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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Thousands of colleges students across the country are preparing to return to campus. But, will your child be safe in a Thousand

Credit: NBC 26 Wisconsin
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Thousands of colleges students across the country are preparing to return to campus. 	But, will your child be safe in a Thousand
Thousands of colleges students across the country are preparing to return to campus. But, will your child be safe in a Thousand
Will your child be safe in a crowded dorm room?

ACROSS THECOUNTRY AREPREPARING TORETURN TO CAMPUS.BUT, WILL YOURCHILD BE SAFE IN ACROWDED DORMROOM?CHRIS CONTE TAKESA CLOSER LOOK ATNEW RESEARCH THATIS HELPING COLLEGESCOME UP WITHDETAILED COVIDTESTING PLANS, TORETURN SAFELY BACKTO SCHOOL.It is hard not to notice theempitness consumingcolleges and universitiesright now.Long ago forced to sendstudents home becauseof the virus.000823 They do needthat personal contact,they want to know whotheir professor isBut Tufts UniversityPresident AnthonyMonaco is preparing forstudents to return..And he's doingeverything possible tomake sure COVIDdoesn't come with them.000241 We wanted totest for COVID at afrequency that wouldcatch people whenthey're asymptomatic,Every student whoreturns to campus willhave to take a COVIDtest.With five thousandstudents expected, Tuftsis also expecting anumber of those tests tocome back positive.Which is where thesemodular dorm roomscome in.Any student who testspositive for COVID will bequarantined here for twoweeks.The idea, is to keep thevirus from spreadingSOT000127 Universities facean existential questionhere, many of themeither open their doors orthey face financialcollapse that could closetheir doors permanentlyThat is David Paltiel.A researcher at Yale.He's been usingepidemic modeling toguide higher educationinstitutions on reopening.GRAPHICHere's what he found.If you take 5,000 healthystudents.Then throw in 10 otherstudents who haveCOVID and test onlystudents when studentshave symptoms.Hundreds if notthousands of kids will besick by Thanksgiving.BUT ... take those same5,000 kids.Throw in 10 studentswho have COVID ... testevery student TWICE aweek.AND isolate those whoare sick ... only about100 students will end upcatching COVID this fall.000442 You need to betesting frequently in orderto get ahead of the silentspreading, theasymptomatic spreadingSTANDUPAnd even if a universitygoes entirely online, 40percent of kids will likelyreturn to apartmentsaround campus.So many schools wouldrather those students beon campus, where theycan be supervised andtested frequently.001120 It's hard and itcould be a nightmare,people who say weshouldn't opencampuses shouldremember the nightmaredoesn't go awaySo far Tufts and about100 other colleges areusing Paltiel's data andwill be testing studentsbi-weekly.All in hopes of getting"Safely Back to School."SOT - Tufts President000451 They want to behere and they know thatif they are going to behere, these measuresare to keep everyonesafe, not just themselvesIn Medford,Massachusetts ... I'mChris Conte reporting.

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