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Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Patrick Patterson, Morgan County Director of Secondary Education

Credit: WAAY ABC Huntsville, AL
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Patrick Patterson, Morgan County Director of Secondary Education
Patrick Patterson, Morgan County Director of Secondary Education
Patrick Patterson, Morgan County Director of Secondary Education

Is having enough staff.

Morgan county is one of five school districts getting ready for to0morrow's first day of school.

And safety is their priority as well.

Joining us now live via zoom patrick patterson, morgan county schools director of secondary education mr. patterson good morning.

Pause when you see some districts in our region, that have just opened up, and already seeing positive cases, how much does that weigh on you as you folks prepare to open schools in morgan county?

There's likely going to be positive cases, could you address with happens in those cases - especially in regards to children returning home and the potential for them to spread it at home or in their neighborhoods?

Are you asking parents do daily temperature checks before sending their child to school?

Take us through safety protocols in place on the buses and in classrooms?

How often will children have to wear masks?

Let's talk about the three learning platforms in place ... not every household is alike, but each platform does address the various levels of concerns that parents may have right?

Everyone is always on their best behavior for the first few days.

How do you guard against a letdown?

Fewer wanting to comply with protocols?

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