India’s PM Modi Says Guyana Crude Is Key For India’s Energy Security
Two weeks ago, U.S. oil and gas giant, Exxon Mobil Corp. (NYSE:XOM) announced it had reached 500M barrels of oil produced from Guyana's offshore Stabroek block, just five years after it kicked off production at the location. According to Exxon, the first three projects--Liza Phase 1, Liza Phase 2 and Payara--are already pumping more than 650K bbl/day. The Exxon-led consortium which includes Hess Corp. (NYSE:HES) and China's Cnooc (OTCPK:CEOHF) have set a target to reach production of at least 1.3M bbl/day of oil by year-end 2027, a feat it hopes…
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