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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

JUNE 11 5P

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JUNE 11 5P
JUNE 11 5P
JUNE 11 5P


### breaking right now--- the kentucky mask mandate just went into effect.

What you should and should not dodo if you encounter someone without a mask.

#### new tonight- a mask shortage in the tristate... the places running out and where you can still stock up.

#### one of the biggest tourism events in the tristate canceled due to covid-19.

A look at the impact it will have on our economy.

Breaking tonight --- mayor lloyd winnecke -- drafting a mask mandate for evansville.

That is expected to take effect -- next wednesday.

The announcement*just 24-hours following the bluegrass state's call to mask up.

That kentucky mandate -- taking effect -- as we speak.

More on the impact of those new requirements -- plus what indiana's governor says --- about a*possible mandate - in just a moment.

Let's start off this friday with a look at--- the*startling number of new covid-19 cases tonight in the tri-state.

One hundred and 39 new cases - across the region.*again the bulk of those coming from vanderburgh county --- 54.

That's -- just part of the 86 new cases in our hoosier communities.

Gibson county -- adds 10.

In kentucky --- daviess county jumps up for the 3rd day this week -- 13 new cases there.

Henderson adds eight while muhlenberg reports nine.

And in illinois -- four newly confirmed cases-- --- the latest patient in lawrence county -- is under the age of 18.

And back to that breaking news --- within the past hour --- mayor lloyd winnecke of evansville announcing --- he is in the process of drafting -- an executive order mandating mask in the city of evansville.

The mandate will take effect next wednesday.

The mayor says --- more details will be released early next week.

Here's what he had to say -- to 44news -- about the mandate.

"the trends are going the way they are if they continue it puts a lot of things in jeopardy and it causes more contingencies to be made and one of the paramount concerns is the safe reopening of our schools."

The mayor says -- he is not considering issuing fines*right no* for those who don't adhere to the new requirement.

This comes just days after -- a proposal was made by city council members to mask up -- and a petition against a mask mandate -- was started in the river city.

Turning to the bluegrass --- with the new mask mandate in kentucky --- comes an increase need for masks from those living and working in the bluegrass state.

44news reporter marisa patwa --- is in henderson --- where business owners are running out of mask to sell it just a bit after five and the new mask mandate in kentucky meaning if youe inside a business or outside and can maintain that six feet of physical distance wear a mask.

And businesses selling masks the urgency in stocking up.

"we're ordering -- every day.

We got more coming in today -- more coming in monday."

Like this boutique in henderson which ran out of masks just hours after the mandate "we are actually getting the gators -- the ones that come around your neck and you just pull up and we are starting to see some of our vendors run low on them."

Although children under the age of five aren required to wear a mask increase in parents purchasing them for their kids.

"children masks have been a big hit."

While other store owners ordering in masks for the first time to entice customers.

"we're trying to keep up with what the governor has said about that they would prefer us to wear a mask."

Several kentuckians 44news spoke with are angry about the new mandate already made phone calls to the governors office - while others think it should have already been in place considering how everything is now on and i think people that are needing or having health issues were protecting them plus wee protecting ourselves?

And while the new mask mandate is set to be in effect for the next thirty days problems are exempt from following the order.

Reporting in henderson marisa patwa 44news now that the executive order in kentucky -- mandating masks -- has been signed.

?how will the bluegrass state ensure people follow it?

Chief western kentucky bureau reporter erran huber --- joins us tonight from henderson -- with that part of the story.

With kentucky's mask mandate now officially in place.

The governor-- outlining the potential future--if people don't follow it.

The consequences of not wearing a mask will be in the order.

Certainly for individuals it's going to start with a warning.

Ultimately we believe if there is chronic refusal, it could lead to a fine.

But keeping compliance--still remains a bit vague.

It's prompted some confusion among people over what's required--and who's responsible.

And the order doesn't have a whole lot of teeth.

There's no provision for officers to enforce it.

Relying mainly on medical experts-- and businesses to see it through.

It'll be enforced by local health departments and others.

And it's going to be as simple that if someone won't wear a mask in your place of business, then they cannot be served.

We reached out tonight to police across the bluegrass-- including here in henderson.

And they shared they're referring any calls they get to the local health departments.

That matches-- what law enforcement officers across the country are sharing with their communities-- that they don't have the resources to be the mask police.

We're asking for self compliance from our citizens.

Even kentucky's governor-- shared that his focus is mainly on encouraging people to step up.

"it's not going to work unless people are willing to do it.

There's not enough people out there to enforce everywhere."

How the order stands--and its impact--won't be clear until the coming days.

Eh 44news kentucky governor beshear lambasted --- a scott county judge's restraining order --- trying to restrict his power during the pandemic.

Beshear says --- he will appeal the decision - to a higher court.

Kentucky attorney general daniel cameron -- along with kentucky agriculture commissioner ryan quarles --- and agri- tourism business-- "evans orchard" -- are behind the lawsuit.

Governor eric holcomb making a stop in evansville today... the state's top- leader visiting the south- western indiana chamber's lunch "with the governor" event ... he spoke in front of a socially distanced crowd featuring local and state leaders for about an hour... touching on several issues-- including the economy-- and of course covid-19's impact on it.... "stranger times was filled in indiana-- and every day is stranger times."

Strange times-- calling for a "stranger times "reference from the governor at this sit down lunch-- governor holcomb-- with his "evansville- themed" face- mask on knee-- talking about the highs-- "nowhere stands to benefit more than southwestern indiana-- and i'm not just pandering."

And lows--as the pandemic pounds the private and public sectors-- with the economy still reeling-- the governor state budget cuts will make for some tough decisions..

Next year... "we are going to have less and so the pie has gotten smaller where do we get the biggest bang for our buck."

During his time on stage with tara barney-- the head of the southwest indiana chamber-- face masks didn't come up... the conversation mostly centered on economics-- but the economy was one of the reasons behind kentucky governor andy beshear recent executive order requiring masks in public-- he sited a goldman- sach's economist who says mask mandates could help keep businesses from shutting down again..

And with 24 governors now requiring face masks for at least parts of their states-- -- holcomb says he's leaving it up to local governments for now-- "does political backlash play any role in your decision?


Politics won't pressure me into making any decision i came to grips with that long ago-- we'll do the right thing when the time comes."

And despite indiana's recent covid-19 spike-- the governor says he's proud of the way his team is handling the crisis..

"this challenge might have scared off lesser individuals but as a team it has only invigorated each and every one of them."

Unfortunately the governor was not available for a sit down one on one with us today-- but i did have a chance to ask him some questions-- at six--- more from holcomb on how he thinks indiana is handling the covid-19 response and if he would have done anything differently knowing what he does today-- catch that all and his full answers to my questions-- coming up here on tonight on 44 news at six also happening today the white house coronavirus task force met again today after another day of record setting cases in the u-s the president once again -- threatening to cut off federal funding*if schools don't reopen in the fall.

The threat to cut off funding --- has faced backlash from lawmakers- even among those in the republican party.

"i am completely opposed to any withholding of federal funding to schools that, for what may be very good reasons, choose not to reopen."

The journal pediatrics says --- children infrequently transmit covid-19 -- to each other or to adults.

They say -- schools should reopen in the fall*if they follow social distancing guidelines.

Tonight at 5 --- an athlete -- at mount vernon high school --- tests positive for covid-19.

According to the posey county health department --- the teen was last at workouts on tuesday -- and was asymptomatic at the time.

The health department say --- the overall risk for those at the workouts - is low due to protocols put in place.

They are also performing contact tracing -- to notify any individuals -- who may have been exposed.

For the first time in nearly two decades, the jehovah's witness convention will not be held this summer in evansville the 2020 convention known as always rejoice- originally scheduled for june will move to an online streaming platform.

The program will be released in six installments with each corresponding to a morning or afternoon session.

The first convention session is planned during the weekend of july 11th and 12th and the final virtual weekend august 29th and 30th new tonight--- another evansville restaurant -- closed due of covid-19.

What we've learned about the latest eatery -- to be exposed.

And new tonight- walt disney world reopens tomorrow but if you're planning a trip you might be out of luck.

We'll explain why coming up.

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Coronavirus cases --- deaths are rising at a faster pace in many parts of the country-- three of the worst- hit states -- california, texas and florida -- have*each recorded their highest daily death tolls*yet.

And there's growing evidence the*surg* is linked to re-openings.

Chris martinez has the story.

Florida added more than 11- thousand-400 new coronavirus cases over the past 24 hours.

So what's really clear is florida is not testing enough.

About one out of five tests that they're doing is turning out positive.

Florida's governor insists there are enough hospital beds to handle the patient load.

"no major system or nobody that we have been seeing yet has even gone yet to a surge level."

A florida physicians group is urging a statewide mandatory mask order.

(wipe) for the tenth consecutive day, texas reported a new high for hospitalizations.

The governor has extended his disaster declaration.

"i think the numbers are going to look worse as we go into next week."

Los angeles is one of the hardest hit areas in california.

Hospitalizations here are up by a third since june.

The county says it will shut down all non-essential businesses if it has to.

Nevada's governor re- imposed restrictions on bars and restaurants in certain counties.

He wants to slow down the spiking and spread of covid, we understand that.

But why didn't he also close down the casinos?

And following scenes like this one last weekend, michigan's governor toughened her state's mask requirement.

Now face coverings are required in public outdoor settings where social distancing isn't possible and businesses must deny service or entry to customers who refuse to wear a mask.

And florida's disneyworld re- opens to the public saturday... with strict health protocols in place.

Chris martinez, cbs news, los angeles.

New at 5- a tri-state favorite --- is undergoing a deep cleaning - tonight.

Bru burger in downtown evansville -- is temporarily closed*after 2 employees tested positive for covid-19.

The restaurant will re-open -- after it has been sanitized.

A little bit of a breeze outside --- it doesn't feel quite as humid it has this past week either.

Storm team 44 chief meteorologist cameron hopman is here with a look at tonight's forecast.

New tonight at 5.

There are signs mortgage relief programs developed to help homeowners and renters are failing.

32 percent of american households have not made their full july payment yet.

About a fifth of households haven made any payment whatsoever.

This marks the fourth month in a row where a significant number of households struggled to pay for shelter.

All new tonight on cbs 44 news at 5 --- covid-19 and gender.

Does the virus -- target men or women?

-- find out next.

New tonight- as the number of corona- virus cases surges, we this is my new shaq-a-roni pizza.

Extra cheese, extra pepperoni right to the edge and the biggest slices in papa john's history.

But it's bigger than pizza because $1 from each sale is donated to support communities.

Usaa is made for what's next we're helping members catch up by spreading any missed usaa insurance payments over the next twelve months so they can keep more cash in your pockets for when it matters most find out more at are looking at how the virus affects men and women differently* while the rate of infection is*similar --- research shows -- men are more likely to suffer*wors* outcomes.

They are as much as --- 2- point-4 times more likely to die.

Doctors are trying to determine*if the covid-19 gender gap*coul* be linked - to the hormones.

The hope is that progesterone will get to the disease when it's at a level that there's not an overwhelming amount of inflammation.

40 men with covid-19 in the study -- will receive a 5-day course of hormones --- to see if it raises their odds of surviving.

All new tonight on cbs 44 news at 5.

Walt disney world is reopening tomorrow but if you're planning a trip you may be out of luck.

We'll explain why, next.

Plus --- a live look tonight at downtown evansville --- storm team 44 chief meteorologist cameron hopman -- is back in two minutes -- with your weekend forecast.

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No more heebie jeebies.

Glad i stopped cleaning and started swiffering.

Devoted fans, tomorrow is indeed just a day away.

After shuttering in march because of the coronavirus pandemic, walt disney world resort is set for a phased reopening tomorrow morning.

Not everyone will be able to see mickey and the gang must make a reservation to visit the theme park online.

At last check the first available openings are in august.

That's not good news for storm team 44 chief meteorologist cameron hopman who is a big fan of the new star wars galaxy's edge.

Thanks for making us your choice in news.

We'll see you

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