Charity’s Christmas fundraising success to fund a new clean water project

Charity’s Christmas fundraising success to fund a new clean water project



Tuesday 9 January, 2024Hereford-based clean water advocacy charity, Hope Spring, today announced its first project for 2024. The project, a fifty-metre-deep water borehole, is to be constructed in a two-hundred-person-strong community in the Agege area of Lagos State, Nigeria. The community currently collects water for their daily needs from an open water well in the neighbouring community, just under a mile away.

The new borehole, with the aid of water pumps, will feed water into the collection tank, which feeds five standpipes, from which the community will fill their water buckets. One of the community leaders in the area, Mrs. Akinkunmi, said, “On completion of the project we are working on with Hope Spring, our community will have access to safe drinking water without the need to walk a mile as we do at present."

Hope Spring trustee Temi Odurinde said, “We are very excited by our very first project this year. We have been having conversations about the project with the beneficiary community for more than six months. It is great that our conversation has now transformed into a concrete action, in the form of a borehole." Mr. Odurinde added, “This project was mostly funded from donations raised by our charity digital greetings card platform with support from Ozami eCards." Construction of the borehole is expected to start at the end of January.

Hope Spring Water works mainly in West Africa. Last year, they helped thousands of people in West Africa access safe, clean water by building wells and boreholes. They also train groups and communities on how to harvest clean water from rain and other sources. The charity is exclusively funded by funds raised by its volunteers. You can find more information about Hope Spring on their website and social media pages.

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