Deals: Best price ever on AirTags from $16 each, official Apple Watch Solo Loops from $15, Alpine Loop $45, MacBooks, more

Deals: Best price ever on AirTags from $16 each, official Apple Watch Solo Loops from $15, Alpine Loop $45, MacBooks, more



While we are still tracking a host of big-time deals on major Apple releases, including the latest Apple Watch Series 10, Apple Pencil Pro, M3 MacBook Air configurations at up to *$420 off* the original prices, and more, today’s deals are largely focused on big-time accessory offers. Firstly, the 4-pack of AirTags has now dropped to its best price ever at *$64.50* (that’s $16 per AirTag). Next we move over to official Apple Watch bands – the Solo and Braided Solo Loops are now starting from *$15* (that’s over 70% off) while the army green-style Alpine Loop is seeing a massive 55% price drop at *$45*. You’ll also find some M4 MacBook Pro deals and more awaiting below in today’s 9to5Toys Lunch Break.


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