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Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Students return to campus at Popp's Ferry Elementary

Credit: WXXVDT2
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Students return to campus at Popp's Ferry Elementary
Students return to campus at Popp's Ferry Elementary
Students return to campus at Popp's Ferry Elementary

- today marks the first day of- school for popp's ferry - elementary students, although - this year is like no- other.- there are many guidelines in- place to limit the amount of- exposure between students and - teachers.

- in regards to arrival to campus- popp's ferry- elementary is encouraging - parents to drop their students- off to limit crowding on the- buses.- on the bus, every student will- have their own row to - themselves, the only exception- is for siblings.- parents must also check their - child's temperature - before they enter school.

- if their temperature is at or - above 100, they are - encouraged to keep their child- at home.- students are also required to - wear their facemask - through the day and will only b- permitted to take it off when - socially distanced at recess or- eating in the cafeteria - - dr vivian malone, - principal,:"just you- need to know to be patient with- us it's going to take a while t- get everyone in and - used to the new system just - remind parents that you're not- - - - allowed on campus to come to- campus you have to come into th- office and have your id <splice- i feel very confident with the- start of the school year of - course everybody is - apprehensive about catching the- virus but we out so many safety- precaution in place."

- - - - in regards to the dismissal of- students, they will be- dismissing class earlier than - normal, starting

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