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Get Fit Friday 07/17/20 - Training By Movement Patterns Part 1: Pushing

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Get Fit Friday 07/17/20 - Training By Movement Patterns Part 1: Pushing
Get Fit Friday 07/17/20 - Training By Movement Patterns Part 1: Pushing

The ladies of the Fitness Factor begin a four-part series devoted to the modern method of training by movement patterns of pushing, pulling, squatting, and hinging.

Today they demonstrate simple exercises involving pushing.

Beth jeffers: good morning.

Welcome to get fit friday.

I'm beth jeffers and i'm joined at the fitness factor with whitney brown.

Hi whitney.

Whitney brown: good morning.


Beth jeffers: we have, over the years, and i've been in this business for many years, we used to always train in muscle groups like legs, back, and biceps, chest, shoulders, and triceps.

But over the last few years, the trend is, and probably a better way to train, is by movement patterns.

Whitney brown: right.

And what that means is you're just taking things like pushing and pulling in your upper body and squatting and hinging and focusing your training program around those four movement patterns.

Plus a few others like some core work and some carries.

Beth jeffers: right.

Whitney brown: some basic things like that.

But instead of breaking it down muscle by muscle, we're talking about big, what they call global movements, instead of like making sure we get all of our muscles.

Whitney brown: it's just a different way to train.

And in the next few weeks, we're going to talk to you about how you can start to implement some of these movement patterns: upper body pushing, upper body pulling, lower body squatting, and lower body hinging, into your workout routine.

Beth jeffers: and today we are going to talk about pushing those.

Whitney brown: that's right.

Upper body pushing.

Beth jeffers: it's a very easy way to remember how to work out.

And don't panic if you're a muscle group person, because you're going to hit them.

Whitney brown: that's fine.


And if you love doing that, that's fine, but it's nice to change things up.

So you're going to see one of our trainers, alison webster, demonstrating several different pushing options for you.

So we're first going to see alison on a chest press and she's on the floor.

She's got two dumbbells and she's simply pressing over her chest and coming back down.

Whitney brown: this is really good if you're starting out.

If you're a beginner, it's a great way to get started, from there, she's going to transition to pushups.

And now pushups can be done on a wall, on an elevated surface if you're not ready for body weight on the floor, or you can go to a knee pushup or even a toe pushup as she's doing here.

So you're going to see her at a plank position, lowering her body to the ground and pushing back away.

Beth jeffers: next she's going to make her push up even more difficult.

Whitney brown: i don't like this option.

Beth jeffers: by getting on a box and you would have to be fairly trained to do that.

Way to go alison.

Whitney brown: that's right .

She had just ... i had to do a few reps.

Beth jeffers: yes.


Whitney brown: we laughed about it when we were filming.

Beth jeffers: then we have a vertical push, which is an overhead press basically.

Whitney brown: and you're going to see her change her body position.

So she goes from standing to what we call tall kneeling on both knees, and then she's going to go into a half kneeling position.

And what this does, is it challenges your balance a little bit, challenges your stabilization and just gives you a different stimulus for your body.

So you can see there's a lot of core work that goes into tall kneeling and half kneeling pressing.

Beth jeffers: right.

Those two, those are tougher.

Whitney brown: they are.

Beth jeffers: you might even have to drop your weight a little bit as far as the heaviness of your weight.

Whitney brown: absolutely.

Beth jeffers: but that is a little snippet, i would say, of your pushing motions.

Whitney brown: that's right.

Beth jeffers: take it second this week and try that instead of the old school stuff.

Whitney brown: sure.

And we don't have time to show you every single pushing motion with every single tool in the gym, but these are just good ways to get started.

Very simple.

If you've got weights at home and you're working out home right now, you can try some of these things as well.

So you don't need a ton of equipment.

You just need to know what to do.

Beth jeffers: right.

We'll see you next week.

And next week what are we working?

Whitney brown: we're going to work on pulling.

More upper body work.

Beth jeffers: don't miss it.

Announcer: for more get fit fridays with the fitness factor, go to intro

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