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U.K. Edition
Tuesday, 16 July 2024

081220 5:30-6:30

Credit: WTVQ Lexington, KY
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081220 5:30-6:30
081220 5:30-6:30
081220 5:30-6:30

And i'm veronica jean seltzer.

We start with a couple of traffic alerts.

L3: traffic alert red two accidents on i-75 scott county @ 126 mm; fayette county @ exit 115 the first accident is on i-75 north at the 1-26 mile marker in scott county and involves four vehicles.

We know the accident reconstruction unit is on the scene.

We have another injury accident on i-75... this in fayette county.... near the 1-15 exit... which is the keeneland- airport exit.

You will want to avoid both of those areas right now.

Hello and thank you for staying with us.

C1 3 hello and thank you for staying with us.

He says it's a record we never wanted to set... but today... the state did... a new single- day record for coronavirus cases.

Fs vo bullets:no coronavirus in kentucky source: office of the governor new cases: 1,163 total cases: 3 ... the governor is reporting 1,163 new cases.

That brings the overall total to 36,945 cases however... the governor says today's totals include cases that weren't previously reported because of a computer glitch over the weekend.

The governor is also reporting seven more covid- related deaths.

Since the start of the pandemic... 790 kentuckians have lost their lives to the virus.

And looking at the positivity rate.... that is now at 5- point-62 percent .

One coronavirus- related death is being reported in lexington.

Fs vo bullets:no lexington coronavirus cases source: lexington-fayette county health dept.

New deaths: 1 ... the lexington- fayette county health department says it was a person in their 70's.

This brings the number of death in lexington to 48.

The health department is also reporting 62 new coronavirus cases.

This marks the fourth consecutive day the number of new cases was under 70.

The number of coronavirus cases in the city is at 4,106.

Of that number... 3,249 people have recovered from the virus.... according to the health department.

Lexington's public health commissioner...dr. kraig humbaugh...says he wants to avoid a potential second health crisis while battling the coronavirus.

He's talking about the upcoming flu season.

Humbaugh says he wants all lexingtonians to get their flu shot...saying right now only about 50 pecent do each year.

He says it's easy to confuse flu symtoms with covid symtoms...especially in the beginning stages of the coronavirus.

Humbaugh says flu vaccines will have to be given differently this year due to safety precautions...and now is the best time to prepare.

####### ots image:left voting during covid-19 mail in ballots.jpg the governor's office is responding to the secretary of state's new plan for a november election...once again in the midst of a pandemic.

But we can't see that plan yet...the secretary saying he wants the governor to look at it first.

L3: coronavirus outbreak white general election negotiations underway frankfort secretary michael adams calls his proposal a bipartisan plan.

People across the country hailed kentucky's approach to the summer primary...especially absentee voting for all it's something the governor wants again..

But adams says can't happen.

L3: coronavirus outbreak white michael adams secretary of state "we had about 800,000 people vote absentee in june and that's great.

We can have about 800,000 people vote absentee in november maybe slightly more.

But we can't have 2 million people or 2 1/2 million people vote absentee our system will crash we're not designed for that."

L3: coronavirus outbreak white general election negotiations underway frankfort instead...adams says there will be more excuses more people can stay safe at home and vote absentee based on age or health.

He knows he can't make everyone happy... but he thinks this'll satisfy about 80- percent.

The governor and the secretary had their first conversation wednesday, since adams submitted the prorposal ots video tape:right back to school debate <none> more students and teachers are speaking about how they want schools to return in person this fall- some saying it should be a choice to come back to the classroom, others saying there's no way to do that safely- and as medical workers push forward with potential vaccines- russia claims to have one approved already, but experts aren't convinced its safe and effective.

Trevor ault has the latest.

L3: coronavirus outbreak white back to school battle as the clock winds down for american school districts to lay out plans for the fall semester-- three new jersey education associations want all schools to move online-saying safe in-person learning is 'not yet achievable' new jersey's governor-signing an exective order- clearing public and non public schools and colleges to reopen-those districts who cannot meet health guidelines will begin online gov phil murphy: "this will not be a normal school year, furthermore there is not a one size fits all plan to this very difficult situation."

Thousands of students across america are already in quarantine because of confirmed covid 19 cases in schools that returned for in person learning- though some students are still fighting to stay in the classroom-- sot - mariah kerkowski / student "everyone has the right to make their own decisions and have opinions but we shouldn't be forced to go online because others are fearful."

In the race for a medical solution to the pandemic-- russia is now claiming to have the first approved covid 19 vaccine-though health officials around the world say it hasn't yet been properly tested dr. fauci: i hope that the russians have actually, definitively proven that the vaccine is safe and effective.

I seriously doubt that they've done that.

Right now the united states has several potential vacccines in late stage human trials- including one from drug company moderna-that are being tested on tens of thousands of volunteers- the trump administration aims to have hundreds of millions of doses available in the beginning of 2021 secretary alex azar: never before has a vaccine in the developed world have gone from phase one to phase three as quickly as the moderna vaccine tag: today scientists with the children's hospital of philadelphia- who's projections are often used by the white house coronavirus task force-say based on current trends-the cities likely to become the next hot spots for the virus are baltimore, chicago and boston.

Trevor ault abc news new york :adlibon: forcht bank sky view here's a live look at the forcht bank skyview through our reed's sprayfoam insulation camera.

Here are current temperatures and feel like temperatures from across central and eastern kentucky.

Hour-by-hour forecast here's what you can expect, hour-by- hour.

Jason wraps :adliboff: the new x-box game console will be out in time for the c1 3 console will be out in time for the holidays... but find out why they may not be flying off the shelves at first.

And.... we'll show you what could be the world's cleanest garbage truck... in more ways than one.

C1 3 demand for disinfecting wipes.... and clorox is making more of them than ever before.

The company is making nearly a million packages of wipes every day.... according to the company's president she also says clorox has increased its manufacturing capacity for disinfecting products by 50 percent.

Clorox has acknowledged there's a product shortage because of high demand.

The shortage is expected to last until next year.

L3: consumer news white xbox to release new console in november x-box series x will be here in time for the holidays.

Microsoft's gaming arm announced theeneration console e out in november.

But fans will have to wait a bit longer for "halo infinite".... which has been delayed to 20-21.

That delay could impact x-box sales since the "halo" franchise has been synonymous with the x-box brand.

L3: consumer news white electric garbage truck unveiled believe it or not.... this is a garbage truck.

And it may be one of the cleanest garbage trucks.... at least in terms of emissions.

That's because it comes from zero- emissions vehicle- maker nikola.

It's a battery- electric waste truck.

The trucks aren't available yet.

The company says on-road testing will probably start in early 20-22.

You can definitely feel the humidity when you head outside.

Meteorologist jason lindsey has a look at how long it will be hanging around.... next.

And later.... no fluff here.

The serious issue teen vogue is tackling in its newest issue.

C1 3 has become a phenomenon of sorts.

Mike tyson even got in on the act this time around.... taking on a shark underwater.

This really shows that people are fascinated by these creatures.

I wanted to learn more about sharks, so i traveled, about and hour and a half, north on i-75, to the newport aquarium.

C1 3 l3: abc 36 news white celebrating "shark week" newport aquarium they have the world's first shark bridge, it's 75-feet- long and suspended over this tank of sharks.

Sharks are unique, they've been around since the dinosaurs, because of dermal denticles, or tiny teeth, their skin feels like sand paper, and as you already know, razor sharp teeth, but here's some good news, they really don't like the taste of humans.

L3: abc 36 news white kristen guevara aquatic biologist "sharks actually like fish, they do not like the taste of people, we taste really, really bad.

So, if there is a shark bite, typically it is an accident.

It's a mistaken identity, they don't actually want to eat us, it's usually one bite and they're done because we taste bad."

Jason wraps :adliboff: in today's your health... older people with asthma may need be c1 3 people, we taste really, really bad.

So, if there is a shark bite, typically it is an accident.

It's a mistaken identity, they don't actually want to eat us, it's usually one bi c1 3 careful jason lindsey >> e2 is what it feels like in richmond our friends and neighbors in london at the like 900 there jackson what's up how are you a feels like 890 in your area so tired of the heat the humidity i have some good news here's proof of the next 10 days the temperatur trend the average high for this time of the 80s six 6b below that a powerful cool friends to sweep through sunday night and that means cooler temperatures for next week at least that the trend for now live hd radar shows you little bit of rain scattered showers as promised i told you in my see this during the afternoon and evening hours between hazzard and whitesburg that was the bull's-eye location yesterday we saw the same thing and scattered showers they get closer to our western counties here, fizzling out just a littl bit as i mentioned is that ring is a little bit closer you'll see that the track of it over the past three hours it's fizzling out here's the deal here's a big weather story a stalled out weather make a righ on top of us that can be the focusing make his own better chance of showers and storms as we in this work we can to let front pushes through on sunday and cleans out the air if you will and wipes out all the storms we get cooler and we get drier you'll see that my seven day forecast just second is also a future cast is as radar and satellite what it might look like at about 10 pm here's breakfast time tomorrow if you're out about a lunch time mainly clouds somewhat like today by the afternoon and evening hours the specific forecasting model indicating we would see more showers and storms will wrap it up with thi over the next seven days seven day forecast your weekends always in view my sunday 40% of the aries thing the showers notice the temperature dropped from 86 on sunday to the upper 70s to lower 80s on wednesday overnight lows in the 60s and m i'm amammcy mcgrgra apapprprovov ted thihi.

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C1 3 in severe weather.

L3: your health white study: storms can trigger asthma attacks one study found thunderstorms can trigger severe asthma attacks in people 65 years old and older.

It says that during the days before a major thunderstorm hits... emergency room visits for seniors rose significantly.

According to the study.... the rate specifically went up in seniors who suffer from asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

The hospital visits peaked a day before the storm.

After the storm was over... the rate of e-r visits went down.

L3: your health white epa approves citrus flavoring to repel insects in the future.... spraying on insect repellents could leave you smelling like grapefruit.

The e-p-a has approved a new ingredient.... called "noot-ka-tone" ....for killing and repelling insects.

The agency says that the chemical works on ticks, mosquitoes and other insects.

It also smells similar to grapefruit.

And get this.... noot-ka-tome is already used in the fragrance industry to make perfumes and colognes.

It's expected to hit the market in 2022.

Ahead... a new class..

Being inducted into the country music hall of fame.... including one inductee who had an indirect hand in the success of kentucky's own chris stapleton.

And.... the special present actress viola davis gave herself on her birthday.... and how she used it to send a strong message z3z3yoyo z8z z1616fz yoy3yo8y8y16 y16fyfy yoy3yo8y8y16 y16fyfy i like liberty mutual.

They get that no two people are alike and customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need.

What do you think?

I don't see it.

Only pay for what you need.







C1 3 november election.

The august digital issue is called "suffragettes."

It tells the stories of ten voting rights activists who are women of color.

This issue is part of a series called "the uncounted."

In it... teen vogue calls out the discriminatory state laws that prevent many non- white americans from voting.

The release was timed with the upcoming 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment.... which gave american women the right to vote.

L3: entertainment news white viola davis buys childhood home, fmr slave plantation actress viola davis gave herself a special present for her fifty-fifth birthday.

The academy award-winner bought the south carolina house where she was born ... located on a former slave plantation.

Her family moved out of the house shortly after her birth.

Davis posted a message on instagram, saying quote: "'may you live long enough to know why you were born'."

Full mug:country music hall of dean dillon.jpg <none> hank williams junior.... marty stuart and songwriter dean dillon are the newest inductees to the country music hall of fame.

Williams joins his father.... country legend hank williams senior... in the hall of fame and is known for songs like "all my rowdy friends are coming over tonight."

Stuart is a five-time grammy winner, started his career backing up other artists like johnny cash before starting his own career.

Dillon is known for writing dozens of hits for george strait, including "tennessee whiskey".... which has been covered by many artists... including kentucky's own chris stapleton... who had a big hit with it.

Stay with us.

We have your top stories of the day coming up evening.

C1 3 and i'm veronica jean seltzer.

We start with a couple of traffic alerts.

L3: traffic alert red two accidents on i-75 scott county @ 126 mm; fayette county @ exit 115 the first accident is on i-75 north at the 1-26 mile marker in scott county and involves four vehicles.

We know the accident reconstruction unit is on the scene.

Traffic management says that area of theroad will remain closed for at least another two hours.

We have another injury accident on i-75... this in fayette county.... near the 1-15 exit... which is the keeneland- airport exit.

You will want to avoid both of those areas right now.

"it's a record we never wanted to set."

That's the statement from governor any beshear.... shortly after announcing the state has hit a new single-day record for coronavirus cases.

Fs vo bullets:no coronavirus in kentucky source: office of the governor new cases: 1,163 total cases: 3 ... the governor is reporting 1,163 new cases.

That brings the overall total to 36,945 cases however... the governor says today's totals include cases that weren't previously reported because of a computer glitch over the weekend.

The governor is also reporting seven more covid- related deaths.

Since the start of the pandemic... 790 kentuckians have lost their lives to the virus.

And looking at the positivity rate.... that is now at 5- point-62 percent .

One coronavirus- related death is being reported in lexington.

Fs vo bullets:no lexington coronavirus cases source: lexington-fayette county health dept.

New deaths: 1 ... the lexington- fayette county health department says it was a person in their 70's.

This brings the number of death in lexington to 48.

The health department is also reporting 62 new coronavirus cases.

This marks the fourth consecutive day the number of new cases was under 70.

The number of coronavirus cases in the city is at 4,106.

Of that number... 3,249 people have recovered from the virus.... according to the health department.

Ots image:right voting during covid-19 mail in ballots.jpg the governor's office is responding to the secretary of state's new plan for a november election...once again in the midst of a pandemic.

But we can't see that plan yet...the secretary saying he wants the governor to look at it first.

He spoke with abc 36's christy bollinger...though... about one feature that won't be included.

That's tonight's top story at six.

Outbreak white michael adams secretary of state l3: fran wagner president, ky league of women voters l3: coronavirus outbreak white general election negotiations underway frankfort a bipartisan plan.

That's what secretary of state michael adams calls his proposal.

"a lot of thought has gone into it this is not just what i think we ought to do."

People across the country hailed kentucky's approach to the summer primary...especially absentee voting for all it's something the governor wants again... adams says...sure...we can have 800,000 vote absentee as in june...but not the 2 million or more expected in november.

"our system will crash we're not designed for that."

"what the law says is there is a very limited class of people that can vote absentee its usually 2% of voters thats the default."

Instead...adams says there will be more excuses more people can stay safe at home and vote absentee based on age or health.

People also want more polling locations.

In june...the state's biggest counties only had one or two.

Adams says he's created an online portal to make easier...the always difficult task of recruiting the 15,000 poll workers needed.

Voting nat?

He knows he can't make everyone happy... but he thinks this'll satisfy about 80- percent.

The governor and the secretary had their first conversation wednesday, since adams submitted the prorposal not having seen the proposal yet, itself...the non- partisan league of women voters of kentucky says the election most open to all will include more time to vote.

"and then trying to expand the absentee but maybe not just making it wide open for everyone."

Eventually the group wants to see a full vote by mail system..

But knows it can't happen overnight.

The secretary says election plans could be announced this law both he and the governor have to agree on the form the election will take.

Christy bollinger, abc 36 news.

### ots image:right voting during covid-19 mail in ballots.jpg the secretary's proposal would also have mail in ballots in by 6 p-m election day... so results could be announced that night.

Ots image:left infield closed kentucky derby1.jpg churchill down makes a big announcement about the upcoming kentucky derby.

Abc 36's bryan kennedy is live in teh studio with details.

L3 bryan: white horse racing fans usually descend on churchill down from all over the world for the kentucky derby.

For 2020...a large majority of those fans won't be allowed in.

L3: coronavirus outbreak white churchill drastically reduces specators for ky derby no general admissio ... on wednesday, churchill downs announcing they are drastically reducing the amount of spectators allowed on derby day.

They are also not allowing any general admission tickets and the infield will be closed.

It will be reserved seating only.

The derby annually has about 150- thousand specators churchill estimates about 23-thousand spectators for the first saturday in september.

L3 bryan: white another major sporting event...the masters announces they will have no spectators at all.

More on that tlater in sports.

V-j back to you.

Ots image:left ag meets with family breonna oprah.jpg in other news.... the family of breonna taylor... the woman shot to death by louisville police officers back in march... met with kentucky's attorney general today.

L3: abc 36 news white attorney general meets with breonna taylor's family louisville according to daniel cameron's office... he met with the family to personally express his condolences.

The meeting comes as an investigation continues into the fatal shooting of taylor.

Cameron is facing calls from protesters who want him tio charge the officers who shot taylor while serving a narcotics search warrant at her apartment.

No drugs were found.

One of the officers was fired.

Two other officers were reassigned.

None face criminal charges.

L3: abc 36 news white ad campaign launches tomorrow calling for justice for breonna taylor the lack of criminal charges against those officers is the focus of a major ad campaign launching tomorrow... which also happens to be the five-month anniversary of taylor's death.

This is one of the ads.

The campaign started as a change-dot-org petition... calling for arrest all of the officers involved in breonna's death and the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate the louisville police department... among other demands.

Change-dot-org will also host a 6-hour livestream premiere tomorrow... featuring some of the people who signed the petition... calling on lawmakers and other officials to act.

State police have confirmed that a knott county teenager killed back in february was killed by a pack of feral dogs.

Fs img center:ksp: teen killed by feral dogs corey godsey corey godsey.jpg k-s-p says wildlife camera were set up in the area where 13-year-old corey godsey was found dead.

They say several dogs were spotted in the area and caught.

Detectives say d-n-a samples collected from the many of those dogs came back a match to evidence found on godsey's body.

At the time.... investigators suspected an animal attack as the cause of the teen's death.

K-s-p says they are continuing to investigate.

A man convicted of beating a baby in 20-14 is back behind bars.... accused of beating another child.

Full mug:child abuse arrest whitley county bradley powers bradley powers.jpg <none> <none> <none> bradley powers was arrested saturday in williamsburg.

Authorities in whitley county tell the herald-leader newspaper that they were called to the home for a report of an unresponsive two-year-old.

According to thenewspaper.... power's arrest citation says multiple bruises were found on the boy... and a hand mark was visible on the child.

The boy was flown to university of tennessee hospital.

:adlibon: forcht bank sky view here's a live look at the forcht bank skyview through our reed's sprayfoam insulation camera.

Here are current temperatures and feel like temperatures from across central and eastern kentucky.

Hometown forecast here's what you can expect, for the next six ours, in tiptop, kentucky.

Jason wraps :adliboff: a clark county woman makes a most wanted list.... but she did nothing to forcht bank sky view here's a live look at the forcht bank skyview through our reed's sprayfoam insulation camera.

Here are current temperatures and feel like temperatures from across central and eastern kentucky.

Hometown forecast here's what you can expect, for the next six ours, in tiptop, kentucky.

Jason wraps :adliboff: a clark county woman makes a most wanted list.... but she did nothing to get on it.

L3: still ahead white "wanted" by mistake "my phone started ringing.

People were concerned, people were worried.

Hear how a case of mistaken identity turned life into a nighmare for this wife and mother.

We use social media everyday.

We use it c1 3 friends.

See what's going on around our community and check in on family.

But sometimes a simple post meant to help can turn into a nightmare.

Abc 36's justin roth explains how that happened to a clark county woman ended up on most wanted poster even though she didn't commit the crime.

Latisha is a model citizen.

She has two jobs.

She's a wife.

A mom.

And was even featured as a hometown hero for her work during the pandemic on local radio station.

Then this happened.

Fayette county sheriff's office released a photo of latisha on its most wanted poster.

Latisha 11 "my phone started ringing.

People were concerned, people were worried.

You know something was going on with tish because you all saw her face on a poster.

But it wasn't me."

She contacted the sheriffs office and barely slept latisha 13 "when i found out what the girl had done and what she's charged with that made me feel like i could have been a breonna taylor" the fayette county sheriff's office gave abc36s news a statement saying the office of sheriff regrets that an employee mistakenly used an incorrect photo for another individual with the same name.

As soon as ms. allen notified this office, the post was removed.

The employee apologized to ms. allen.

With ms. allen's permission and at her request, sheriff witt called ms. allen's employer to acknowledge the mistake.

Ms. allen's employer acknowledged that ms. allen has remained and continues to be in good standing with her employment.

Latisha says the apology is fine but it's still not enough latisha 08 "because who's to say i'm the only one they've done this to and who's to say if i don't say something i will be the last."

And when it comes to social media she just wants some accountability.

Latisha 19 "check stuff before you actually post it and then when you share it on social media make sure that everything you are sharing on social media is 100% true.

Now that was false and you had to take it down.

And i had to be the civilian who had to call with the correct information you should have already had."

Justin roth abc36 news warm and humid out there .... and that could better our chances of seeing some showers.

We get more from chief meteorologist jason lindsey on that next.

And later.... remember when you could make it a "blockbuster night"?

How one air b-n-b is letting you get the chance again.

At fifth third bank we're working hard to make banking a fifth third better.

With fifth third free checking.

We have free checking too.

Just jump through these hoops.


Fifth third free checking.

No monthly fees.

No hoops.

This is banking, a fifth third better.

Rlworld-d-asclass s heheararcatr ththanan y y tou thihi.


Clcc is n nbeumber r onone e tin thr hehearartststh.

Theyeyav savedeh tetes ams spspececiaiazelizedt cocolemplex x arheart t cacasest ad advavancncededec technhnogoy we we'r're e ththnae natiti'soe heheararprt progogm ram 2626 y .

Awe alslso o haha yve yououn mimi, nd, wiwi eth extxtrara o kekeepepve everyrye one prprotu hahaveve h a heaea crt conondid a sesecocondndpi opinini, on, ce mbnumberer o on n uryour s.

At fifth third bank we're working hard to make banking a fifth third better.

With fifth third free checking.

We have free checking too.

Just jump through these hoops.


Fifth third free checking.

No monthly fees.

No hoops.

This is banking, a fifth third better.

This is my new shaq-a-roni pizza.

Extra cheese, extra pepperoni right to the edge and the biggest slices in papa john's history.

But it's bigger than pizza because $1 from each sale is donated to support communities.

Alright let's roll.

C'mon pizza's here.


Is that shaq?

This is my new pizza the shaq-a-roni and it's bigger than pizza because for every shaq-a-roni sold, $1 is donated to the papa john's foundation for building community.

C1 3 but it's just not that easy.

One word often popping up when talking about the pandemic and players competing is liability.

You may want to play now, but the "what if's surrounding playing are endless.

What if a player gets covid-19?

What are the long- term affects if you do get it?

What if a team has an do you proceed?

These are all serious questions and s-e-c commissioner greg sankey addressed liability concerns while on the dan patrick show.

Devin booker has done it.

He dropped 35 points in a 130 to 117 win y.

He now has 91 30 point games with the suns...that's the most in franchise history.

He's only 23 by the way.

His suns now 7 and oh...the only team who's gone undefeated in the bubble.

For a spot in the 8th seed play-in game they first and foremost must win on thursday, but they also need the blazers and or the grizzlies to lose.

They don't exactly control their own destiny.

Booker talked about that after the game.

Big news out of augusta national on wednesday.

The 2020 masters c1 3 will be held without spectators and guests.

The masters is set to tee of november 9th.

The chairman of the augusta national golf club saying the potential risk of having spectators and guests is just too much.

If you happen to be one of those lucky folks who has a ticket...gotta buy that just a tad in advance...your tickets will be honored for the masters in 2021.

Out at the top seed open in nicholasville.

One of the biggest matches of the day...16 year old coco gauf and second seeded aryna sabalenka.

The teen star gets the upset over sabalenka 2 sets to 1.

She moves on to the quarterfinals.

If you're wondering...the williams sisters will battle thursday for a spot in the quarterfinals c1 3 kentucky lottery scratch-a-4cast for the next three days.

Make it a blockbuster night was once a tradition for many... who grabbed a movie and settled in at home to watch it.

L3: abc 36 news white blockbuster sleepover airbnb opens in last blockbuster video store some oregon residents are getting to relive that.... because the last operating blockbuster video in the worldou for the classic cost of a movie rental.

For just four bucks a night.... you get an overnight stay like back in the day.... complete with a pullout couch bed, big-box tv, v-c-r movies and junk food right now... this is only being offered to local residents.

But if the demands great enough... it will probably open up to anyone who wants to make it a blockbuster night.

That's all the time we have world news tonight with david muir is next with joe biden and >>> tonight, breaking news as we come on the air.

Late today, joe biden and kamala harris for the first time appearing together as running mates, making their case.

President trump already responding tonight.

The former vice president and his running mate, senator kamala harris, appearing together in delaware, walking out in masks.

Socially distanced.

Joe biden saying he has no doubt he made the right pick, that her story is america's story.

Biden referencing trump's attacks already, calling harris nasty.

Saying is anyone surprised that donald trumps that a problem with a strong woman?

Senator harris saying he's ready to get to work.

That when she's had doubts about these times, she thinks about the doctors and nurses on the front lines, the farmers, the factory workers.

On racism and systemic injustice, she says there is a new coalition of conscience.

And what she said about her friendship with joe biden's late son, beau.

And what she said about father and son.

The former vice president with his head down.

The emotion on his face.

>>> president trump speaking right after, as he and his campaign release competing messages on this new ticket.

And president trump saying again today suburban housewives will be voting for me.

And his reason why.

>>> also tonight, the new and dire warning from the head of the cdc.

Dr. robert redfield on masks tonight.

Saying that he's not asking some of america to do it, that we all have to do it.

Warning, we could have the worst fall in u.s. history if we don't.

The flash point tonight over opening schools.

More than 1,000 students and staff quarantined in one district.

And entire high school shut down.

And the new model, what it warns when it comes to several major cities in the u.s. and tonight, the study here on different types of masks.

Which ones protect you best and the ones that might not help at all.

>>> overseas tonight, the horrific pictures coming in.

The deadly train crash.

Several cars derailing.

First responders searching the

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