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Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Testing Across the Tri-State

Credit: WEVV
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Testing Across the Tri-State
Testing Across the Tri-State

Indiana and Kentucky are trying to address current challenges, and are keeping an eye on new ones.

And as cases rise ---- all eyes are on our lines of defense - from masking up and social distancing --- to - testing as many people as possible.

In evansville - it was first come first serve on covert avenue tonight---- as the local task force - fights to slow the spread.

We go now to 44news reporter erran huber - he explains why --- its the 3rd leaders have targeted this specific neighborhood.

This wednesday-- though there are some positive signs of progress in parts of the hoosier state-- and in vanderburgh county--when it comes to covid-19.

"we've seen us holding our own and maybe down just a little bit, and we're hoping that's because everyone's using their mask and social distancing."

State medical experts--sharing their worries ahead of another upcoming holiday--amid upward trending hospitalizations in indiana.?these steps we take in the coming days and weeks are going to be critical to reversing these trends, especially as we get close to our labor day weekend.

We have been able to link many of these cases to holiday gatherings, graduation parties, and weddings.

My fear is that we will see another spike after labor day if people continue to ignore our guidance."

This as in kentucky--health officials compensating for days of errors in tracking-- are catching back up--leading to the highest number of new cases reported in a single day in the state--nearly 12-hundred.

"we've had 1,163 cases today.

I want to make sure that i still emphasize that i believe masks are working.

Where we were headed--and at the end of this week, i think we will still be able to show you--that we are not on that exponential trajectory we were on.

But i think that just because we found something that works and works well, that its going to work overnight, or even work within one week."

And across the tri-state--new efforts in testing--both to better track new numbers of infected--and help stop the spread.

Vanderburgh county--trying to get 160 tested over the next few days in a neighborhood pop up.

This site will stay open until tests run out.

Health officials-- are evaluating having another one in a couple weeks--based on funding.

In evansville eh 44news

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