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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Rachel Lindsay discusses her interracial marriage and what she will teach her children

Credit: Page Six
Duration: 04:30s 0 shares 1 views

Rachel Lindsay discusses her interracial marriage and what she will teach her children
Rachel Lindsay discusses her interracial marriage and what she will teach her children

Former "Bachelorette" Rachel Lindsay shared her experiences dealing with racism in America, her thoughts on Hannah Brown's apology and more.

What are some of the conversationsthat maybe you guys are having at homebecause you guys are nearingyour one year wedding anniversary.And so, the potential, obviously,of hopefully expanding a family.I don't know if that's in the plans for you guys or not,but do you have those conversationsabout what it would be like to raise biracial children,especially in Americaand everything that's going on right now?Absolutely, I talk about it all the timebecause I told Brian, I said,"Listen, we're in an interracial relationship"and our children are going to be biracial."We don't know what they'll look like,"but at the end of the day,"they're gonna be seen as black."It doesn't matter."They're going to be looked at as black children."And so, the issues that are happening right now"can directly affect our children"because they will be black."And so, we have those conversations about,and we're on the same page with it all.I'm very, I had these conversationsbefore any of this happenedbecause it was very important to meand I knew that we would wanna grow a family together.And so, I needed to know where he stood on certain issues.So, for us, it's just all about educating themwho they are.They'll be half black, half Columbianand we want them to be equally educatedin both of those cultures,and to understand who they are in the world.And I think that it's all about education.If I had a child right now,I would have them sitting and watchingwhat's happening on the news,to see the good in the protestsand to see the wrong in the looting.I would want to educate them on what to dowhen you're stopped, when you're pulled over,what are their rights.I think all of that you need to equip and armblack children at this point with knowledgebecause they are upset, they are angry, they are confused.There's no unified leader.We don't have an MLK right now,and the leaders have become influencers,celebrities, people with platforms.That's who these children are turning to.And so, it's all about what messageare we sending out to them.And so, I think that it's important to arm yourselfwith education so you know how to move forwardin these crazy times.What is your advice for peoplethat really wanna be an ally?I've seen a lot of times on social mediathis quote by Desmond Tutu floating aroundthat if you're neutral in situations of injustice,you have chosen the side of the oppressor.Do you believe that, and again,what's some advice that you can give to peoplethat wanna be that ally?I 100% believe in Desmond Tutu's quote.It's one or the other at this point.You can't be neutral because of what is happening right now.Neutral is how we got here.It's not people running around with their hoods onor confederate flags framed at their homes.It's not that, it's the people who have watchedwhat has happened and stayed silentbecause it didn't directly affect them,and that's the call to action here.That's what you see happening on social media.People are saying, "I do see you, I do hear you."Okay, now what action are you going to take?I do have to check myselfand realize that not everybody's actionis being vocal in the way that I am.There's so many different ways that you can take action.You don't have to use your platform to be giving speeches.That might not be comfortable for youand I understand that.So, there are ways by posting,by letting people know you're aware,by sharing your own storyof maybe how you were ignorant before,how you did choose to be silentbecause of whatever reason.You were scared, you didn't know, you chose to ignore it.And then I think donating to these causes.Okay, maybe you don't know how to use your voice,but donate to a cause that does.Maybe volunteering your time.I know the Grassroots Law organizationis all about making phone calls,volunteering just to make phone calls,to spread awareness.Maybe reading a script, posting.I think also, if you are comfortable speaking out,doing what I'm doing.Protesting, marching,calling in and checking on your friends of colorand asking how you can help.And then, just educating yourself as well.There's so many great documentaries that are out there.There are great books that are out there.I think now what we're seeingis that people are actually aware, but it can't stop there.Okay, you're aware and we have your attention, great.So now, how are you going to act on that awarenessthat you have?That's what'll be really telling to see what happensfrom here on out.

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