Olympic Alpine Skier becomes Stratiam® Brand Ambassador

Olympic Alpine Skier becomes Stratiam® Brand Ambassador



Wednesday 2 September, 2020Cambridge-based Digital and IT change consultancy Intergence, is proud to announce that four-times Olympian alpine skier Chemmy Alcott has become its new Brand Ambassador for Stratiam®, a powerful data transformation and visualisation platform, that sits on top of your entire IT infrastructure.

Chemmy has competed in all five alpine ski disciplines, giving the best performance by a British female skier since 1968 in the 2006 Torino Winter Olympics. She has been overall Senior British National Champion seven times and overall British Ladies Champion eight times.

Intergence invited Chemmy to become its Brand Ambassador, not only because she will be an enthusiastic and strong advocate of the company’s work, but also because she understands how data analysis and insight have brought success to her own career.

“I have used data at every point of my career in skiing,” Alcott says. “When every millisecond counts in competition, you have to work with teams to gather and analyse data from so many sources. From measuring snow temperatures to spending hours in wind tunnels refining my tuck position, I’ve had to understand what data means to improve. For example, I’ll take 40 pairs of skis to some competitions because I’ve tested each one – and proved each one performs better in certain conditions.”

Intergence CEO Peter Job – also a keen skier – explains the synergy between Chemmy’s career and the company’s offering. “One of the key things we offer clients is our Stratiam® software, which gives businesses the ability to improve IT performance via clear data visibility. When you can use a single platform instead of 30 to visualise your data, it gives you actionable insight. You can not only see what’s important to you at a particular time, but you can use the insights to plan ahead and improve. For example, our own use of Stratiam® has given us actionable insights that helped us to reduce our clients’ requests for support tickets by 40%.”

Intergence’s Stratiam® platform is popular across a wide range of industries, ranging from major public sector organisations to the financial services sector. By giving them a single view of their key data, it gives them the information they need to improve everything from compliance, cybersecurity and device monitoring right through to website and business performance.

Chemmy Alcott is currently learning how Stratiam® is helping a wide range of Intergence’s clients, and she is enthusiastic about the parallels with her own career.

“You have to have confidence in ski sports,” Alcott says, “but when you have the data to back it up, then there’s no stopping you.”

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