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Wednesday, 26 June 2024

More in North Alabama buying frozen food during coronavirus crisis

Credit: WAAY ABC Huntsville, AL
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More in North Alabama buying frozen food during coronavirus crisis
More in North Alabama buying frozen food during coronavirus crisis
More Americans buying frozen, usually unhealthier, food items

A high account balance.

New details this afternoon on eating habits during coronavirus.

A new report from the "american frozen food initiative" says 7 out of 10 americans says they're buying more frozen food during the pandemic!

The report says a big factor is the longer shelf life.

But - that doesn't mean those are always healthy options.

Waay 31's ashley carter breaks down the items flying off the shelves.

When americans are buying these frozen items....they aren't necessarily getting frozen vegetables....but instead opting for the comfort foods and frozen desserts <vo the report found shoppers are buying frozen entrees such as pot pies...lasagna and other comfort foods such as frozen pizza.

They say it's because during stressful times ... such as a pandemic ... people are more likely to eat unhealthier food items as a way to relieve stress.

One person i spoke with told me since the pandemic - this is exactly what he's been doing.

Sot thomas french, eating unhealthy: "it's hard to eat healthy just on your own."

Vo cont: the report also says since frozen foods are easier to store - families are stocking up on food items and frozen meals that are multiple servings, so they can cut back on time at the grocery store.

In hsv ashley c waay 31 news> the report also says about 1 out of 3 people think frozen foods are safer

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