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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Kansas City's homicide rate frustrates anti-violence groups

Credit: 41 Action News
Duration: 02:00s 0 shares 1 views

Kansas City's homicide rate frustrates anti-violence groups
Kansas City's homicide rate frustrates anti-violence groups

The number of homicides in Kansas City, Missouri, is nearing triple digits, and 2020 is on pace to be a record-breaking year.

It's a number no community wants to see and especially frustrating for several groups trying to deter crime.

BUT OUR COMMUNITYISN'T READY TO GIVE UP.41 ACTION NEWSREPORTER NICK STARLINGSPOKE WITH ACTIVISTS -WORKING TO FINDSOLUTIONS TO THEVIOLENCE AND MAKEKANSAS CITY A SAFERPLACE.NICK:THE HOMICIDE COUNTCOULD SURPASS 100 THISHOLIDAY WEEKEND.IT'S A NUMBER NOCOMMUNITY WANTS TOSEE-AS THEY LOOK FORSOLUTIONS TO THISVIOLENCE.Pat Clarke-Community OutreachSpecialistWe kill each other better thananybody.COMMUNITY LEADERS LIKEPAT CLARKE AREFRUSTRATED WITH THEON-GOING VIOLENCEPat Clarke-Community OutreachSpecialistWe live for justice but it'sjustus killing us.CLARKE BELIEVESPROGRAMS SUCH AS THE25-THOUSAND DOLLARSFOR A TIP LEADING TO ANARREST CAN HELP SOLVECRIME.Pat Clarke-Community OutreachSpecialistdon't call this snitching I callthis stopping you before youdo it again.India Woods-Community ResearchAdvocate for Ad Voc GroupAgainstCrimeI have lived in Kansas Citymost of my life and I havenever seen anything like this.INDIA WOODS IS WITH THEAD HOC GROUP AGAINSTCRIME AND SAYS 2020 IS AYEAR OF TRAUMA.India Woods-Community ResearchAdvocate for Ad Voc GroupAgainstCrimeWanting to get revenge, andwanting to just so many thinbuilding up that here we are.IF YOU LOOK CLOSER ATTHE HOMICIDE VICTIMSAND SUSPECTS-MORETHAN HALF ARE UNDERTHE AGE OF 34.Pat Clarke-Community OutreachSpecialistThese kids don't have nothingto do, I try to get them overhere so I can provide themwith jobs.WITH COVID-19 CANCELINGSO MANY ACTIVITIES ANDPROGRAMS FOR KC'SYOUTH TO KEEP VIOLENCEOFF THE STREETSTHEYSAY IT COULD BE A FACTORIN THE SPIKE IN CRIME.India Woods-Community ResearchAdvocate for Ad Voc GroupAgainstCrimeWhen there's so much freetime, you're going to findsomething to do and if they'renot given positiveopportunities and activitiesthis can easily lead someoneinto a negative path.REPORTING IN KANSASCITYNICK STARLING41 ACTION NEWS.IF YOU HAVE ANYINFORMATION ON ANY OFTHIS YEAR'S VIOLENCE ORDEADLY SHOOTINGS - CALLTHE TIPS HOTLINE.THAT NUMBER IS816...474...84-77.YOUR ANONYMOUS TIPCOULD EARN A REWARDOF UP TO 25-THOU

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