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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Library virtual summer

Credit: WTVQ Lexington, KY
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Library virtual summer
Library virtual summer
Lots of programming

Is as we head into ... thursday ... i think you alyssa ... each elected public library host and it ... stands as number reading ... program which typically welcomed ... thousands of people for hundreds of in person programs and ... if you're developing the different ... library has announced its 2020 summer reprogramming will be held virtually ... and has also unveiled the themes for each week ... .

Other details if kelly partly the library outreach manager wh is ... my phone morning ... and what do you are you ... doing good how are you ... good good for ... you sort of look ... back here to ... her about the library and how you ... been able to provide to ... so many amazing ... programs and services to the community ... well i would say ... the thing about elaborate and united our staff ... when all this happened our staf were immediately ready what can we do we still connect with our customers and our community while also time and so we launched a lot of virtual programming we got some really creative staff time and that got a lot of resources on the road in their own head ... avenue and were able to come up with a lot of programming ideas and ... authority for summer as well ... using ... okay let's look ahead now want the process of converting libraries masses ... program announced ... that virtual ... format how long i can work out ... well we had as you as you mentioned you know the library has a really robot summer programming we always have several hundred people are our building every day and for a variety program and we had a tremendous slate of programs planned this year ... a lot of a lot of things and we were likely able to reschedule on performers and think that we bring in every year there will the work about scheduled for next year and ... that we have got all of our staff are programming staff together with a lot of webex call things like that it ... group meeting ... than people volunteered and deprogrammed in different weeks with ... for the we had a staff i got that earlier that would really on board that made the whole process ... really easy when you are so engaged and so excited to help ... and so we are able to build a connect virtually with ... with our customers ... is incredibly doing this let some of those ... themes are just look at some pictures are the ... actually changing week by week ... they are to enjoy the weekend the first one launched today ... and the thing for this we can show them how and that we ... people to engage with us on social media may be during the whole quarantine may make a really cool crafter some worker made a massive jigsaw puzzle like that happen to share a photo with a ... i'm on social media ... and you will draw pride for winter and there's several things ... about the summerlike and the photography ... and add travel and asking people to show a thing to have a random collection and to show it does not share share with the rest you cook on the grill ... you know over the fourth of july week supported asking for a lot of ... social media engagement we realize that families have been ... especially young children have been in their homes ... sitting in front of a computer screen and probably ... don't want to continue to do a lot of that anymore and so whil will issue a personal challenge ... what you go out you know maybe go outside to walk a picture that do something together as a family to come back and show ... do we have that in addition to some of the virtual programs that they may still be interested in and watching a lot that we want them to be able to get out and about ... and and to share with ... great about this ... too is that you ... able to reach people of all age with ... this right we are mr programming were kind of known for that anyway from her through you know the end-of-life week program for everyone we ... got a really robot and ... programming in our senior community and will ... wear programs for them in our branches and as you know our early childhood programming ... a lot of people and come to the library to pin on ... a lot of our early childhood programming to early proud of that as well that our summary will will continue to have that and we started at a couple months ago every tuesday mornin and early morning at 11 we have lots large story so the hundreds of children that come to our branches every week for storytime are still getting tha experience virtually as well ... so educational to combining both of those.

For more information they want to ... vault how can you they can check our website www.licht ... they can check our website or they can connect with us on social media facebook graham twitter public library ... actually get the details of what ... as well tell you for talking to us ...

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