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Thursday, 18 July 2024

Purdue University creating at-home COVID-19 testing device

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Purdue University creating at-home COVID-19 testing device
Purdue University creating at-home COVID-19 testing device
Purdue University creating at-home COVID-19 testing device

A new technology out of purdue university is on track to revolutionize coronavirus testing.

Students are in the midst of creating a covid-19 test that can return sults in 30 minutes.

And -- the test is designed to be taken in the comfort of your home.

News 18's micah upshaw show us how it works.

:37 m: the total of reported coronavirus cases in the united states currently sits at more than 3- million.

But a device the size of a one- dollar coin could greatly curb that number.

Dv: it's actually a saliva test, so what you can do is you collect your saliva, put it on a device that looks something like this.

M: the test kit is a paper based material with an agent that can detect if covid-19 is in your saliva.

After saliva is placed on the device, its supposed to be heated for about 30 to 45 minutes.

Once it's ready, you can tell if you have the virus if the color on the paper has changed.

Dv: in an ideal scenario, everyone would have a test, they would be able test, lets say on a weekly basis.

If they ever test positive stay at home so that you don't spread the disease, if you test negative then you are fine so that's kind of what i am envisioning that everyone would have.

M: dr. mohit verma is the professor leading this project.

He said while the university was closed, his students were eager to continue working on the device.

A main motivation for this is the fact that current covid-19 testing can take up to a week to get results.

Dv: what we're hoping for is for testing to not be on limitation anymore, that's one of the things that is preventing us from opening the economy back up, getting back to normal because we keep seeing these spikes, people think they might be healthy but because its a symptomatic, there is a lot of problem with that.

M: the device is ready for clinical trial, which will determine how ac test is.

After that, dr. verma says they'll apply for f-d-a approval.

If that happens the test will first become available in doctors offices and pharmacies.

Then, it'll be available for public purchase and take-home use.

Reporting in west lafayette, micah upshaw.

News 18.

Dr. mohit verma says the cost of the device will depend on who manufactures it.

He said to make the device in the lab only costs about ten dollars per test.

The could be available in primary care offices by the fall.

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