New Patron for One Voice for Animals UK

New Patron for One Voice for Animals UK




One Voice for Animals UK has a new patron: Richard Bowler, a well-known wildlife photographer living in North Wales.

One Voice for Animals UK (OVFAUK) was set up in April 2020 to support small rescues struggling due to the Covid crisis.

Richard says:

“I’ve always been interested in wildlife and environmental issues, so this is a cause close to my heart.”

Richard often finds, and helps, injured animals when out photographing wildlife in the early hours, so is very aware of the importance of animal rescue centres.

Richard’s favourite animal is probably the fox, despite seeing many wonderful animals on his extensive travels in Africa, and South and Central America.

He says:

“A fox is right up there with the best of wildlife encounters if you can sit and observe them without them noticing.”

Since moving to his smallholding 9 years ago, Richard has been lucky enough to care for 3 rescue foxes: Rosie, Hetty and Charlie.

Richard says:

“To have a bond with foxes, and to see their intelligence, their sentience and the way they have all found friendship with our terrier, Maddy, has been wonderful.”

Richard is a passionate anti-hunting campaigner. He has encountered illegal fox hunting near his property, and experienced intimidation from those taking part. He says: “it breaks my heart to think of these animals being chased down by a pack of dogs and ripped to pieces for so called ‘sport’”.

Richard hopes that his photographs of the foxes he cares for will encourage people to see them in a new light.

One Voice for Animals UK founder, Val Green, said:

“I follow Richard Bowler on social media, as well as enjoying his wonderful photographs. I was impressed with his advocacy for animals, particularly foxes. I recognised that Richard represented the same values we have in OVFAUK, and am thrilled Richard has agreed to become our newest patron.”

About One Voice for Animals UK:

Launched in April 2020 to support wildlife and domestic animal rescue centres and sanctuaries struggling due to the Covid crisis.

One Voice for Animals UK brings together almost 300 animal organisations, caring for approx 22,000 animals between them into one searchable directory ( where the animal-loving public can find and support rescues near them.

The “Join Our Communities” page of the website links to initiatives for the public to get involved in, such as crafting items like knitted nests, transporting wildlife, buy and sell to support their local rescue, and the twice-yearly auctions.

Contact: Jenny Roberts, Volunteer Press Officer, or

Tel: 07941352037


Richard Bowler in action, ably assisted by one of his rescue foxes.

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