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Wednesday, 18 September 2024

City of Chico taking steps to enforce watchlist regulations

Credit: KHSL
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City of Chico taking steps to enforce watchlist regulations
City of Chico taking steps to enforce watchlist regulations

The City of Chico has announced it is taking steps to enforce the coronavirus watchlist restrictions.

Announced it is cracking down on the state monitoring list orders - issued for butte county.

Action news now reporter kristian lopez spoke with city officials about their plans moving forward.

The city says they are looking into the possibility of issuing citations.

During tuesday's council meeting, the city decided to begin enforcing the state health order.

That order includes wearing face coverings when you social distance and making sure businesses are doing only outdoor operations as ordered.

Orme says if people don't follow the rules, it could end up costing them money.

3 sots (trt 26 seconds) mark orme (on the phone) we are still working through the details of what that might look like there are many aspects that need to be gone through with the citys legal team and attorneys office.

(didnt share name): i'm not for wearing masks, i believe its an invasion of our personal rights andy khalil (18-26): i think everyone should wear mask, its better for the people, we want everyone to be safe.

The city scheduled to have a follow-up meeting next week to further discuss the details on the possible citations.

Orme tells me, overall it seems like the majority of the city is abiding by the state order.

Live tag if the city gets a complaint about a business still open when it shouldn city will go out and try to help them figure out an alternative way to continue operating without violating the state order.

Orme says they are not actively going out and looking for people who are violating the other - instead they are being responsive when they receive complaints from people in the community.

Reporting in chico kl action news now coverage you can count on.

Thursday the chico market place became the possibility of issuing citations.

During tuesday's council meeting, the city decided to begin enforcing the state health order.

That order includes wearing face coverings when you social distance and making sure businesses are doing only outdoor operations as ordered.

Orme says if people don't follow the rules, it could end up costing them money.

3 sots (trt 26 seconds) mark orme (on the phone) we are still working through the details of what that might look like there are many aspects that need to be gone through with the citys legal team and attorneys office.

(didnt share name): i'm not for wearing masks, i believe its an invasion of our personal rights andy khalil (18-26): i think everyone should wear mask, its better foopicyp e thursday the chico market place became the first business in the city to recieve a warning from the city for violating coronavirus restrictions.


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