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Midmorning With Aundrea - June 25, 2020 (Part 1)

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Midmorning With Aundrea - June 25, 2020 (Part 1)
Midmorning With Aundrea - June 25, 2020 (Part 1)

Now that employers have seen that working from home during the pandemic has cost-cutting benefits, will many workers find themselves doing it permanently?

And Christine Lahti stars in a new play about feminist icon and former CIA agent Gloria Steinem.

And battle-scarred veterans are turning to the healing power of music.

See you tomorrow.

2 af after months of working from home, many americans may be waiting for the phone call - to return to the office.

But for companies seeing the benefits of a remote workforce, there's no great hurry.

Michael george reports, that could mean a permanent shift in the way we work.

As executive director of catholic guardian services, craig longley manages a staff of more than 700 workers.

But these days, he's all alone.

Here i am& alone in all this office space the non profit serves new york's at risk communities.

But with the majority of his staff now working remotely, longley decided to give up most of his office space and make the change permanent.

19:51 the feedback so far has been very very positive.

They will miss the day to day contact but we can find ways of doing that sharon torres works in the human resources department.

She hopes the shift will help people focus on what's important.

10:35 our kids, our pets, our parents, our friends, having activities we had to skip before because of the commute from the city home it's a trend likely to continue well into the future.

In a poll of human resource executives 77- percent expect the number of employees working primarily from home will =increase= after the pandemic subsides.

Twitter and facebook have both said they're on board.

3:10 i think that it's quite possible that over the next five to 10 years, about 50 percent of our people could be working remotely here in new york, some of the city's biggest commercial tenants, including banks, research firms, and real estate companies, are considering a smaller footprint that change will affect the micro economies that cater to office workers, like transportation systems, restaurants, and dry cleaners.

And for some workers, it will prolong the sense of isolation.

20:19 we're telling our managers don't forget the human side of your direct report.

Ask them how their day is going.

Build in all that caring contact you would normally do longley knows he's on the leading edge of change..

And that it may permanently transform the way americans balance home life and work.

Mg, cbs news, new york while some people continue to work from the kitchen table, other businesses and stores are open.

That means people are hitting the road more and that's leading to higher prices at the pump.

Chris martinez reports.

Kia scipio says it's costing more to fill up her s-u-v.

"as you started t see things as people are less afraid to go out the gas prices slowly started to creep up."

When the coronavirus pandemic forced millions to stay home demand for gas dropped and so did prices at the pump.

The national average fell to 1.74 a gallon in late april.

In parts of the country you could even find prices under a dollar.

02:08 "it was lik nothing i had seen since i was a kid."

But as the economy opened up gas prices rose..

Jumping more than 35 cents a gallon in the past two months& 00:39 as americans have returned to the road gas prices have gone up simply because demand has started to rebound."

Patrick dehaan from gas buddy says the upward trend will continue.

"if the situatio with coronavirus does improve look for gas prices to spend much of the summer continuing to inch higher."

The good news?: americans are still paying less than they did this time last year.

"every state stil far below last year by an average of 50 to 60 cents a gallon in many cases //we should remain well under last year for at least several weeks if not through the rest of the summer."

But experts admit it's difficult to predict exactly what will happen in the middle of a pandemic that could get better or worse.

Chris martinez, cbs news, los angeles.

Covid-19 has been clipping the wings of local air travelers.

Delta has cut back to just one flight a day into golden triangle regional airport// but there are some changes on the horizon // gtr will be adding an extra flight per day in their schedule starting next month..

Bobby martinez reports on this good news for area travelers// "it's all abou making the traveler feel safe..

Not just aviation safe to where the airplanes are flying safely..

But also health wise.."

Its been a year of adjustments for the airline industry... covid-19 grounded many air travelers and that has led carriers to ground airplanes// sot - mike hainsey - executive director - gtr airport "right now we ar at one flight a day."

But with restrictions lifting in many places hainsey says flight bookings are beginning to átake offá// "now that we'r seeing the passenger loads pick up delta has increased starting the second of july, we would be up to two flights a day.

One in the morning one in the afternoon and a late evening arrival."

Hainsey says the primary focus is making sure everyone remains safe..

"the key here i that we're doing it safely.

And it's all about making sure for the airport making sure that every touch point is clean after every flight and every other hour.

Make sure that people are wearing masks and social distancing just following the cdc guidelines."

And in a time where social distancing is must.... hainsey says gtr has the advantage there// "one of the thing that we are realizing is that flying out of the small airports where there aren't as many crowds is a good way to social distance.

It's just another step towards making your trip safe.

When you come here there's no problem there's lots of room in the terminal it's a small airplane so there's not as many passengers so you're not gonna wait in a huge crowd in line like you would get us some of the other airports."

Hainsey says gtr is continuing to do their best in making sure every passenger experience is not only a good one, but a safe one as well... many pets have gotten used to their owners being home all the time, but all that extra togetherness is changing as lockdown restrictions lift and people return to their workplaces.

There's concern our four-legged friends may experience separation anxiety.

Cbs's naomi ruchim explains the signs owners should look out for - and how to prep your pets for the transition.

11-year-old lizzie and 2-year-old linus have grown accustomed to the lockdown lifestyle: "when i move fro room to room they are shadows and they are on my heels and when i settle in somewhere they'll know this is where we're gonna stay for awhile so they'll plop down wherever they can find a spot."

Their owner john crowe - a psychologist with omaha public schools - has been working from home since march.

He's set to return to his office next month&leaving the dogs on their own.

"i expect maybe few chewed carpet edges, maybe a few chewed pillows here and there!"

A recent survey by rover-dot-com found 58% of pet owners are concerned about their dog experiencing separation anxiety when they go back to work.

"good boy!

Veterinary behaviorist dr. amy pike says it's important to start prepping your pets in advance.

She suggests owners stick to a workday routine&use an area separate from the pet&and practice departures: "you can go on walk by yourself, you can go run errands without your pet.

You know you need to remind them that we do in fact leave the home occasionally."

Experts say it's important to know how to spot potential signs of stress in your pet - which typically start with a change in behavior.

"for cats we ca actually see elimination outside the box, so they might actually poop or pee in your house where they weren't doing that normally."

Dogs may experience -panting -pacing -whining -scratching at the door -chewing or clawing items -potty accidents pike recommends using a pet camera to monitor behavior...and consider hiring a dog walker to break up the day.

And experts say remember to enjoy the time you ádo have with your pets - it can lower your stress level, too.

Nancy chen, cbs news, new york.

Giving a reward- oriented toy or food when you leave the house is also a good way to make your departure a positive time in your pet's day.

A little later.

The story of a driving force behind the women's movement.

Right ba mississippi state running back kylin hill is using his social media platform to share his opinions about the state flag of mississippi.

The elite athlete say he may sit out the season if the state flag isn't changed.

The football star has received a lot of push back on social media.

But many coaches teach their athletes the importance of using their platforms and voices to stand up for what they believe in.

That's what coaches tyrone shorter and chase nicholson try to instill in their players.

While being great on the field is a top priority... these men say it's just as important to be great people off the field.... by being positive role models... our quentin smith speaks with area coaches who say life is bigger than sports.

This is a common sight for louisville high school coach tyrone shorter... teaching and coaching athletes on the football field... young athletes..he's trying to help mold into young men.

"it's bigger tha football to us.

I'm not using these guys just to win championships.

I want to see these guys when they leave this program, when they leave louisville high school, to be successful out in the world."

Part of that success comes with teaching the young men to find their own voices in the world, and letting them know the importance of using role as a player on a championship caliber team to promote a better community.

" we want our guy and we are teaching our guys that we want them to see what's going on, but also use their voice in a positive way, not a negative way."

Nat roughly 40 miles north, chase nicholson at starkville academy is preaching a similar message about standing up for your beliefs.

" i think athlete have to be careful with who they are trying to reach out to and make sure that they are in fact leading a generation of people in a positive direction and not in a selfish direction., make sure they are doing it for the betterment of good and not for themselves."

Nicholson says athletes have a duty and responsibility to use the stage they're on to help bring about change.

The football coach says what that "change" is, up to the athletes and their views, but social media brings that message to almost everyone in the world.

"they have a stag that's different and they should use that stage.

You hear so much negativity about different athletes who have used it, who haven't used it, why are you not using it, why are you using it, it's always two sides to this thing.

All you can really do is what you think is best for you and what's best for this cause, and can you use that platform in a positive way."

For more than 50 years, gloria steinem has been fighting for women's equality.

She is recognized around the world for her role in the women's liberation movement.

Now, she's the subject of an off broadway play debuting friday on p-b-s, called "gloria: a life.

It sheds light on her personal struggles, groundbreaking work and her belief sexism and racism are intertwined, making the play as relevant as ever.

Jamie yuccas sat down with steinem, along with christine lahti , the oscar, emmy áandá golden globe- winning actress who plays steinem.

Quick nats - "sisterhood i powerful, we demand equality!"

"gloria: a life features an all- women cast playing both male and female roles&.with christine lahti in the lead.

"if we publis your article saying women are equal human beings, we'll have to publish one right next to it, saying women are not equal, in order to be objective" "you really can' make this stuff up!"

The play pulls back the curtain on steinem's path to outspoken activist&that began in the 1960's.

I no longer accept society's judgement that my group is second class!

The whole point of doing this play was so that people could go to this play and say, "i gloria steinem can do it and change the world, i can do it.

I'm not very conscious of my impact on the world.

//but i fall in love with an idea of//something that could change.

And that is so intoxicating!

Natsot - "like so man women i am living the unlived life of my mother."

Steinem pushed back at the sexist constraints that held her mother back in the 1950's.

The message resonated with lahti.

We both felt that our mothers didn't matter in a way, the way they were treated.

// and it wasn't until the second wave of feminism// that i learned, oh that's all made up, that gender stuff, that race stuff is all make up.

We're taught these social constraints that have nothing to do with reality!

Steinem crusaded for change during the women's liberation movement in the 1970's... she co-founded ms. magazine which tackled taboo subjects like domestic violence and equal opportunities in the workplace.... natsot "sexua harassment isn't even a term then.

It's just called life!"

Steinem has always understood that sexism and racism are intertwined.

In the play, it's revealed that steinem's work was inspired by friendships with african american feminists.

She pays tribute to them on stage.

When you look at the black lives matter movement and see that it started by women.

What do you think about that?

Well, i wish the world knew it.// so i'm both celebrating how far we've come and always saying, "bu did you know?"

H ha.

The second act is what steinem calls a talking the audience shares their stories.

I have to imagine this has elicited many conversation in families that may never have happened if it wasn't for a play like this.

Gloria says there's healing in the telling.// i never reported the casting director who told me the only way i was gonna ever, ever make it was to sleep my way to the top.

And if that were possible, there would be lots more women at the top.

I'm just saying.

Ha yeah.


Ha, i became a feminist in my bones after that experience.

// it's one of those, "i'll show you.

Yo watch."

At 86 years of age, steinem remains one the most famous faces in the women's revolution.

Yet, lahti reveals her humility remained the same.

A lot of times, people come up to gloria and say, weeping, men and women, "you save my life.

You saved my mother's life."

And gloria,says, "no.

You save mine."// we'r always late because she's talking to every single person.

I'm not crazy enough to think that i did this that they're responding to.

I am part of a vast movement that i'm lucky to be recognizable as part of.

I get this reward of listening to their stories.

Jamie yuccas, cbs news, los angeles.

When we come back, how music and lyrics are helping heal veterans.

Mid many military veterans who ácome homeá from their service carry internal wounds that can damage them forever.

Dean reynolds shows how songwriters are helping some of them recover, with the power of music.

From this building in nashville -- and the recording studio inside -- come the sounds of healing.

It's the music of redemption -- words of renewal... from america's traumatized soldiers.

It's called operation song... a joint effort with the veterans administration ... to turn trauma into treatment... and give a voice to those who've suffered in silence...placing them with real songwriters to make their stories heard.

We joined them before the pandemic hit.

: i buried many things.

: you wanna talk about the things you buried?

: no.

Bryan zambiasi was a marine from 1987 to 1993.

After discharge he fell into a deep ... suicidal depression& : i was labeled many different things.

I was highly medicated, you know, many pills every day.

: and that medication worked?

: it made me numb.

I really don't know where to start.


Just start from the beginning i here to write your song.

I am here to wrote your story.

Operation song paired zambiasi with singer songwriter jason sever.

A couple suicide attempts and all that.



It was pretty bad.

Gosh, man//oh, mom in jin just four hours: a song emerged, and a catharsis.

"way down in al my misery..

Going over my regrets" okay?

That hit me... the immediate result of what music does and how powerful it is, is something that is really cool to witness.

So far the stories of more than 800 men and women have been told this way.

I'm sorry.

No it's good .

It's good.

Nats/music and while it's impossible to know if this will have a lasting impact... for one weekend at least... the darkness part and the light breaks through.

: "that makes tw of us."

Dean reynolds, nashville.

Steve hartman misses baseball.

And he's not the only one.


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