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On The Beat - 07/22/20 Robert's Apothecary

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On The Beat - 07/22/20 Robert's Apothecary
On The Beat - 07/22/20 Robert's Apothecary

Today, Robert White, from Robert's Apothecary, joins us to talk about anti-inflammatories and their natural alternative.

Fire re entry animated vo troy: welcome back to "on the beat", everyone.

I'm over here with robert white from robert's apothecary.

How are you, my friend?

Robert: doing very well.

Thank you.

Troy: that's good to hear!

Today's topic is all about anti- inflammatories and how it advanced over the years and the natural ones as opposed to the ones you buy at the pharmacy, over the counter and prescription.

Why do we use anti- inflammatories?

Robert: for aches and pains, arthritis, headache, spranged ankle, tennis elbow, any kind of joint pain people take anti- inflammatories.

Troy: all right.

Well, let's break down the different types of them.

Robert: well, we have traditional anti- inflammatories like the advil or aleve.

Those are non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs that used to be prescription.

And we have natural ones like turmeric, curcumin, and i have one that has a blend of five or six different ones.

Boswellia is one of the better ones, one of the more effective ones, and for those of you who don't know what boswellia is, that is frankincense.

Troy: where does that grow?

Robert: uh, typically in the middle east and the frankincense or boswellia is an excellent anti- inflammatory that troy: where does that grow?

Robert: uh, typically in the middle east and the frankincense or boswellia is an excellent anti- inflammatory that does not bother the gastrointestinal tract, the kidneys, or the liver.

So it has little to no side effects as opposed to the prescription or the over the counter ones that possibly can have side effects.

Troy: so the difference between over the counter and prescription---are they different strength?

Are they used for different types of anti-inflammatory?

Robert: they would be different strengths.

We have still prescription strengths in the ibuprofen or the navoproxin that a good deal stronger than what's sold over the counter.

Troy: all right.

Now, i'm sure that some type of side effect.

There's always some kind of side effect for most things.

Robert: yeah.

The traditional ones if taken everyday on and on and on can cause some gastric lining erosion leading to gastrointestinal problems. you can get kidney damage from chronic use.

Some of these can adversely affect the liver.

It doesn't happen with everybody but in some patients.

Troy: is the natural remedies---will they counteract with our other prescription drugs we may be taking from our g.p.

For other issues for our body?

Robert: well, if a physician has prescribed an anti- inflammatory prescription strength and patient comes in and wants to fill that prescription and take that by itself, that's fine.

But if they want to, if they ask about one of these natural remedies, i will tell them, they can take one or the other, but we don't need both together.

Troy: robert, in general, where do you stand in your philosophy between prescription medication and natural remedies, just out of interest?

Robert: well, when a patient comes in with a prescription from their doctor for an anti- inflammatory drug and they say that's what they want to take, i fill that prescription.

I have no problems at all with that.

If another patient comes in, been to the doctor, has the same prescription but says "i don't want to take this because i've got a friend who took it and had stomach ulcers and what else do you have that maybe won't cause me to have stomach ulcer and what else do you have that maybe won't cause me to have side effects?"

Troy: so that's when you go to the natural remedy?

Robert: right.

Troy: well, robert, we appreciate you.

We're going to dive even deeper with more of that conversation.

We appreciate you coming here.

If you wanna find out more about robert white, his website and phone numbers are all on the screen everyone.

Robert's apothecary.

Go in.

Give them a chat.

They're so easy to talk to.


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