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Tuesday, 16 July 2024

President Trump pledges that Wisconsinites will receive another round of stimulus checks

Credit: TODAY’S TMJ4
Duration: 02:02s 0 shares 1 views

President Trump pledges that Wisconsinites will receive another round of stimulus checks
President Trump pledges that Wisconsinites will receive another round of stimulus checks

President Donald Trump returns to Wisconsin on Thursday, but today he discusses coronavirus testing and the next round of stimulus checks.


GEORGEHAD AN EXCLUSIVE ONE-ON-ONEAND PRESIDENT TRUMP MADE APLEDGE THAT WISCONSINITESáWILL GET ANOTHER ROUND OFSTIMULUS CHECKS.On Saturday night you saidthat you told your staff toslow the testing down toimprove the numbers.

Does thatmean someone watching thisright now on their local newsis not going to get a testbecause you asked yourstaff... President DonaldTrump We do more testing thanany country in the world byfar 25 million tests.

Othercountries do one million.

Every time you do a test as youdo more tests it shows moreand more cases.

So we're sofar advanced both in terms ofthe quality and the amount andwe're doing all these testsand it shows cases if othercountries aren't doing or ifwe did slow it down wewouldn't show nearly as manycases.

Joe St.

George,Reporter But did you ask toslow it down?

President DonaldTrump If it did slow down.Frankly I think we're wayahead of ourselves.

If youwant to know the truth we'vedone too good a job I have alot of viewers in Florida,Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan whoare still strugglingeconomically, sir.

They spentall of that first stimuluscheck.

Are you going to getthem a second stimulus check?President Donald Trump Yeah weare.

We are.

Look we had this.Joe St.

George, Reporter WhenWhen are you going to get it?President Donald Trump We hadthis going better thananybody's ever seen before wehad the best job numbers thebest economics the besteconomy we've ever had.

Andthen we had the virus come infrom China and now we'rerebuilding it again.

We willbe doing another stimuluspackage it will be very good.It will be very generous and.Joe St.

George, Reporter Howmuch?

How much?

How much?People want to know.

PresidentDonald Trump You'll find outabout it you'll find out.


George, Reporter When areyou going to do it?

When areyou going to announce it?President Donald Trump Uh, Ithink over the next I thinkit's going to be bipartisan.

Ithink it's going to be overthe next couple of weeksprobably.

This morning youtweeted mail in ballots willbe fraudulent.

Any specificevidence.

Where is thespecific evidence that thereis fraud.

There are thousandsof cases all over.


An example all over thecountry you have thousands ofcases.

A friend of mine gets aballot unfortunately passedaway 7 years ago.

He gets aballot for his son to vote.That's one case but there arethousands and thousands ofcases.

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