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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

KS Gov. appoints commission to tackle race equity, justice

Credit: 41 Action News
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KS Gov. appoints commission to tackle race equity, justice
KS Gov. appoints commission to tackle race equity, justice

Kansas Gov.

Laura Kelly is taking on the topic of race and justice, following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis and protests around the world.

CRITICALLY HURT.GIVING A VOICE TO THOSEWHO WANT TO BE HEARD --IT'S WHAT A NEW KANSASCOMMISSION IS AIMING TODO.41 ACTION NEWSREPORTER JORDAN BETTSSPOKE WITH MEMBERS OFTHE GROUP AND SHARESWHY STUDYING RACIALEQUITY AND JUSTICEACROSS THE STATE ISPART OF THEIR MISSION.Shannon Portillo, AssistantVice Chancellor of AcademicAffairs at the KU EdwardsCampus:03:34 "I think this commissionis a good step forward for thefuture of Kansas."Kansas GOVERNOR LAURAKELLY IS TAKING ON THETOPIC of RACE ANDJUSTICE following the deathof George Floyd and protestsaround the world.Dr. Anthony Lewis,Superintendent for theLawrence School District:01:16 "Our first task will bepolicing in law enforcementthroughout the state, some ofthose practices within eachindividual city.

Ultimately, wewill focus on more systemicissues, systemic racism anddisrupting those systems ofinequity."THIS WEEK, SHEANNOUNCED A NEWCOMMISSION THAT WILLSTUDY RACIAL EQUITY ANDJUSTICE across THE STATE.GOVERNOR KELLY releaseda statement saying..SAs Governor, I amcommitted to ensuring thislatest tragedy does not fadeinto the next news cycle.Communities of color do nothave the luxury of time forleaders to address theseissues."Dr. Anthony Lewis,Superintendent for theLawrence School District:02:00 "There are some thingsthat we need to address todayand there are some things thatwe need to put in place thatwill be in place for individualsthat will come long after us."DR ANTHONY LEWIS IS ONEOF THE 14 PEOPLE ON THISCOMMISSION.HE BELIEVES THEY COULDHELP GIVE A VOICE TOTHOSE WHO WANT TO BEHEARD.Dr. Anthony Lewis,Superintendent for theLawrence School District:04:08 "This is a long termcommitment until 2022.

I amjust looking forward to justgetting to the work of puttingsystems in place, dismantlingsystemic racism."FOR THE NEXT SEVERALMONTHS, the committee willhold LISTENING SESSIONSACROSS THE STATE TOHEAR ABOUT CHANGESKANSANS WANT to LAWENFORCEMENT.Then they will SUBMIT THEIRRECOMMENDATIONS TOTHE GOVERNOR.COMMISSION MEMBERSWANT YOU TO KNOW THEYARE WORKING TO MAKE ADIFFERENCE.Shannon Portillo, AssistantVice Chancellor of AcademicAffairs at the KU EdwardsCampus:02:32 "People who have hadengagements with the justicesystem later in life.

We wantto hear from people who havehad experiences and what wecan learn from them as far asou

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