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Thursday, 18 July 2024

Jordan Fisher Goes Undercover on YouTube, Twitter and Wikipedia

Credit: GQ
Duration: 06:18s 0 shares 1 views

Jordan Fisher Goes Undercover on YouTube, Twitter and Wikipedia
Jordan Fisher Goes Undercover on YouTube, Twitter and Wikipedia

On this episode of Actually Me, Jordan Fisher goes undercover on the Internet and responds to real comments from YouTube, Twitter, Quora and Wikipedia.

Is he getting married this year?

Why does he have a tattoo of Alexander Hamilton on his arm?

- Hey, what's up, I'm Jordan Fisherand I'm going undercover on the internet.This is "Actually Me."[melodic piano music]Alright, IMDb.Birth name, JordanWilliam Fisher, correct.Height five, seven.That's not correct, I'm five eight.Laura, can we get that fixed?I'm gonna take the silence as absolutely.Posted.Twitter."Jordan Fisher is gettingmarried this year, what?"I am, yeah, in November to my best friend.Can't wait."So no one was gonna tell methat Jordan Fisher was in "Teen Wolf"or was I just supposed tofigure that out for myself?"Who's supposed to tell you?I don't.I was in it, I'm surethat I posted about it,this was years ago, but I'msure that I posted about it.I don't know, figure it out yourself."Jordan Fisher has a tattooof Alexander Hamilton's face?"I sure do, it's right here actually.It's right here,done by Mr. K from BangBang Shop in New York City.It's my favorite tattoo that I have,so I got it, funny enough,I have more like that goes up my arm.So basically how I've decidedto kind of do my sleeveis everything elbow up isall stuff from my familyand elbow down are moments in my career,where something lifechanging happened for me.So for Hamilton, it was my Broadway debut,which was my first dream,that I had in my life and my career like,that was the thing that Ireally wanted was Broadway.Before I even knew that Iwanted TV and film and musicand you know, all the other stuffand "Hamilton" was my debut,which was awesome first of all,secondly I fell in love with Ellie,while I was working on that show."Hey Jordan, do you have anyadvice for when you're worriedyour plans for the future won't work out?"I'd say like set goals, you know,have dreams, have desires foryourself and for your family,that's something thatyou want in your life.But if things don't work outexactly the way that you've planned them,then that's how that was supposed to goand if you're supposed tolearn something from that,then learn from it, you know,and you'll be strongerand taller and wiseron the other side of that."Can someone explain to mewhy Jordan Fisher isn'ta Disney Prince yet?"I don't know, can someone explain to mewhy I'm not a Disney Prince yet?Can somebody explain to me whyI'm not a Disney prince yet?I don't know, man,how many Disney princesare people of color?I think technically one,Prince Naveen, right?'Cause Aladdin wasn't a prince.Does he technically become a princeafter he marries Jasmine?I guess, maybe, but PrinceNaveen is the only one of color.So you tell me.Wikipedia.Seriously, it's actually me.Television, Fisher's firsttelevision roles were in 2009as a guest star on "TheHustler" on Crackleand then in an episode of"iCarly" on Nickelodeon,of course, it was a small, little,like under five guest star spot.His first major part was asGrace Bowman's half-brother,Jacob on seasons fourand five of ABC Family's"The Secret Life of the AmericanTeenager," this is true.He portrayed a recurringcharacter, Holden Dippledorfon "Liv and Maddie" on the Disney Channel,that's all correct.Next YouTube.Okay, so this is a clipfrom me on my stream."What game is this?"It's "Twitch Sings."So Twitch has an extensioncalled "Twitch Sings,"which is basically a gamethat you can download,it's very quick and easy and free.It's karaoke on crack pretty much.I stream there everyday, except for Saturdaysfrom eight a.m.

To threep.m.

Pacific Standard Time.It's a lot of fun."How hard was it to play Holden?"Not really very hard.Yeah, not hard at all, he's fun.He was super nice guy.This is a character on "Livand Mattie" by the way.Super nice guy, here's the thing too,I was friends with themajority of the cast,before I even joined the show,we just hung, we hung and laughedand made each other laugh,we had a blast."Was Jordan on the floor is lava?"No, I've never been on"The Floor is Lava."I would like to be, Ifeel like I would kill it.I think that I'm a ninja anyway.What the hell is Quora?I've never even heard of Quora."Who did Jordan Fisher dance withon "Dancing with the Stars?""Lindsey Arnold Cusick,Cusick is her last name now,Arnold's her maiden name,but I think on the show,she still goes by LindsayArnold, she's like my sister.Oh, look at that!Look at that,this would not have happenedwithout Lindsay Arnold.She's literally like my sisterand I love her to death,I miss her, she's very pregnant right now,which is also very exciting.I have a little niece on theway, so I can't wait for that.Dang, man, I had the timeof my life doing this thing."How long will JordanFisher be in "Evan Hansen?""Well, "Evan Hansen" first ofall is sleeping right now.Hopefully Broadway will beback in order in Januaryand the plan is for me to goback to the show at that pointfor a period of time, so wehave no answers right now,but hopefully we will verysoon, I miss it though,I'm excited to get back to it."What's the song "Mess"by Jordan Fisher about?"Women are smart.They know how to getwhere they need to go,where a man is concerned, I feel likeand they know exactly what to sayand like how to get under their skinand how to like mess withtheir brains, our brains.That's what "Mess" is about, sort of,you like to mess with me isthe first lyric of the chorus.Women are smart, they'retoo smart, too good."Is Jordan Fisher in "AHigh School Musical?""No, I am not currently in "AHigh School Musical," submit."What does Jordan Fisher do for a living?"Yes.That's it, I'm signing off the internet.

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