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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

EPD Training

Credit: WEVV
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EPD Training
EPD Training
EPD Training

New tonight at 6 --- changes to policing policies could be coming to a department near you-- 44news is taking a closer look at the*impact of law enforcement training in south-western indiana.

Tonight-- we are giving the tri- state -an exclusive view into the training class- room.

Where the next round of police recruits are preparing to enter what's expecting to be a changing world of policing police training-- coming into sharper focus.... "interact the person at the gas station, they are going to be your eyes and ears--" here at the southwest indiana law enforcement training academy "they learn criminal law..."

The next generation of evansville police officers--is getting ready..

1:44-1:47 "this particular group was hired about 3 weeks ago."

This class going into session just last week-- they are practicing social distancing here-- these are sworn officers-- but they must complete this training before their first day on duty 2:20-2:24 they learn about active shooter incidents they learn about domestic violence... and more than that-- instructors say-- a sense of doing what's right-- "duty,honor, sacrifice i kind of talked to you guys about integrity your name is going to be on that uniform..."

And making the right call when another officer-- is not- 26-30 "i think you err on the side of caution we gotta take care of that bad apple and deal with it.."

Stand up those officers there in the classroom are just in the first step of many levels of training-- at one point, there will be a class on how to handle testifying in court-- taught by an instructor from the vanderburgh county prosecutor's office...."

2:26-2:32 "it's a pretty well rounded curriculum-- most of it is set by the state."

Calls for racial equality continue growing-- it's an issue the academy touches on-- the signs are obvious-- as demonstrators are calling for better training-- especially when it comes repairing relationships between minority communities and the officers they interact with... the question remains-- will curriculum be updated to reflect those calls for change?

4:02-4:17- we constantly re- evaluate our program-- there might be policy the chief is talking about or the law enforcement training board-- but i'm not involved in those discussions."

For any updates or changes to what's being taught in the academy-- those would need to be mandated by the state's the law enforcement training board-- an agency that includes vanderburgh county sheriff dave wedding.

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