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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Maryville Businesses Recovering (7-8-20)

Credit: KQTV
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Maryville Businesses Recovering (7-8-20)
Maryville Businesses Recovering (7-8-20)
Maryville Businesses Recovering (7-8-20)

To struggle during the pandemic... area small businesses... kq2's chris roush explains how the town of maryville is helping its businesses stay open... <<(nat sound: cars driving) although businesses and life continues to open back up... maryville city leaders continue to evaluate and monitor what's possible for their town...(sot, greg mcdanel: "local economy)and small businesses right in the middle of that battle...(nat sound)matt gaarder and rapid elite stayed open throughout the pandemic...making some changes around the store to make customers feel safer...but it was anything but business as usual...(sot, matt gaarder: "april was a struggle, was a real struggle.

May and so far in june, have been better, but it's going to take some time to recover from what's gone on.")but gaarder doesn't know where his business would be if it was brand new...(sot, matt gaarder: "i'm thankful for the fact that we are 10 years in.

If we were just a couple or two or three years in, i think back to those days when we first got the business started had this it, no, there would have been no way we could have survived it.")that's a reality facing small businesses across the country...forced to shut their doors, but in maryville...federal relief has helped keep things going... (sot, lily white: "we don't have the full numbers, but based on the average of what everyone else has our population size, we received more in federal funding because our businesses had the knowledge to move forward.") covid-19 cases haven't hit maryville hard up to this point...cases in the city and nodaway county but with what's already gaarder will prepare for anything that (sot, matt gaarder: ")chris roush kq2 city officials say the pandemic has not impacted the city revenue as much as others because of the online salex tax levy that was passed in 2019... conversations

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