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Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Cleanup Continues in South St. Joe (7-21-20)

Credit: KQTV
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Cleanup Continues in South St. Joe (7-21-20)
Cleanup Continues in South St. Joe (7-21-20)
Cleanup Continues in South St. Joe (7-21-20)

Continues for many in southside st.

Joseph innundated with flood waters from as much as 5 inches of rain on monday.

However, for some, they are still waiting for the waters to receed to see how much damage has actually been done..

Some we talked to southside say they've been through flooding before but nothing like this roads to rivers in a matter of hours flooded: right now it's going to be a heck of a clean-up mess.

It's going to take a while.

It's going to take a long while."jon mccarthy and his neighbors can't even begin cleaning up -- because their homes are still swimming in the southside.jon mccarthy: "the water came right up to my foundation.

I was fortunate a lot of my friends and neighbors weren't."

Heavy rain flooded the south end of st.

Joseph with up to 5 inches of rain in a matter of keven schneider, superintendent of streets & infrastructure: "we got so much rain so fast combined with contrary creek coming out.

They kind of mixed together both water sources.

This is the result."first responders conducting water rescues and evacuations and pouring gallons homes grant street to king hill to 59 alabama down to parker keven schneider, superintendent of streets & infrastructure: "contrary creek drains quite a few miles south of here.

Draining water off of the bluffs to this point and it was just too much rain for the whole system to handle."water started to recede -- but then by tuesday morning, it was back.keven schneider, superintendent of streets & infrastructure: "we do have one big sewer going through here there's just not that many manholes going to it.

So it can carry it.

It's just getting the water to it."

City crews have been working to drain as much water as possible.keven schneider, superintendent of streets & infrastructure: "we've drained quite a bit of water already today.

It was probably a foot deep here in the morning when we started.

We are leaving it open in case we get some more rain."mccarthy has been a lifelong southsider..."well i live... you go up to where the guy in the green shirt is wading in the water, take a left and go down about a block and a half and i live down there."he's seen flooding -- but not like this."73 we had a good flood down here, 84 another good flood.

2011 wasn't as bad.

93 but this one really hit home."families who fled their home monday -- still can't get back into their homes soaking in feet of water."a lot of homes probably won't be rebuilt.

They are that bad.

Foundation walls have been knocked down."he's spent the last day and a half -- between his job -- saving his own home.-- and helping families anyway he can.the furnace and the hot water tank are already gone and that's nothing.

Some people lost their whole home so it's just a drop in the bucket."because that's what southsiders do... "you know that's what you do.

I lost a little.

People lost a lot.

That's what it will be."

The health department is assisting with pets.

Pet carriers can be provided, or pets can be boarded at the animal shelter.

The health department will be providing tetanus shots throughout the week at patee market health center and will be at the buchanan county emergency management building at 312 colorado on thursday from 2-4 pm providing tetanus shots for those living in the flooded area.

Another note, the sheriff's department reports tonight that 59 highway south of the city limits that had been flooded out is back

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