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Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Public health officials hold news conference in Butte County

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Public health officials hold news conference in Butte County
Public health officials hold news conference in Butte County

Butte County Public Health held a news conference Thursday morning, about the coronavirus school waiver process and the impact of a glitch on testing reports at the state level.

Public health held a news conference - about the covid 19 school waiver process and the impact of a glitch on testing reports at the state level.

Action news now reporter kristian lopez was there, she shows us what came out of the meeting.

The meeting was held inside of this building.

Health officials say a problem with the state reporting system is causing some inaccurate daily numbers.

Lisa almaguer: at the state level there is currently a glitch in the system with the lab reporting system which means butte county is not receiving all of the lab confirmed covid 19 test results.

Almaguer says when they don't receive information about new cases they are unable to perform contact investigation and contact tracing.

Lisa almaguer: when we perform investigation and tracing this is when we can identify and isolate someone and make sure we can reach out to their close contacts, ultimately stopping the spread of covid 19 so for those cases we are unable to perform that important work.

Kristian stand up: they are still receiving some results but not all of them.

Butte county public health says they are expecting an influx of cases once the problem gets fixed.

Health officials also announced that school districts in butte county can now seek waivers to reopen.

Mary sakuma/butte co superintendent of schools: we are pleased that there will be the opportunity for students for potentially returning to school for in- person instruction.

We know that the process is rigorous so districts need to read carefully through the materials and be prepared upon submission.

Schools need to consult with their labor union, staff, parents and community before applying.

They also need to submit a reopening plan on their website.

Mary sakuma/butte co superintendent of schools: a number of school districts are considering it, but so far, the only district to announce they are applying is gridley unified school district.

A district superintendent, principal, head of school or executive director of a charter school would have to apply for the waiver.

Kristian look live tag (havent shot this yet): schools would also have to assist with contract tracing if and when there is a case of covid 19 in a school and have a plan for testing students and staff.

In oroville kl action news now coverage you can count on.

We do have a link with more information about the school waivers on our website action news now dot com just click on newslinks.


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