Tuesday 4 June, 2024A leading UK male victims charity, We Are Survivors, has today launched it's MANifesto asking for the needs of male victims / survivors to be taken into the next Parliament.
Following on from the announcement of a General Election on 4th July, the UK is now gearing up to go to the polls. This means political parties are telling the country what they would do if voted into Downing Street, whilst the public are asking candidates questions that matter to them.
Founder and Chief Executive Officer of We Are Survivors, Duncan Craig OBE, believes that it is important that organisations' in Civil Society should be making clear how candidates can help address the issues and causes that the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise sector are dealing with.
"I think it's really important to hold truth to power as a Charity leader, and whilst every single person should make up their own mind of which box the X goes in on polling day, we should also be providing all parties and candidates with information on our causes and pointing to where change can be created for good."
Duncan, a sexual abuse survivor himself has been at the centre of many political discussions for equally as many years, but this is the first time the charity has published an ask.
"what we're asking all political leaders, political parties and political candidates for now is what we have been talking about in our work for many years. We just want to ensure that the discussions continue in the next Parliament and that we collectively make a greater effort in tackling sexual abuse, rape, sexual violence and all sexual offences. We must do everything we can to make our vision of a society where NO male survivor is left behind, and we all lean into difficult discussions to end this sexual violence epidemic".
We Are Survivors has recently launched three brand new projects all aimed at raising the awareness of male survivors whilst providing professionals, supporters and survivors themselves with the skills in aiding healing.
The brand new quarterly magazine, Beyond The Silence is now on the digital shelves and has an exclusive interview with Baby Reindeer creator, Richard Gadd.A partnership project with the North West HIV Charity George House Trust tackling the impact of ChemSex and drug facilitated sexual activity, through On It.A colab with Mandem Meetup aims to create an army of allies to better deliver for male survivors through their We're Allies programme.
In February 2025, the organisation will celebrate it's 16th Birthday.
Distributed by https://pressat.co.uk/