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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

The Hamilton County Back to School Reopening Task Force talks about the challenges ahead

Credit: WDEF CBS Chattanooga, TN
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The Hamilton County Back to School Reopening Task Force talks about the challenges ahead
The Hamilton County Back to School Reopening Task Force talks about the challenges ahead

The Hamilton County Back to School Reopening Task Force talks about the challenges ahead

Watching which jack welcome back and get morning a few months ago when kelvin 19 hit our area tas force was formed with hamilton county schools to help with the reopening process and we are learning more about that task force and what to look like in the classrooms coming this fall joining us now is colonel bill brooks and also keith clement with the task force in morning.

Thank you for joining us this morning.

First of all, tell us little bit about what you both have been doing.

I guess we can start with colonel brooks what you have been doing to get students and parents ready for the upcoming school year.

Well of approximately may twelfth.

The task force was put together by doctor johnson, a superintendent asking us to folded guide to the task force committee so that we can open schools and always 2020 and says that time we've been working diligently to do that.

Oh, we've been working with five task force committee will file community will the the district leadership health departments, local doctors are just the community.

This whole trying to get the open dialogue to hear what the parents and students concerns are and then as a result of that of weed.

Then of put together a reopening plan which we are presented to the school board on july the second this development help a little bit more about this in reopenin plan and what it means for so many students right here in thi area so were trying to accomplish with real plan is to slowly develop guiding principles for our real plan and that is for keith got interest safety of students, teachers of being sure that were addressing the whole child that were trying to all social community.

In the end, as we plan to reopen.

We will open the fish.

So what was done is is several things a lot the but we develop three phases that we can plan the schools are first places a course would be closed very similar to what we were doing last semester phases we partially open will be in school two days and then the other three days with remote learning.

Our third phase was the that our schools are open.

The we know that there are some minimal rate in the so hard to shut down a school and we had some positive distortion exposure and at school and then our place for full open and all the time being aware and are moving to one of the phases right now tell me if i'm wrong.

Mister fogel meant that we are currently and a stammering asked what the students will be going by haskell starts correct.

Yes, we were using several methods that we look at active cases.

Yesterday we had 927 so that would be to sympathize three 300 will emphasize other things tha will will be in contact with the health department and also looking at what else is going on in the county such as the number of positive cases, the increase on a daily basis what's going o from hospitalization as well as the number of questions is rocks.

I now that there will be a mass mandate when he can't go back to school.

How will this impact the classrooms and what client and a lot of the student go back to school and just the coming weeks.

I'm sorry declared how the class will look like right class sizes and management of that.

Well, the mandate for the master.

I asked staff will wear mascot with the option of - 3 second grade and then of course there are some exceptions with faux students, with some underlining health issues and file and were taken into consideration you will see smaller classrooms because we are still social distancing conscience and also just died.

It would be visible be a little different at phase 3 would schools will be open everyone and then of course are there other choices.

Students and parents have.

If the not comfortable setting.

The students of back-to-school all one of the choices in addition to the three options.

Option one is of course the hamilton county school on a continuous plan were on the status of back in the classroom and the a smaller scale sold we can again look out for the social distancing part and make sure that would keep things as healthy option to is to help the county at home program.

That is where students are still affiliated still connected to their school.

However, all of their learning is taking place remote investment options that a student can take and once the student commits to that option.

A parent can the student that option, then they will stay in that option off for the semester and then option three is the houston county virtual school, which is always existed but dell would probably be done on the big steel and a lot of parents are glad that you all are offering those options.

Mister fogel meant that the bus situation how illness and pack status.

I'm coming to and from school, so student drone versus there will have a very specific loading procedure for example, require students to wear mascot bus will also know have assigne seats for students and and spread them out on buses, much as possible.

Now the other thin we would courage prior to arrival that they don't conside taking children's dental health post with some of the bus. is a focal man colonel brock.

Thank you so muc for joining us morning and giving us an insight into what happening with the task force is all the kids get ready to go back and asked him just absolutely thank you for helpin keep so many students say, as w come back on

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