Chloe Rogers Seeks To Protect Herself With 'The Algea'



Check out the video now...

Alt-pop riser *Chloe Rogers* has shared her new single 'The Algea' in full.

The Nottingham based talent sparkled in 2020 in spite of the pervasive gloom, releasing two startling singles.

Her third release could be her best yet, with 'The Algea' hitting streaming services a few days ago.

The video airs through Clash, and it captures those mid-winter chills, while providing a platform for Chloe to express herself.

Constructed alongside creative director Kate Lomas, it was shot at Newstead Abbey in Nottingham.

Chloe comments...

"I wanted to use a music box in the video to represent being objectified and getting stuck in the same cycles, as that’s largely what the song is about. I wrote the song when I was 18, but didn’t add the verse at the end about claiming my power back until a couple of years later when I felt a bit stronger. We tried to reflect this in the video too with the Chloe in white sort of protecting the other Chloe of the past."

Kate Lomas adds: "This was such a joy to watch come together, the video concept is based around the idea that Chloe is the character in a music box, she’s the performer that’s spinning round on an endless cycle for other people’s entertainment. The video tells the tale of Chloe definitely breaking this cycle and no longer playing this role."

Tune in now.

Photo Credit: *Silvija Gec*

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