent hours today making sure no one drove on this road.

It would be easy for somebody to just drop off into a hole.

Then you've got a stranded situation, then you've got a rescue situation and in some cases, unfortunately you'll have a recovery situation.

Take a look-- just past the bridge where water first it would be easy for somebody to just drop off into a hole.

Then you've got a stranded situation, then you've got a rescue situation and in some cases, unfortunately you'll have a recovery situation.

Take a look-- just past the bridge where water first touches the road you can at least still see some of the lines of the road.

But take a look further down you can't see the road at all making it hard to tell how deep and how dangerous this water is.

Reporting live in jackson county sierra phillips waay31 news.

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