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Midmorning With Aundrea Special 6/1/20 - Viewers Choice Awards #1

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Midmorning With Aundrea Special  6/1/20 - Viewers Choice Awards #1
Midmorning With Aundrea Special 6/1/20 - Viewers Choice Awards #1

(Part 1 of 2) In a special Midmorning With Aundrea, we present this year's Viewer's Choice Awards for the best businesses in North Mississippi!

Take it easy.

Aundrea self: good morning and welcome everyone to a very special mid-morning.

We are today and tomorrow going to be introducing to you our viewer's choice winners.

Over the past several months, we've had a contest going on online at, and you have been voting for the best businesses in many, many different categories.

So we're going to be introducing you to some of the best in the category.

Aundrea self: so joining us this morning, we have brea liddell from lucent, a medispa.

Also joining us from mitchell eye center, dr. stephen mitchell.

Both of you, thanks for joining us and congratulations.

Brea liddell: thank you.

Dr. stephen mitchell: thank you.

Aundrea self: so let's talk a little.

We're going to start with you first brea about what you all do at lucent for people who may not know what happens there.

Brea liddell: we are a full service medispa.

So we have anything from manis, pedis, massage, all different types of facials.

We do coolsculpting, botox, fillers, and then we have .

Aundrea self: people hear medispa, and they think this is just something that women come to.

You know, it's a girls' day.

But you have male clients also, right?

Brea liddell: we do.

We actually have several male clients.

Aundrea self: you said you offer nail care, you offer massages, the coolsculpting.

What's coolsculpting?

Brea liddell: coolsculpting is an way of fat reduction.

Aundrea self: oh, okay.

What's the process involved?

That perked me up.

Brea liddell: oh, sure.

It seems to perk a lot of people up.

If we can figure out a way to do it , it's always a plus.

Basically, we just have you come on in for a consultation that's free, and we give you a plan of action.

Then we have you come back in for your service.

It's a machine that has an applicator.

We apply the applicator, it pulls the fat into the applicator, freezes it.

Four to six weeks later, you will notice some reduction.

Aundrea self: for people who want to come to lucent and get some of the services, what's the best way?

Do we need to make an appointment?

Do people need to walk in?

How does that work?

Brea liddell: well, right now, the best thing is to give us a phone call for an appointment.

With all the restrictions that we have going on in the spa, it's just easier for us to be able to make those appointments in the right time so we can sanitize everything in between.

But eventually, when we get back to normal, you can go online and make your appointments.

Facebook is always good, and then you can also call.

Aundrea self: all right.

Well, it all sounds like feeling better from the inside out, and we all love that.

Brea liddell: absolutely.

Aundrea self: so thank you, brea, and congratulations again.

Brea liddell: thank you so much.

We're really honored.

Aundrea self: stephen mitchell with us now from mitchell eye center.

Congratulation to you too.

We think about going to the eye doctor, i mean, there's more than just eye exams and getting cute glasses that happen at the eye doctor.


Dr. stephen mitchell: absolutely.


Like everybody would think, we do glasses and contacts as well.

That's one of our big things.

But eye health as well.

Any time you come in, we're evaluating, making sure your eyes are healthy, making sure that the good vision that you can get with glasses or contacts or that you just have naturally stay that way.

Dr. stephen mitchell: there's a lot of things we can do as far as diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol.

You can tell all of those things by looking at the eyes.

It's actually pretty amazing.

Aundrea self: people think in terms of going to their medical doctor on an annual basis or twice a year.

Is this a regular appointment we should think about with our eye doctor as well?

Dr. stephen mitchell: yeah, absolutely.

We usually recommend adults every year, especially as you get ... i always tell my patients wiser, not the o word.

The blood vessels, especially on the inside of the eyes, can tell us a lot about just overall health.

Again, like i said, with diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, things like that.

We can find things in the eyes that the patient never knew was there and just give them a better life.

Aundrea self: and finally, yours is a family business.

I guess that's probably one of the things people love about coming, right?

Dr. stephen mitchell: it is.

It is.


At least i feel like that's what it is.

So my brother's the other doctor here.

He's five years younger than me, but he's practiced for fed for four years now.

I'm going on 10 or nine.

We've got that family.

Then my wife for the last 12 years has done insurance and billing and things like that.

She's involved.

And then we've got two or three other employees that, they're not family, but they almost feel like family.

I think that's the biggest thing people enjoy, or one of the biggest thing people enjoy aundrea self: well, wonderful, a family feel.

Well, congratulations to both of you again.

Dr. stephen mitchell: thank you.

Aundrea self: our viewers have spoken, and you are the best at what you do.

So we are so happy to have you here with us.

Thanks so much.

Brea liddell: thank you.

Dr. stephen mitchell: thank you so much.

Block 060120-pkg aundrea self: welcome back to mid-morning.

We are continuing to spotlight the best of the best in businesses across north mississippi and west alabama.

We're so happy to have joining us now, scott ferguson from financial concepts.

Also joing us is joy cleveland from express care west and from lowndes funeral home, caleb pounders.

Good morning to all of you and congratulations.

Scott ferguson: good morning.

Joy cleveland: thank you.

Caleb pounders: thank you.

Aundrea self: we want to begin scott with you talking about winning the best of the best in your category for helping people make good sound financial decisions.

Scott ferguson: well, thank you.

Now, we're very, very excited to win this.

I's an honor.

There's lots of folks out there who are retirement planning, but to know that we were recognized is a true accomplishment.

We're very, very excited about that.

Aundrea self: you all have posted on your website a pretty cool quote, and it says, "somebody' sitting in the shade today because someone thought to plant a tree a long time ago."

Relate that to investing for us.

Scott ferguson: that's right.

Listen, to me, investing is a longterm process, right?

I look at investing as we're investing for the rest of our lives.

We don't know how long the rest of our lives are, but hopefully it's a long time, right?

For that oak tree to grow, it takes time, right?

It's not a one, two, three or five year process.

It takes some time.

So when it comes to investing for your future retirement planning, you've got to give time for those investments to work, time for those investments to grow.

So just like someone's sitting in the shade of that tree today, we're hoping that we're planting the seeds for someone's investment future today by helping them get started.

Then 10, 15, 20, 30 years down the road they're sitting in that shade and enjoying retirement, enjoying that nest egg they built up.

Aundrea self: am i right to assume that during this pandemic, what we've been going through, you've had more people, some of your regular clients but maybe some new ones calling trying to figure things out.

Scott ferguson: that's right.

We're in uncertain times, right?

So anytime there's uncertainty that brings uncertainty inside us as humans.

It's only natural to be fearful when we see things like this, the unexpected.

But we plan for the unexpected in our plans, right?

Every day can't be a good day.

We know there's going to be good and bad days in the market, so we make sure that we account for that inside our plans, just like with that tree.

It didn't get rain every single day, right?

It went months at a time without getting rain from time to time.

So bad days come along.

You got to plan for that.

But the good days more than make up for the bad days.

We're helping folks.

Our mantra right now is we're here to help.

So if you've got a question, reach out to us.

If you need help with investments, we're here.

If you just want somebody to talk to you, call me i'm here to help.

Aundrea self: well, folks out there appreciate the support obviously and congratulations again for being voted best in your category.

Scott ferguson: thank you.

Aundrea self: also joining us today is joy cleveland, and joy's from express care west.

Joy, congratulations to the clinic for being voted the best.

Joy cleveland: thank you so much.

It's such a pleasure to be here.

We're just so honored to receive this award.

We're a family medical practice clinic right here where you need us over on macola boulevard.

I know everyone's so busy, but you can come in and be seen right away and get immediate care.

Aundrea self: what kind of services you offer there?

Joy cleveland: we have a lot of different services.

We have point of care testing like strep throat, that type of thing.

We can do x-rays, suturing.

We also treat chronic health conditions like blood pressure, cholesterol, thyroid, even diabetes.

We like to encourage annual wellness exams each year because it's early detection and treatment is going to keep you healthier and we can do dots and we just care for the entire family.

Aundrea self: it's comforting for people to know that you're open seven days a week.

Talk about the other providers in the clinic.

Joy cleveland: absolutely.

Thank you so much for asking.

The other provider in the clinic is carly walker harnden and she's a native of tupelo, grew up right over here in west tupelo.

She's a loving, caring person that listens, really listens to her patients.

She's just so excited to see everyone.

Aundrea self: what makes this clinic so unique that people were saying, "this is th best."

Joy cleveland: oh, i think we have such a wonderful team of healthcare providers in the clinic and everyone treats you like family.

A lot of people don't realize, but i am double board certified.

I really have a strong interest in functional medicine, which is kind of a holistic approach to care.

If you want to deep dive into your health, just come see me.

Aundrea self: again, congratulations to you, joy.

Thanks for all the great work you all are doing there.

We appreciate it.

Joy cleveland: thank you.

Aundrea self: all right.

We're going to move now to caleb pounders, who is joining us from lowndes funeral home.

Congratulations again to you, caleb.

Lots of exciting things going on there, right?

Caleb pounders: absolutely.


Sure has.

I appreciate it.

Thank you.

Aundrea self: so tell us, first of all, i know you all have added something brand new at lowndes funeral home that gives families there another option, right?

Caleb pounders: that's right.

So we here at the funeral home, we love for families to personalize their service and really make it about that person that passed away.

It just brings a whole other element to the funeral.

So we like every one of them to be unique, and so we figured that we needed to kind of do our part to make it unique.

So we added a new hearse, which is something unlike anything anybody around here is ever seen.

The company that we bought it from, in 15 years there were only 35 made, so this is one of them.

Aundrea self: you all stress of course pre- planning when it's possible because it really and truly, it sort of takes the stress off of the family during a very difficult time, doesn't it?

Caleb pounders: absolutely.

So anytime a family comes in and the funeral is already prearranged and preplanned, it just takes a whole lot of that stress back off of the family and the financial burden off the family.

It helps so much.

The relief that the family feels when they come in here is just a big difference from what other families coming in .

Aundrea self: it is a difficult conversation though to have with yourself to preplan your own service, but you all help people through that process.

Caleb pounders: absolutely.

So we try to make it easy as possible.

We talk with the person.

We get all the details down that they want done and nine times out of 10, after the person walks out of here, they're so relieved.

As bad as i thought it was going to be.

They were thinking the worst and this is, it's really easy.

Aundrea self: well, again, congratulations to all of you, financial concepts, express care west, lowndes funeral home.

Folks have chosen and you're the best and we salute you.

So thanks for joining us.

Caleb pounders: thank you so much.

Scott ferguson: thank you.

Aundrea self: all right.

Stay with us.

We'll be right back, everyone.

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