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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Rachel Lindsay discusses Gabrielle Union's tweet about Black Lives Matter

Credit: Page Six
Duration: 02:23s 0 shares 1 views

Rachel Lindsay discusses Gabrielle Union's tweet about Black Lives Matter
Rachel Lindsay discusses Gabrielle Union's tweet about Black Lives Matter

Former "Bachelorette" Rachel Lindsay shared her experiences dealing with racism in America, her thoughts on Hannah Brown's apology and more.

I wanna get your take on something that Gabrielle Union,actually, speaking of the timeliness of all these topics.She brought to light, Gabrielle Union,the fact that women, black women,sometimes their police brutality casesare not spotlighted as muchand I don't wanna get this wrong,so I wanna read the tweet.It's "Breonna Taylor's murderer is still free."Sandra Bland's murderer is still free."Pamela Turner's murderer is still free."Korryn Gaines' murderer is still free."Deborah Danner's murderer is still free."Black women's lives matter and are worthy of justice."#BlackLivesMatter."So I wanted to bring this tweet up to youbecause as a black woman, I think it's importantto kinda get your perspective onwhy do you think that black women's casesmaybe aren't at the forefront of these protestsa lot of times and as we see,the injustice isn't served many times in those cases.Yeah, it's hard to say.Well, I'll say this.We have a social cast system in this societyand there's one in every societyand if you're putting people from the top to the bottom,black women are gonna be towards the bottom,if not the bottom.Black men are even deemed more higher than black womenand so I think that that points directly to whythese cases aren't brought to life,because the reason black lives matter is the statementis because we're trying to say "Our lives matter,"please value us, value our lives."So if our lives aren't being valued,or if there's this cast system and we're at the bottom,then that's why we're not getting the certain attentionthat we need, that Gabrielle Union is pointing out.I mean, the Breonna Taylor thing,which happened most recently is absolutely ridiculousbecause of how it transpired.The cops haven't been arrested in that situationand it's almost been very overshadowedbecause it fell in between the news with Ahmaud Arberyand then George Floydand I have to find myself continuing to remind people,"Don't forget about Breonna Taylor."There were two protests, actually, here is Miami,I participated in one, but one of them had a flyer,the one I didn't go to and they listed namesand they didn't put Breonna Taylor and so I think,and I'm sure it was an oversight, but that is the point.Yeah.You're not seeing us.It is constantly this oversight when it comesto the social injustices towards black women.

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