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Wednesday, 18 September 2024

State offering waivers to elementary schools Part 2

Credit: KHSL
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State offering waivers to elementary schools Part 2
State offering waivers to elementary schools Part 2

Elementary schools across California could soon open back up thanks to new waivers that are being offered by the state.

Prove they could keep classes small..

And get approval from county health leaders.

Action news now reporter kristian lopez is live in chico.

Kristian you spoke with one local family in chico, what are their plans moving forward?

The lacombe family says they've purchased all materials for the online classes but are prepared to send their kids back if schools do reopen.

Grace & alycia lacombe/student and parent: it's been very difficult i know many parents are on edge with this subject.

Grace and alycia lacome say the past few weeks have been a rollercoaster of emotions.

Grace & alycia lacombe/student and parent: things are changing constantly, not knowing if they are going back or being back on virtual school.

It has caused a lot of worries and anxiety about our kids and their future and what the school year will look like.

Kristian stand up: (havent shot this yet) parents in butte county were resigned to school being online only, but monday the california department of public health announced new waivers that could change that.

Grace & alycia lacombe/student and parent: we are prepared we have talked to our kids over the last several weeks about what could happen but we are also prepared if school resumes, yes they will be going back.

They say virtual classes have been challenging.

Grace & alycia lacombe/student and parent: being in front of the computer the whole time i know that was a struggle, she had difficulty hearing her teacher through the zoom call and stuff like that i know she struggled with that quite a bit.

The waivers are only being offered to elementary schools and they have to meet certain requirements like keeping classes small.

The lacombe family says they are prepared to adjust to whatever happens next.

Grace & alycia lacombe/student and parent: we have bought supplemental material however we do think its time for them to be back in the classroom with their teacher and peers and just be able to be back.

A couple of other moms i spoke to today told me even if schools in butte county are granted a waiver they will*no* feel comfortable sending their kids back .

In chico kl action news now coverage you can count on.

The state recommends counties on the monitoring list with 14-day case rates of more than 200 cases per 100,000 residents should not be considered for a waiver.

The butte county health says our case rate is nearing that threshold

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