Today’s best iOS app deals and freebies: Curse of Issyos, Moog Mariana, Minimoog, ProCam, more

Today’s best iOS app deals and freebies: Curse of Issyos, Moog Mariana, Minimoog, ProCam, more



Your mid-week lineup of the best App Store deals is now up for grabs down below. On your way down, be sure to scope out the early pre-order deals we uncovered on the brand new M3 iPad Air – up to *$650 off *with trades and as much as *$50 off* without – alongside the new iPad (A16) you can score at literally *50% off* with just about any prev-gen iPad 10 trade. We are also still tracking holiday pricing on Apple Pencil Pro (compatible with M3 iPad Air) and the best prices of the year on all M4 Mac mini configs. As for the apps, highlights include titles like The Curse of Issyos, Cursed Castilla, Arrog, Moog Mariana Bass Synthesizer, Minimoog Model D, ProCam, and more. Head below for a closer look. 


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