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Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Content Removal Request

One News Page

One News Page is a leading news portal offering original news coverage as well as syndicated content from leading international news sources.

Over 50,000 news references are added automatically to our growing search index each and every day - making One News Page a powerful news search engine, now featuring a comprehensive search index of in excess of 130 million news items.

Occasionally a news reference may require correction or even removal, be it that it is factually incorrect, has been removed at source or contains material which is perceived to infringe on third party copyright.

Contact Details

One News Page is owned and operated by British media firm One News Page Ltd. (registered in England in Wales with company no. 6871419).

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Our Commitment

We are committed to ensure that the content cited on One News Page is factually correct and does not infringe on any copyright. We are fully committed to protecting the intellectual property of third parties.

Press Release Removal Service

We carry corporate press releases from major PR wires internationally. Sometimes a press release is sent out in error and requires removal. The form below can be used to request our deletion of the release from our database, archives and websites. Please note that a one-time administrative removal charge applies, amounting to US$50.

DMCA Notice

This form can also be used to serve us a DMCA notice of copyright infringement.

Please fill in the details below to notify us of any content that needs to be altered or removed. All fields are mandatory.

Content Removal Request

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