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Friday, 27 September 2024

Election preparations story at 6p

Credit: WTVQ Lexington, KY
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Election preparations story at 6p
Election preparations story at 6p
Christy Bollinger

The state's primary election is tomorrow...after a coronavirus imposed delay.

And voting, like everything else, is already very different this year.

State and local election officials have urged people to vote by mail, but if you absolutely want to vote in person, you still can ... in fayette county, that happens in just one kroger field... abc 36's christy bollinger talked with voters about what they thought of this election day in tonight's top story at six.

"final election day preparations are underway here at kroger field, the county's only polling location due to the coronvirus.

The county clerk expects a manageable crowd tuesday and that's due to the record number of absentee ballots they've received."

"it's strange i would prefer to just run around the corner to our local clubhouse and vote."

Voters i spoke with were split..

On what they thought of mail in ballots.

"never done an absentee ballot before.

So what did you think of that?

I mean under the circumstances it seemed like the right thing to do."

"i'm still a little alarmed at dropping off my vote in a box and not knowing where it goes afterwards."

A drop off box set up at kroger field, saw dozens of voters monday.

Fayette county clerk don blevins calls the voter turnout, so far..

Historic... with over 92,000 requests for absentee ballots..

And more than 50,000 already returned.

"even without voting tomorrow, we already voted, the turnout percentage is higher than all of the presidential primaries since 2000.

So for twenty years we've already set the record."

One voter thinks it would've been a high turnout anyway.

"there's a lot of emotions riding on this election so it doesn't surprise me one way or the other, it probably would've been a fairly high turnout."

As far as safety concerns go..

The clerk's office says it doesn't have any.

Barriers have been set up inside the stadium, with ground markings to help keep people six feet apart.

Everyone inside is required to wear a mask.

"i hope that we don't have crazy level of turnout tomorrow.

That would not be a fun day for anybody, voters or otherwise, or the election officers."

He says the office has tried hard to deter people from voting in-person.

It's worked for some.

"with the situation i figured it was better to do it this way as opposed to standing out in a crowd."

Voting here begins at 6 a-m.

Ballots must be mailed in before midnight wednesday.

In lexington, christy bollinger, abc 36 news.

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