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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

lets chatt quite a bit

Credit: WDEF CBS Chattanooga, TN
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lets chatt quite a bit
lets chatt quite a bit
lets chatt quite a bit

All on the way this half hour, we shine our local business spotlight on the great folks at people's hold equity.

Also, you remember the 4-h club head part hands help will bring you an update and i think this will surprise you.

Also it's coach maurice olivo with my best be.

We have all of that and more.

This half hour, so settle back with us and let's chat chat.

As usual, focusing to just bring jim you smart community of the newest trend chat.

And yes, let's chat showing it is monday morning.

We have a brand-new da of brand-new week brand-new mud.

It is monday june the first, an we continue our let's chat discussion is morning with the one the only k blevins.

I am good how are you doing doing well doing well and enjoying this letter that we are having in joining nice temperatures.

Yes, saturday and sunday was hard to be one that was pretty nice outside and a lot have bee enjoying ... yes, they have because let's face it, who does a love ice cream.

I love it.


And there to lend us and labor chat are jerry is launching a new labor and it's out of this world and everyone check it out.

It is literally out of this world.

You heard about this k-1 we get like a sneak preview of these ice creams in these delectable goodies when they come out they are calling this new ice cream boots on the moon landing on the ice cream maker height on a balloon 20 miles into the stratosphere chat maintain flavor with develop or space force and netflix, a theory coming out this friday and then in jerry describes the ice cream as quote university and milk chocolate ice cream with five scowls and taunting m, or clusters orbiting a sugar core now.

We told the folks at home.

No month or so ago about what was then a new flavor of ben & jerry's ice cream and i looked for lack of a remember the flavor but i look and look and looked and looked at grocer stores far and wide and i have not been able to find it in the long run i think shepherds have likely called than in jerry fallon we can get them in this space ice cream.

You know, between you and me and just raby and isaiah cannon that a handfu of others at news 12 now we giv them the ultimate professional pallet taste test lamely.

Absolutely anything on screen will be only way to get better at it.

His practice practice practice.

So here i sure ice cream away as we get into the hot summer like to choose another saying talking about getting lasted into the stratosphere and beyond.

Did you happen to watch the space rocket launch.

This past weekend at line 7 i was doing nothing else that time i realized it in our taken place.

Did you want to well.

Lynn and i were we were i nashville actually saturday and by the time the tv got turned o and everything fell into place.

We were like three minutes behind the actual space so spacecraft looked up.

We did however look at it through repeat video several times a year.

I don't care how young or how old you are when you see a rocket like that lifting off.

It just sends a chill up the spine lately.

Absolutely space x and nasa were able to send two astronauts into space successfully over the weekend and that rocket down to the international space station on sunday morning.

The weather conditions cleared up enough to take off to happen and didn't get a chance to do it earlier i the wake because of the weather.

I'm in wednesday's launch was scrubbed.

Of course, because of that.

Whether this is the first time private company in monmouth space thanks has launched astronauts and commercial built spacecraft ever critical technology really amazing chap certainly is in of course the various reports are that the astronauts and took off the space station from a few weeks to a few months so we'll see ho that develops electric oaks posted rights here.

I really do thrilling but they're doing you know it is the final frontier for the right thing back to the old star trek open space the final frontier.

Anyway i digress, i am for those of you at home.

Cagle and perry are those of you at home will tell you little secret about a what he did and she and without me.

Ciao, you're supposed to have your ears covered k loves shoes and what i say loves shoes.

She probably got 10 or 12 pair just under her desk at work ... is not lying, but they're reall in our we get up really early in the in the morning.

I know she' got them under the desk.

She's got in the car.

I think one would do for you and for lynn.

I'm going to because lynn's big shoe person also i think america to some social distancing should be seen.

She is chap i have seen the shoes.

This is pretty cool diane remount romania actually came up with this is creating long nosed leather shoes.

Now they come in european sizes up to 70 75, and of course most women would never even consider wearing a shoe size and having seven five.

Let me explain.

It's a little different over in europe because they measure their shoe by the centimeters by the centimeters here you know we got size 8 910.

Whatever folks in europe measure their shoes by centimeters, so that's why the number is so high with the guy romania who came up with this says if you wear shoes you will guarantee to be six feet apart, providing the person you're standing close to also has size of 75 or whatever actions are pretty cool.

Thank you nicole that i all i can vote for thing and somebody following falling over the she is in a yeah i don't know about this chap will i tell you what would my body appear those just try monitor grins and giggles grins and giggles were reported.

Let's see i don't put your spot here.

Any idea forwarded to be touching base on later on today produced 12 now and how much more on the pretense that take place over the weekend and have the very latest coming up about what happened in downtown chattanooga.

A lot of test teargas was thrown out over the weekend and talking to authorities and maybe does that were testing a player today.

We will get all of course i will have your forecast which does look really really nice okay is been waiting for some summerlik temperatures.

If you had your weight is almost over.

Starting wednesday were to be flirting with heidi and above our folks from people's home equity all the way this half-hour will als talk to you extension office and coach maurice all that and more morning is our pleasure to chec in on getting a letter lifestyl living heating.

These habits that will help you feel better, be healthier, and hopefully liv longer.

It's coach mari salima with my best me was maurice goo morning good morning to you too great to serve.

It seems like as we get further and further into this pandemic.

Everybody's complaining about putting on a few pounds but my question for you is do we really need to focus on the dreaded scales when were talking about keys to a healthier life ... great question.

Should because the weight loss industry wants us to focus on the skill becaus the skilled interstates and making a whopping weekly go dow one week was worse on a daily basis so that benefits them because you're spending more money for products and ideas to keep you skinny when in reality it's about being healthy.

It's about lifestyle change.

What i mean by lifestyle changes you will sleep better will prevent hospitals and nursing homes will have less stress and be a bette person, medications, very few people focusing that way ... are focusing that we would consider helping focus so much on the scale and they can start so this is the sdsu question they should be posting more on the lifestyle change commit to to 4 things you can do it in your life that will make you healthier and better and that will go much further than the scale and these things are not typical to do as you taught us over the past several months.

You take one little bit at a time and just keep adding to it and pretty soon you're doing it all by rote memory.

You don't have to think about what should be.

This is a poster that i should walk this bar instead of not used instead of just doing nothing at all and all of this goes into one thing.

But i know that is pretty critical, but we keep her eye on that is the bod mass index explained it was exactly what that is and how we improve our emi yet.

I'm running think she is the bmi was released in august and early seventies but just remember the medical industry the medical industry.

Much emphasis on recently, the cdc now saying you know, yes, the bmi does matter who does it matter to manage the people are not met.

So what bmi says about you.

If you're not at you.

Don't eat right or overweight than the bmi applies to need to drop your weight in order to help issues bmi does not apply to people like myself i couldn't wait being cardiovascular regardless of what the scale say to the demise not clear who should be applied to be applied to so it's misleading in a lot of ways what the cdc say a mouse just loose to 7 percent of total body weight and type ii diabetes present with easier to approach than it is to try to go from 32 percent body fat for example down to 24 percent which makes it very, very different, so we need to ease the tension on weight loss because it is overweight is considered unhealthy.

We disagree all the time football players in the nfl can win over 300 pounds i canno run is not so.

This is misleading when it comes to be of help.

Focus on four things that we mentioned before on the trigger 64 ounces of water ever day that's being held ... get you 70 hours of sleep go to bed before 11 p.m.

And get up b seven a.m.get you 70 hours of sleep go to bed before 11 p.m.

And get up by seven a.m.

That's be of help move 30 minutes a day you can work in the artist on the unit is love your get up there when it's not too hot and work for 30 minutes break a sweat.

Get your heart rate up.

That's be of help.

And last but not least management portions.

The lady should be on about 140 calories, and the gentleman should be a 2000 calories if yo want those for things i'm telling you can, medications again, be healthier, feel better and not focusing as much on the skill supply-side gains is more speaking of the medications.

The partnership established with since you and there diabetics lies just on believably beneficial to so man people give us the overview on that quickly you can receive up to six months of prediabetes products the land since the needles and thus of receiving also because the walking everydayness since he is is happy with her job so you're getting free products were up six must deliver to your house free of charge because the testing and at that's the only catch you download the app that's all you can do in a simple product they wanted to see how well it works.

If this is your chance to just reach out to me.

I'll send you the downloadable information you can receive six months of prediabetes products.

Now let me tell you how you can get a coac with get in touch.

Rather, with coach maurice can email it maurice at bridge the number two health and again maurice at bridge the number two health and can you also find delete to maurice's website two hours as far as we got a run like he was always impacting he having on so many lives will be will stick around.

We still hav a lot more coming up right here on, let's chat.

See you on the other side of this quick commercial ... they wanted to rattle me off th list of promos i know to you will enjoy and then they can learn when things are always impressed me about the 4-h club and you hit the nail on the head.

It is more of a hands on student involves order program.

Betty others are that pays off for the students and for those of you instructing it further o down the road ... learning life skills and simply learning in excellent doing are things that you think ... tell me how big how many clubs do we have around the area.

Can you come up with that in perspective for us to county including this clubs that are i schools.

We have 45 well and how many students altogether in the rough idea ... sure, i think at least five or 600 well will.

I'm glad to see that the 4-h club.

I grew up with years ago is still alive, active in doing will here in ou great community.

So tell us what was a boring spokes have in store for the summer months ahead.

In any work well for just any kind 10.

Areas that today for the conference recalling here junior high and they can actually work with professors from the university of tennesse knoxville in christ.

They are interested in to third and dad.

Then on june fourth on thursday were going to have a virtual clip meeting and three o'clock - welcome to join in for ages always have the reputation of being all-inclusive.

It's not something you have distorted at the ground level and work your way up.

Once i want to establish contact with a fellow forager you can stick around for as lon as you'd like.

Correct guess for three twelfth grade any time and is no cost tell you what else the 4-h folks around the region of got in store between now and the time school reopens if it reopens in the fall contest coming in in 1930 wildlife content and that is actually regional content that students from hamilton county against you.

The surrounding county to see how well i know there i and habitat management at the right program for anyone who likes to hunting wildlife.

We also had a virtual talkshow coming december so that i went to raskin kit that you tk.he thinks cincinnati how do you sign up for these programs and do you already have to be an existing you did not have to be an existing member, you can sig any time.

I simple and accurate calling for emailing letter extension agent can email me and stayed in or colo opposite eight five five six on three all right.

Let us have your email address again please and satan me all right maria thank you so much for spending few minutes of your time with u and maria.

By the way, did you notice i didn't ask you if you are related to guide coaches ou early.

I hope you have a hope you have a great rest of the talk you

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