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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

taylor anchor 10pm a block

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taylor anchor 10pm a block
taylor anchor 10pm a block
taylor anchor 10pm a block

- a temporary funding solution ha- been found for the- department of marine resources- to operate over the - holiday weekend, but the battle- for funding still continues.- news 25's grant chighizola has- local reactions.- - the state department- responsible for everything- marine-related on the coast - continues to face a budget- battle.

- as a result of a legislative- battle over funding and the - start of the new fiscal year on- wednesday, the department of- marine resources temporarily- shut down, bringing - critical resources and- partnerships to a halt.

- sot-moby solangi: president,- imms- "we have a 40-year relationship- with dmr in responding to sick- and injured marine- mammals and turtles, we also do- a lot of work with them in- fisheries and - environmental assesment."

- governor reeves announced in a- tweet today that- temporary funding has been- secured for d-m-r to operate- over the july 4th weekend, but - permanent budget for the- agency still needs to be agreed- upon.

- sot-governor tate reeves- "it's all over a political figh- between the house and the - senate, and i hope- and i pray and i believe that w- will...they will get it resolve- sooner rather - than later."- fifth-generation fisherman ryan- bradley is concerned about- the inability for fishermen to- recieve critical funding if thi- budget battle continues - sot-ryan bradley: fifth - generation fisherman- "we are 2019 bonnet carre - spillway money, we have cares - act money that is pending,- that has to be distributed to - fishermen, and so that's going- to hurt - charter fishermen, it's going t- hurt recreational fishermen,- it's going to - hurt commercial fishermen."

- while things such as the- expiration date for commercial- and charter fishing licenses- have been extended until- july 15th, bradley encourages - his fellow- fishermen to hang in there unti- funding can be permanently- secured.- sot-ryan bradley- "we're going to work hard to- make sure when dmr does get bac- up and going- that they timely work on gettin- the funds distributed out to th- people who need - them.

" - and d-m-r partners like the - institute for marine mammal - studies stress the importance o- the agency's continued work - on the coast.

- sot-dr. moby solangi- "it's a critical agency for the- gulf coast and managing our - marine resources, so we hope- that all these issues will be - taken care of as soon as- possible."- in gulfport, grant chighizola,- news 25.- - - - - governor reeves signed an anima- cruelty bill into law in an - effort to protect cats and dogs- and to increase - penalties for abuse.- now, each act of cruelty or - abuse that is committed against- more- than one animal will count as a- separate offense.

- the charge will count as a- felony, the fines willnow be- doubled, and there will be- prison time added as well as- psychological counseling for th- individual.

As an added - measure they will no longer be- able to own or reside in a- home with pets for a number of- years.- if a person is convicted of an- aggravated cruelty felony,- they will also be put on a fbi- watch list.

- mississippi citizens against- animal cruelty ia the group tha- pushed for this new dog and cat- protection law.

- - the state of mississippi is - officially ending prohibition.- new legislation signed by gov.- tate reeves allows- possession of alcohol in all of- mississippi's 82 counties.

It - will- go into effect on jan.

1, 2021.- the current law stipulates that- every county in mississippi is - dry county.

However, local- governments can hold- elections where residents can - vote to allow spirits if they - want.

- the new law will allow counties- to do the opposite.

All - counties will automatically be- wet, but residents can- vote to be dry.

There are 29 dr- counties in the mississippi now- - gov.

Tate reeves has signed a - law banning abortion based on - the - race, sex or genetic anomalies- of a fetus.

- it adds new limits in a state - that already has some of the- strictest abortion laws in the- u.s. supporters say - the new law would prevent - abortion for down syndrome- or other conditions.- opponents say it interferes wit- private medical decisions in a- state with one abortion clinic.- an abortion-rights group says - nine states ban abortion- because of the sex of the fetus- two ban it because of race- and two ban it because of - genetic anomaly.- - - - - now, here's meteorologist ryan- mahan, with a quick look at - your weather.

- - script- - - - feel like ... wxxv >> every day is almost th same forecast ... , with a few notable exceptions today we ended up giving our first ... row of showers and storms are moving through about ... earlier than the day before ... that help cool the software still seeing some about the ... what is going to mrs. well off towards west is for storm reports today ... still have one lightning strike.

They're just right along.

I tend ... and westerners ... and details on that ... of that is not someone from yesterday that will further inland ... .

As rent goes ... , it's pretty spotless in trace amounts of ... much of the ... south mississippi area ... of most of the day ... 3 inches of the last six hours off in hancock county switches ... prince edward work ... .

What doesn't.

We were ... especially ... , it's still pretty warm and humid out there but it's all 75 expect this ... warm-ups were low of 77 ... as we head toward sunrise.

The stray shower still possible ... morally tomorrow ... because ... reported a slight ride ... and if you plan on heading to any of the coast ... this weekend you're at now ... wired to where announced ... to begin commission is requirin nasa ... that all 12 casinos on the coast ... and throughout the ... date ... commission release ... the letter this afternoons ... ."

... based on guidance from the ... date help officer ... and in order to help reduce ... the spread of cove 19 ... .

All persons in indoor public areas of the casino property shall be ... wired to wear a mask ... covering the face and nose ... .

Persons may remove mass ... and rarely while eating or drinking or one aspect of ... for identification ... guests not adhering to these wereests not adhering to these- requirements- will be advised of the- requirements and warned that- if they continue to disregard - they will be asked to leave - the property."- these changes will go into- effect tomorrow july- third at 8:00 pm cst.

- - the mississippi state departmen- of health reported- 870 new coronavirus cases in ou- state, and 10 new - deaths, including one in- harrison county.- the statewide total stands at - 28,770 confirmed cases and 1,09- deaths.

- - - - hancock county reported three - new cases, still at 123 and 13- deaths.

- harrison county reported 50 new- cases, now at 794 total cases - and - 10 deaths.- jackson county reported 24 new- cases.

They're now at 557 cases- and 16 deaths.- stone county reports two new- cases now at 54 and 1 death.- george county has one new case,- now at 75 and 3 deaths- on the other side of the coast,- - - - pearl river county also reports- one new cases at 245 and still- 32 deaths.- - mississippi is also seeing a- steady increase of patients - hospitalized with confirmed or- suspected cases of the new- coronavirus.- the health department says- thursday that as of wednesday - night, 602 people were- hospitalized with confirmed - cases - and 261 were hospitalized with- suspected cases of the highly - contagious virus.

- - - - that was up from 490 confirmed- cases and 186 - suspected cases among people- hospitalized as of saturday - night.- state health officer, dr. thoma- dobbs, is imploring people- to avoid big gatherings during- the july 4 weekend.

- - the mayor of biloxi is getting- serious about having everyone - wear a mask.- mayor andrew fofo gilich took t- facebook to voice his - concerns and he launched a new- campaign called "mask up- biloxi",- now encouraging all citizens to- wear a face mask.

- this comes after several city - hall employees tested positive- for the coronavirus.- in fact, mayor gilich said, he- has advised city department - directors to make sure that all- frontline city workers- wear masks to help avoid the- spread of the coronavirus.- he also announced a plan where- the city would give - away thousands of masks to thos- driving to five locations - throughout the city on friday,- from 7 a.m.

To 1 p.m.

- - "what we are seeing is two doze- new cases - a day here in harrison coutny,- when you go back to memorial- day, whenever we first- opened everything back up..

.we- were averageing two or three- cases a - day...well now we are like 5- times and 6 times that.

We thin- the time is right for - people to start wearing a - mask... some would even say it- is past time."- - - - the locations for the mask- giveaway tomrrow are: - dr. frank g.

Gruich sr. - community center..- biloxi visitors center... - lopez-quave public safety - center... - donal m.

Snyder sr. community - center and fire station 8 - - over in hancock county communit- leaders are also- making sure their residents are- safe by giving out free - masks.- the hancock county community- masks drive thru- giveaway will take place- saturday july 11th across - multiple locations around - hancock county- including, the bayside park v-f- d, clermont harbor vfd, west- hancock v-f-d, fenton v-f-d, th- - - - kiln v-f-d, leetown v-f-d and - post 58 v-f-d.- - "the numbers are spiking as - everyone- can tell the more we give to ou- public and make sure they are - protected the better off- we will be.

" - - - - you can also pick up masks in - hancock county monday through - friday at several locations.- for more information on where t- go, you can call the- hancock county emergency- management agency at 228- - 255-0942- - coming up...- ryan will have a full forecast- after the break.... - plus... - a gulfport family is voicing- their frustrations- over ditch in front of their- home that's been causing- problems for decades.

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