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Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Bri first at 4

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Bri first at 4
Bri first at 4
first at 4 on june 3rd, 2020

We cannot have two justice systems in america.

One for black america and one for white america.

George floyd's family demands justice.

Find out what's happening to the police hot temps return along point where we couldn't see anything outside."

Residents in southern minnesota are cleaning up the damage left behind by last night's powerful storms. we're checking in with the community of maple island to see how the progress is kimt news three first at four starts right now.////// good afternoon and thank you for joining me for kimt news three first at four.

I'm katie lange.///// breaking news we start this afternoon with breaking news?

*- attorney general keith ellison is elevating the charges against former minneapolis police officer derick chauvin to second degree murder.

And the three other officers on scene as chauvin held his knee to floyd's neck... are now being charged with aiding and abetting murder.

I filed an amended complaint that charges derek chauvin with murder in the second degree.

The evidence supports stronger charge of second degree murder.

George floyd's family and attorney ben crump are visiting the site of floyd's death today.

A memorial service will take place tomorrow in minneapolis and floyd's 6?

"* year?

"*old daugh gianna, and her mother will be there.

Floyd's family and attorney we must have equal justice for the united states of america.... and change coming up in about 30 minutes we'll hear from george floyd's son.

He spent time at the site of his father's memorial today.

Miles away from the floyd memorial, a handful of people are looking to make their voices heard.

This small group linked arms outside the olmsted county government center just hours ago.

Those participating joined together over the noon hour to show unity during this time of protests.

It's an opportunity to display a common ground despite turmoil in minneapolis and across the united states.

"i'm just hoping that the death of not only mr. floyd, but all black men that are being murdered out here.

We all just need to get it together, reform a whole lot of acts and just come together and do the right thing about black people."

The organizer of the event says she's hoping today will inspire individuals to try and make a difference.

Governor walz signs an executuve order?


"* extendi the temporary nighttime minneapolis and saint paul curfew through friday morning.

Walz says he signed this order to provide safety for minnesota residents from individuals who have engaged in unlawful and dangerous activity in recent days and threatened the security of lawful demonstrator s and first responders.

The temporary curfew is extended from 10 at night to 4 in the morning, beginning tonight, through the morning of friday, june 5th.

During the curfew, no one is allowed to travel on minneapolis and saint paul streets or public places, except for first responders, members of the media, people going back and forth to work, individuals seeking emergency care or fleeing danger, and people stormteam 3 i'm joined now by kimt stormteam three chief meteorologist chris nelson ?

"* in the storm team 3 forecast center.

Chris what are you tracking for the rest of the week?

Today: mostly sunny highs: mid 80s winds: nnw 5?

"*10 mph tonight: mostly clear lows: low 60s winds: nw 5 mph thursday: mostly sunny, pm isolated showers & storms highs: upper 80s winds: nsw 5?

"*10 mph residents in parts of our area are cleaning up damage from last night's storms. live kimt news 3's alex jirgens is live in freeborn county.

Alex ?

"* hw is the cleanup amy?

"* (explain where you are please.... city, county.... ) coming into town and getting off highway 251 here ?

"* you my notice residents working in the sweltering heat cleaning up that damage that rolled through this tiny community.

The storms left behind massive tree limbs down ?

"* even uprooting full sized ?

"* just ripping them out of the ground.

Some roads were blocked off because of the downed trees ?

"* with power lines being clipped.

Kelly dreher and her family were at home at the time of the storm ?

"* seeing the weather deteriorate rapidly ?

"* and had to act "we heard and saw hail and saw leaves flying, it got to the point where you couldn't see outside, we went downstairs, lasted maybe 5 minutes.

All you heard what i thought sounded like a train, then we came outside, and saw all the damage."

So far ?

"* the nation weather service has not yet confirmed if the damage resulted from a tornado.

They will be surveying the area to see if there is enough evidence to warrant it.

Live in ... thank you alex.

Checking power outages ?

"* there are still 16 customers without power according to freeborn mower co?


Most of those outages are in newry township./// chanting justice for george floyd is being demanded nationwide.

We'll take you across the country to show you how demonstrator s are making their voice plus?


"* the pope is speaki out about floyd's death.

His message for all of us.///// coronavirus as more businesses reopen in minnesota and iowa?

"* we're still seeing an increase of coronavirus cases across our area.

Let's take a look at the total number of cases in your county.

There are now 654 cases in olmsted county 130 in freeborn 366 in mower in north iowa?


"* iowa health offici are reporting 29 cases in cerro gordo county 11 in winnebago 19 in floyd county and 16 in hancock.

Now let's take a look at the bigger picture.

Minnesota health officials are confirming 372 new cases?

"* raising the statewide total to 25?

"* thousand?


They al say 14 more minnesotans have died from the virus.

This brings the statewide death toll to 1?



In iowa?


"* health officials r 60 new cases?

"*bringing the statewide total to 20?

"* thousand?

"*10 there are now "we have the most diverse and representative congress in the history of congress and we should act like it."

Peaceful protesters take to the streets for yet another day ?

"* demanding justice.

Chanting "george floyd" as public demonstration s continue in the u?

"*s, people all around the world are organizing protests and offering words of solidarity.

We'll take you to london for this black lives matter protest.

Your full stormteam 3 forecast is coming up next.

Kimt stormteam three chief meteorologist chris nelson joins me now.

Chris what are you tracking?

A much calmer wednesday is here for us; complete with sunny skies, calm winds, and no threats for any severe weather (or any rain at that!).

Temperatures will top off back in the middle 80s this wednesday, which is still well above the average but lower than tuesday's 90s.

Warmth and humidity will remain in play, but dew points have also fallen into the 60s thanks to drier winds coming in from the northwest.

Plan for clear skies tonight with temps lingering in the low 60s.

Thursday brings back more sunshine, slightly warmer temps, and another chance for severity.

Most of the area is currently sitting in a marginal risk for severe weather (1 of 5 chance) for thursday evening and night.

Isolated storms will continue into friday morning before moving out and bringing back more sunshine to finish off the work week.

Saturday remains sunny with our next chance for showers and a few storms returning on sunday.

Tuesday will be another day to watch out for as a higher chance for showers and storms looks to return.

Today: mostly sunny highs: mid 80s winds: nnw 5?

"*10 mph tonight: mostly clear lows: low 60s winds: nw 5 mph thursday: mostly sunny, pm isolated showers & storms highs: upper 80s winds: nsw 5?

"*10 as protests continue to sweep the nation& new charges are announced against the former police officers involved in the arrest of george floyd.

Skyler henry has the latest from minneapolis.

< the crowd let out a cheer& nats&.

Hearing that former police officer derek chauvin is now facing second degree murder charges in the death of george floyd.

The three other officers involved in floyd's arrest are also now charged.

The news came just hours after floyd's son arrived at the spot where his 46 year old father died & and knelt in prayer.

(quincy mason/george floyd's son) (from wcco channel 5 record) 15:49 i appreciate everyone showing some support and love.

I thank you all for that former nba player royce white has emerged as one of the city's protest leaders.

15:54:03 ?

"* 16:12:29 royce: there's going to be a day where george floyd's children decide to watch the video of that cop kneeling on his neck and if you can imagine that moment then there's no way that you shouldn't take to the streets."

In seattle, peaceful protests took a turn last night when demonstrator s clashed with police.

Nats tear gas firing but in california& most recent demonstration s were mostly peaceful.

Tue0345 chanting black lives matter..

Wed0046 in new york& protesters defied the 8 p?

"*m curfew, but the mayor says the city did not see the widespread looting and vandalism from previous nights.

Wed0130 1:02 overwhelmingl y it was a very different reality in new york city last night (bridge) the minneapolis police department is now under investigation for patterns of discrimination but activists say that does not give them solace.

10:42:06 ?

"* 11:05:14 q: why is that?

A: i don't trust the state.

I don't trust people to george floyd will be buried next week in his hometown of houston, texas.

Boxing great floyd mayweather has reportedly offered to cover the funeral expenses.

Pope francis is calling the death of george floyd at the hands of a minneapolis police officer "tragic."

He also says he's praying for him and ?

"*?*- quote ?


"* "all those othe have lost their lives as a result of the sin of racism."

The pope addressed floyd's death during his weekly prayer at the vatican today?


"* af an eighth night of protests across the u?


He also said we cannot turn a blind eye to racism, and yet we must recognize the zipping around the med city on the president and defense secretary are at odds about using active duty troops amid protests.

I'm natalie brand with the pentagon chief's comments on use of military forces and racism in america.

Tens of thousands of people chanting "no justice, no peace, no racist police" and "black lives matter" gathered in central london today to protest against racism after the death of george floyd in minneapolis.

Chanting in london's hyde park, many of the protesters wore face masks and were dressed in red.

Some protesters waved banners with slogans such as: "the uk is not innocent: less racist is still racist", "racism is a global issue" and "if you aren't angry you aren't paying george (floyd) isn't just a black man, he could be your friend, he could be your brother, he could be your dad, he could be your son.

Forget about the colour of skin that he was wrapped in and tap into your humanity, tap into that, and understand that if this could happen to him, it could happen to anybody.

That is what i hope happens here today, i hope there is a common thread between us all, a unified common thread between us all today british police chiefs say they were appalled by the way floyd lost his life and by the violence which followed in u?

"*s cities.

They called on potential protesters in the united kingdom to work with police as coronavirus restrictions remain in place.

Heightened security and peaceful demonstrator s mark the scene in the nation's capital following floyd's death.

Meanwhile, a top white house official is adding his voice to cries across the country against racial injustice.

Natalie brand is at the white house with more.

< (nats ?

"* protesters marching through dc today, wusa) "no justice, no peace.

No justice, no peace."

(track 1) a now familiar rallying cry?

"*as peaceful protesters once again took to the streets in washington dc.... (mos sot ?

"* nandi taylor/protest er) "we're standing together.

We're taking care of each other.

(cheers) we will be here until there's justice."

(track 2 ) on capitol hill, a heightened security presence stood by, as the demonstrator s staged a momentary quiet lie?

"*in militarized police and the national guard have poured into washington, over the past few days and active duty troops are also on standby.

President trump defended his law and order posture in an interview with fox news radio.

(sot ?

"* voice of president donald trump) "maybe it doesn't sound good to say it, but you have to have a dominant force.

We need law and order."

(standup: natalie brand/cbs news/the white house) "cbs has confirmed that president trump and top aides were not happy with new comments from defense secretary mark esper.

He said he would ?


"( support us the insurrection act?

"* to use active duty troops to quell the unrest."

(sot ?

"* mark esper/secretar y of defense) "the option to use active duty forces in a law enforcement role should only be used as a matter of last resort, and only in the most urgent and dire situations.

We are not in one of those situations now."

(track 4 ) the defense secretary also took the unusual step of weighing in on the killing of george floyd?


"*and racial injusti (sot ?

"* mark esper/secretar y of defense) "racism is real in america, and we must all do our very best to recognize it, to confront it, and to eradicate it."

(track 5) massachusetts congresswoma n ayanna pressley introduced a resolution in the house to denounce "police brutality, racial profiling, and excessive force."

(sot ?

"* rep ayanna pressley/(d) massachusetts /cbs this morning) "we have the most diverse and representative congress in the history of the congress.

And we should act like it.

And in this moment, congress should act like the voice of our nation."

(track 6) it's a conversation once again elevated in the federal lawmakers are planning to hold hearings on police use of force, later federal lawmakers are planning to hold hearings on police use of force, later this month.

Following the defense secretary's comments on the insurrection act, the white house press secretary told reporters only the president has the authority to use it.

Happening right now ?

"* former president barack obama is holding a virtual town hall event.

Take a look... obama is discussing with young people policing and the civil unrest that has followed the killing of george floyd.

Aides say obama is calling for turning the protests over floyd's death into policy change and he is urging specific reforms to ensure safer policing and increased trust between communities and law enforcement./// we are demanding justice.

George floyd's family is demanding justice.

We're share floyd's?


"*son's message wi did you know you're living in one of the safest states in the country right now?

I'm kimt news three's jessica bringe live how minnesota earned that title.

Heat and severe weather come back in your forecast next george floyd's family and attorney ben crump are visiting the site of floyd's death today.

Floyd's family and attorney are pushing for justice while mourning their loss.

Floyd's son quincy mason says no one should be without their father and that him and his family everyone in my family is trying to get justice for my father.

And no man or woman should be without their fathers.

And we want justice for what's going on right now.

I appreciate everyone's joint support and love.

Thank you all for that.

A memorial service for george floyd will take place tomorrow in minneapolis and floyd's 6?

"* year?

"*old daughter, gianna, ad her c?


"*n corresponden t omar jimenez was arrested by minnesota state patrol on live t?

"*v friday morning.

If you don't remember?

"*take a look at this.

Why am i being arrested sir?

Jimenez was reporting from the scene of protests in minneapolis when he was taken into police custody.

During the live report, jimenez fully cooperated with authorities and offered to move if he was standing in the wrong area.

Despite having press credentials, jimenez, his producer and photographer were all detained.



"*n had a white correspondent , josh campbell, reporting live from a block away?


"* he was not arrested.

Minnesota governor tim walz apologized to c?

"*n?*n president jeff zucker friday morning.

Governor walz called the arrest totally unacceptable ?


"* ?

"* add takes took full responsibility for the thank you for the professionalis m, thank you for understanding and i'm deeply sorry, and you can know that we've made other mistakes on this as far as making sure that you have access but protocols and everything else as we're learning have to change because we have to create this base for you to tell the story omar jimenez and his crew were released after about an hour in custody.

We're expecting to hear from governor walz tonight in about a half hour.

There's no doubt there is a lot of unrest in minnesota right now following the death of george floyd at the hands of police so a new study may surprise you.

Minnesota is now ranked the third overall safest state in america according to wallethub.

Kimt new three's jessica bringe joins us live from highway 52 with how we snagged the ranking.


Live amy?

"* one of main reasons the land of ten?

"* thousand lakes has been ranked top three across the nation is fo r our driving on highways like 52.

Wallethub's study scored minnesota's number three for road safety.

Other factors included coronavirus support and unemployment.

One of the highest rankings was for workplace safety..

We took the top spot across the nation for that..

And we also scored number 21 for emergency preparedness which mayor kim norton says that's shown during the coronavirus pandemic and response to riots throughout the state.


Norton says more needs to be done to make sure every minnesotan feels safe.

<i think what's just happened has demonstrated it in a way that while we can be proud overall we definitely have to address the populations that don't feel safe and why don't they and what can we do to change that.> minnesota also made the list of lowest amount of uninsured population at number four across the united states.

Live in rochester?

"* jessica bringe kimt news 3 iowa also made the top ten rankings..

Getting a safety ranking of six across the nation.

The state was right behind minnesota for road safety receiving a score of four.

Stormteam 3 i'm joined now by kimt stormteam three chief meteorologist chris nelson.

Chris what are you tracking for the rest of the week?/// today: mostly sunny highs: mid 80s winds: nnw 5?

"*10 mph tonight: mostly clear lows: low 60s winds: nw 5 mph thursday: mostly sunny, pm isolated showers & storms highs: upper 80s as we continue to spend time at home?

"* why not add to the family?

How you can safely adopt a furry friend.

I'm tom hanson in new york ?

"* why officials think tear gas used on protesters is not helping in the battle against coronavirus.

Pet of the week every wednesday right here on kimt news three first at four ?

"* we introduce you to a coupe of the hundreds of animals in our area in need of homes.

But as we navigate the coronavirus pandemic ?

"* we're doing pet of the week a little bit differently.

As we practice social distancing ?

"* sybil soukup from the humane society of north iowa will ?

"(not be joining us in studio.

Instead ?

"* amy is going to introduce s to our first pet?

Hi thanks katie?

"* let's take a look at our first pet of the week.

This is ari!

She loves giving people big bear hugs and showing them her brightest smile.

Ari would like to be the only pet in your home because she loves so much doesn't like to share.

She didn't have the best life previous to her stay the humane society of north iowa.

Ari would appreciate experienced owners without small children, who can show her how good life can be.

Ari loves to play fetch with balls and she's great at catch.

She's a very smart girl and a great listener too.

If you're interested in adopting ari?

"* reach out to the humane society of north iowa.

The number is here on your screen.

Even though the humane society of north iowa is closed to the public because of covid?

"* nineteen ?

"* they are processig adoptions through appointments.

If you are interested in adopting you're encouraged to submit an application on their website.

Thanks amy?

"* we'd also like to introduce you to this sweet girl.

Her name is angel.

Angel came to the mower county humane society when her owner passed away.

She is a very sweet?

"*minded girl who has a pretty laid back attitude.

Angel lived with 3 other cats at her previous home, so she does well with other pets.

Currently ?

"* the mower county humane society doesn't have public adoption hours but they are accepting appointments for adoptions.

If you're interested in adopting angel you can download and submit an application online.

Their website information is here on your screen.

We are really trying to work with each of the mayors to expand testing availability as demonstators protest and states reopen our country is seeing a spike in cases.

What this means for our future./// tyson foods takes another hit.

Find out how many employees tested positive for covid?

"*19.//// when the cool down hits is next kimt stormteam three chief meterologist chris nelson joins me now.

Chris will the 80s stick around for the rest of the week?

A much calmer more parts of the country are cautiously opening up today as the number of coronavirus cases are on the rise in about half of the states.

Over 106?

*- thousand people have now died from the virus.

And health officials are warning of a new covid concern for protestors who are targeted with tear gas.

Tom hanson reports.

Of a covid?

"*19 vaccine by early net year.

But he warns that vaccine will likely be limited in how long it can protect people.

(sot: dr. anthony fauci/white house coronavirus task force) "when you look at the history of coronaviruses // the reports in the literature are that the durability of immunity that's protective ranges from three to six months to almost always less than a year.

That's not a lot of durability and protection."

(standup bridge: tom hanson/cbs news/new york city) "health experts remain concerned that protests over the death of george floyd, like ones we've had here in new york city, can become breeding grounds for the coronavirus to spread."

Oklahoma state linebacker amen ogbongbemiga tweeted tuesday night he tested positive for covid after attending a protest in tulsa.

And tampa's police chief says as many as 5 of his officers were exposed to an infected protestor earlier this week.

(nats of tear gas being fired) health experts are also concerned about the effects of tear gas that law enforcement authorities are using to disperse protest crowds.

Tear gas can incite coughing and the c?


"*c warns it can ca breathing problems such as asthma.

(sot: dr. deborah birx/white house coronavirus task force) "and so we are really trying to work with each of the mayors to expand testing availability over the next week or two."

The protests have shut down some testing sites in payroll company a?


"*p is reporting the country lost nearly 3?

"* million jobs last month.

There's another outbreak of coronavirus in the midwest, this time at a tyson foods plant in iowa.

591 employees at the storm lake pork facility have tested positive for covid?



"*fourt the employees did not show any symptoms of coronavirus before testing.

Tyson says employees with the virus will receive paid leave until they are no longer contagious.

The facility has more than 23?

"* hundred employees.

It has undergone a deep cleaning and is expected to resume limited production on wednesday.

Tyson says they will also disclose test results for its other plants to help prevent the the dorothy day homeless shelter needs your help.

Coming up on kimt news three at five?


"* find out what t are in desperate need of and how you can help.

"and with us serving more meals in the last few months we have we have more meals that we need to supplement relief is on the way for rochester families struggling right now.

We have the details on a fundraiser a rochester man is facing riot charges for his alleged involvement in the riots following the death of george floyd.

Police say 24?

"* year?*d junior smith was found with three others in an area where structures got burned... businesses were looted and assaults took place.

Kimt news 3's isabella basco is giving us an update on what could come next.


Well... the case against junior smith will happen in hennepin county since he was arrested there.

Hennepin county authorities are charging smith?

"*saying he was armed with a dangerous weapon... had a backpack with a hammer and spray paint... and was out way after curfew.

Olmsted county attorney mark ostrem says this case is unique in the way it came about since emotions are running high across the country.

He understands the need for protesting.

People need to shout... cry and express themselves.

But in the case of junior smith... ostrem says it wasn't the "it's one thing to be out there protesting and expressing yourself.

It's a whole other thing to be doing it with a gun.

There's where the charge came.

In fact, all three of the folks are charged with the fact that mr. smith had a gun.

I did talk to junior smith's mom.

She declined to go on camera but says he is bailed out... he's still in the twin cities and is trying to get a hold of his car.

Live in rochester ib kimt news 3.

Thanks isabella.

Smith's first appearance is set for early august.

His mother tells kimt news 3 they are looking into getting him an attorney.

Coronavirus right now people are having to make the tough decision between paying their rent or buying groceries for their family.

Programs like meals on wheels are being heavily utilized and stretched to the make in places like olmsted county.

Relief is on the way... this weekend family service rochester is hosting a virtual fundraiser to help lessen the burden.

Kimt news three's maleeha kamal has the details.

Look live: this weekend this virtual fundraiser for meals on wheels will be taking place.

These are images of some of the meals that are delivered daily.

Due to the covid?

"*19 pandemic the demand for meals on wheels has doubled.

Brenda chilman with family service rochester says two things are contributing to the increase... new family's are signing up weekly and existing clients that usually ordered one meal a day are now needing additional meals.

Chilman says this fundraiser is vital to help them move forward in filling the growing need.

"the funds we raise from denim and diamond are used to cover the cost of the meals meaning we serve meals to anyone that has a need regardless their ability to pay for the meal.

Most people need some help paying for their meal and so we supplement that with what we raise in the fundraiser.

Look live: the event is taking place june 5th and 6th.

For more information on how you can help.

I will have this is the second annual event.

Meals on wheels serves meals seven days of week to anyone regardless of age or income.

The f?


"*a has approved de

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