Geoff Stonestreet Argus column January 25
Coming up next month are a series of openings for the National Garden Scheme’s regular snowdrop and hellebore garden, Pembury House in Ditchling Road, Clayton, BN6 9PH. In 2025 the plot will open every Thursday and Friday from 13th February to 7th March from 10.30am to 3.30pm with entry £12 which includes home-made teas. Pre-booking is essential and places book out quickly. If you’d like to visit, go to www.ngs.org.uk for all the details. Depending on the vagaries of the season, its hellebores and snowdrops are at their best in February and March. This is a country garden, tidy but not manicured. There are a number of winding paths giving a choice of walks through 3 acres of garden, which is in and enjoys views of the South Downs National Park.
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