Man who sold fentanyl-laced pill liable for $5.8 million in death of young female customer

Man who sold fentanyl-laced pill liable for $5.8 million in death of young female customer


A drug dealer who sold a fentanyl-laced pill is liable for $5.8 million in the death of the woman to whom he sold it. Matt Capelouto has sought justice for his 20-year-old daughter, Alexandra, since her death in 2019, initially winning a civil lawsuit for wrongful death against the dealer and now securing the judgment in bankruptcy court, he said Monday. Capelouto's lawyer says it was the first time a drug dealer has been held liable civilly for someone's death, to his knowledge. Brandon McDowell, who sold the drugs, is also serving a nine-year prison sentence for fentanyl possession.

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