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Tuesday, 16 July 2024

081120 5-6:30

Credit: WTVQ Lexington, KY
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081120 5-6:30
081120 5-6:30
081120 5-6:30

History...a black woman will be a running mate on a major party presidential ticket.

And... l3: coming up white fbi taking over is "a dream come true" cb pkg: i've begged for this.

Why the f-b-i taking over crystal rogers' a dream come true for her mother.

L3: coming up white sec presses on plus...the big ten and the pac 12 cancel their seasons...but the s- e-c presses on.

### welcome in.

I'm tom kenny.

We thank you for joining us this evening.

And i'm veronica jean seltzer.

And we begin with breaking news in the race for the white house.

L3: breaking news red joe biden selects sen.

Kamala harris as running mate just a short time ago.... joe biden named california senator kamala harris as his running mate.

In doing so.... harris becomes the first woman of color on a major party's presidential ticket.

The 55-year-old harris was elected to the senate in 20- 16 after serving as california's attorney general.

Harris competed against biden for the democratic presidential nomination but left the race in his announcement today... biden called harris quote: a fearless fighter for the little guy, and one of the country's finest public servants.

The daily coronavirus briefing was held today in frankfort.... but it was questionable whether governor andy beshear would lead it after falling ill earlier in the day.

That's tonight's top story at five.

L3: top story white governor and family test negative for covid-19 tested after governor, first lady fa ... governor beshear and first lady britainy beshear were scheduled to attend a virtual ribbon cutting at one this afternoon.... but the governor's office says the two began feeling sick earlier in the day.... and were forced to abruptly cancel their appearance.

His office released a statement late this afternoon.... saying the governor and his family have tested negative for covid-19.

While beshear was said to be feeling better... today's update was held via video and not a press conference.

Here are the updated numbers from the governor on coronavirus cases in the state.

Yesterday.... we told you the governor cautioned that the numbers released on monday may be artificially low because of a computer glitch fs img txt bullets:no coronavirus in kentucky source: the governor's office coronavirusbkgd2.jpg new c ... there are 562 new cases of the virus.

That brings the total to 35,793 cases.

The state is also reporting eight more deaths from the virus.

So far... 783 kentuckians have died from the virus.

To the positivity rate.... which the state is watching to determine what restrictions to lift.... that is now at 5-point-87 percent.

Ots image:left covid-10 recovery coronavirus 5.jpg more than three thousand people have recovered from coronavirus in fayette county.

But what does recovered mean exactly?

Abc 36's cody adams spoke with the health department to find out more.

L3: coronavirus outbreak white what does recovered mean?

Lexington how does the health department determine exactly what it means to be recovered?

Kevin hall/ lfchd: people use the word recovery but really what we are doing is releasing people back into public activities because they're no longer infectious.

It's all based off of recomendations from the cdc.

Kevin hall/ lfchd: the guidelines have shifted.

We go by cdc recommendations and they have updated that since the start of the outbreak because they have more people to study and common.

It's laid out as ino this... for most persons with covid-19 illness, isolation and precautions can generally be discontinued 10 days after the first day of symptoms and no fever for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing medications, and with improvement of other symptoms. kevin hall/ lfchd:its not looking at people 100% to full health they may still have lingering issues but they are simply not at risk according to the cdc of infecting other.

And that's what's important.

We don't want anyone going out and spreading this to others.

New guidelines from the cdc say a negative test is no longer necessary.

Kevin hall/ lfchd: so just because you were positive and you need that second test to get back to work, that's really not the case.

Talk to your health department talk to your medical provider to see what other options you have to get back to work.

All of this means your local health departments play an even bigger role.

Kevin hall/ lfchd: what people don't understand is if you are considered infectious we are trying to check in with people on a daily basis, check on their symptoms and to just give them a little support.

In studio cody adams abc 36 news kentucky's secretary of state has submitted his preliminary plan to the governor for how voting would work in the november general election.

According to a report in the lexington herald- leader...michael adams' plan does not include the same expanded voting provisions used in june's primary.

The report says it doesn't have no- excuse absentee voting by mail for all voters.

That puts adams on a collision course with the governor who wants mail-in voting available to everyone.

No comment yet from the governor.

State law says the two men have to agree on an election plan.

A day after the governor asked schools to hold-off on in-person classroom teaching until late september because of the coronavirus...a group of madison county parents and students gathered outside that district's main office to show their support for in- person learning.

Abc 36's alex king takes you to the demonstration.

"small but mighty... that's how one mom described the group here at madison county schools showing support for the tough decisions being made involving kids returning to school."

It's our community, our kids, and we feel like it's our decision."

Marcy cummings has three kids in madison county schools... one of them is her daughter hannah, it's our community, our kids, and we feel like it's "small but mighty... that's how one mom described the group here at madison county schools showing support for the tough decisions being made involving kids returning to school."

It's our community, our kids, and we feel like it's our decision."

Marcy cummings has three kids in madison county schools... one of them is her daughter hannah, who is in seventh grade at madison county middle school.

She says they wanted to show support for school leaders as they work on making some difficult decisions for the school year.

"i'm a pediatric occupational therapist so i've worked with a lot of kiddos who have struggled with mental illness and things like that but i have seen even with my own kids that you can get kind of bummed.

We are not made for isolation, i feel like we need socialization, and even that connection with your teachers."

This all comes after governor andy beshear's recommendation that schools open whenever they feel comfortable but delay in-person classes until sept.


Rachel rieck is a senior at madison central high school... she says every student looks forward to having the experience of their senior year.

She says finishing out her junior year online because of the coronavirus was difficult.

"i consider myself an introvert, i'm not out in people's business all the time, so at the very beginning i was like awesome i don't have to talk to people for a long time but then as it got on i was like i want to see my friends."

Rieck says that one thing that can help with anxiety for students... is being around people in a positive environment.

While some schools have decided to start online... others still are weighing in-'s unclear when that option might happen...but these madison county residents want school leaders to know they are behind them... reporting in richmond, alex king, abc 36 news.

:adlibon: jason wraps :adliboff: ots image:right praying for answers crystal rogers.jpg the mother of missing bardstown mother crystal c1 3 rogers is speaking out for the first time since the f-b-i took over the five year investigation into her daughter's disappearance.

Abc 36's christy bollinger has more on sherry ballard's new hope she will get answers.

"this has been my dream come true for a long time."

The day sherry ballard's been waiting for finally came last week.

That's when the fbi took over her daughter's case.

"i've begged for this.

I've done everything possible that i could to make them stand up and take attention because i think i need someone of their magnitude to break this case and give me the justice that i need."

Immediately after taking over the case.... the f-b-i searched properties belonging to crystal's ex- boyfriend.... brooks houck... and his family.

Houck has been the main suspect since crystal went missing july 20-15.

Recently... human remains were found near the houck family farm.

Just like in the past when remains were found.... the possibility it could be her daughter's brings her mixed emotions.

"i prayed, it was.

And then i felt ashamed of myself and guilty because i prayed, it was, um, i wanted it to be to have closure."

Now, she thinks with the f-b-i and all of its resources, she can find those answers she's been desperate to get...though she knows it comes at a price for her and crystal's five children.

"it scares me.

Because i've held that together this far.

But i think once someone's arrested.

And i see that for my own as.

Is it really going to hit me hard, everything that's happened and what i've been through.

And what these kids and my whole family have been through."

Even when and if her daughter's case is solved... she'll be left trying to answer this haunting question.

"how do you move on?"

Christy bollinger, abc 36 news.

The f-b-i ha s set up a website to share information about the case.

You can find it on our website w-t-v-q dot com.

Lexington mayor linda gorton has named a replacement for lexington's 6th district.

L3: abc 36 news white mayor names 6th district councilmember lisa higgins-hord to fill vacated seat lisa higgins-hord will serve for the rest of angela evans' term on the lexington-fayette urban county council.

Evans stepped down from the council in july to pursue a graduate degree at princeton university.

Gorton says higgins-hord is a university of kentucky administrator with experience working with groups throughout the community.

Gorton says david kloiber.... who is running for the 6th district seat without opposition.... will be a quote: "excellent councilmember for the 6th district".... but adds.... right now.... timing is critical... and that's why she named higgins-hord as the new council member.

L3 bryan: white it is official.

The big ten and the pac 12 will not play football this fall.

Both conferences offically making the announcement tuesday afternoon.

Both did use the word postponement meaning there is a chance they play in the spring.

Commissioners from both conferences saying the health and welfare of their athletes were a big reason for the decision.

One key difference though...the pac-12 says all sports so that means basketball will not be played until at least 2021 either.

What about the a-c-c and the s-e-c?

Well for starters, today an a-c-c official told c-b-s the conference absolutely intends to play football this fall.

The a-c-c medical advisory group has told the league they can play safely.

What about the s-e- c?

Commissioner greg sankey says they are full steam ahead with a season.

Later in sports hear from sankey on that.

Still no word on the big 12.

Over on the hardwood, if you were going to name an n-b-a bubble m-v- p...i don't see how former cat devin booker isn't your number one choice.

First and foremost...his suns are 6 and oh in the restart and over the next two days could clinch a spot in the 8th seed play- in game.

Booker is averaging 30 points in the bubble...which leads everyone.

His 35 point game last night gave him his 90th of his career which ties him for the most 30- point games in franchise history.

L3 bryan: white there was a very special graduation in lexington today.

But it had nothing to do with academics.... and everything to do with family.

We'll explain when we come back.

I'm amy mcgrath, and i approve this message.

Mitch mcconnell is attacking amy mcgrath on crime?

While amy mcgrath was bombing terrorists, the ultimate law enforcement, mitch mcconnell was sitting in washington behind a desk.

The ultimate law enforcement, and why is he smiling?

His trade deals made china richer, their military stronger.

They're spying on us, and they didn't stop the coronavirus.

Oh, and mitch made millions from china.

And they didn't stop the coronavirus.

36 years is long enough.

C1 3 ways...especially those at long term care facilities...who haven't been able to see their an effort to stay safe.

Today...after a difficult bout with covid..

The people living at cambridge place in lexington got to take a little bit of joy back...with a drive through "graduation ceremony" o sorts.

Abc36's justin roth captured the moment.

They have something to celebrate here.

06 cara "we did have 25 cases of covid here thankfully goodness most of them.

Most of the residents were asymptomatic."

But now, cambridge place in lexington....has been covid free for a couple weeks.

A milestone big enough to share with a distance 11 cara "it's been very different for the last few months and so this is a time to celebrate them and their victory to get them outside to see their families from afar and to have some joy and happiness today."

Families...armed with signs ...honked their car horns nats honking 11 trent "we wish we could see her in person and give her a hug, spend some time with her but we want to do everything we can to help and support her right now in this."

Seeing your family is always a boost... but for the's everything.

15 cara "it's mind over matter, they have to mentally and emotionally be in a good spot and when they don't see their loved ones it really does affect them so i really them that it's a blessing that we can get to that point."

While visitation is allowed right now in the state...cambridge place isn't risking it...only keeping visits to events like this.

But it hopes to start some sort of in person visitor program again in the near future justin roth abc36 news ### a little cooler.... and possibly stormier.

Chief meteorologist jason lindsey fills us in on that next.

And coming up a little later.... a jeweler is tapped to craft a very expensive face cover.

What's going on this pricey c1 3 :adliboff: the s-e-c still plans to play football this fall.


Hear from c1 3 comissioner greg sankey in a moment.

And a huge hit for the basketball cats...assistant kenny payne is headed to be an assistant for the knicks.

More on that coming up in sports.

Over the past decade...there z3z3yoyo z8z z1616fz yoy3yo8y8y16 y16fyfy yoy3yo8y8y16 y16fyfy c1 3 force for kentucky basketball, but the guy who has almost been just as important...kenny payne.

And now his days at kentucky are over.

Payne has officially accepted a job to be an assistant coach for the new york knicks.

Tom thibodeau just took over as head coach.

Payne is close to williams wesley...or world wide wes..he recently took over as executive vice president for the knicks.

Payne's resume can be seen in the guy's he's coached at kentucky.

He's the big man whisperer.

Anthony davis is up for n-b-a defensive player of the year.

Bam adebayo up for most improved player.

Oh yea...there's also karl anthony towns and demarcus cousins.

Just recently after everyone had written off nick richards...he's named all s-e-c this past season.

It is not official...but reports are cal's close friend and current indiana assistant bruiser flint will be the replacement.

While the big ten and pac 12 will not play football this fall.

The s-e-c presses on.

As it stands now, the s-e-c will play football this fall.

S-e-c commissioner greg sankey was on the dan patrick show where he says if another conference were to cancel or postpone it would simply be one piece of info for a decision...nothing more.

He also expanded on why the s-e-c will still play.

The georgetown college tigers won't play football until the spring.

C1 3 the mid-south conference making the decision official on tuesday.

Orginially, the conference had decided to begin play in mid- september, but now will look to play football in spring 2021.

Let's go out to the top seed open in nicholasville.

Top-seeded serena williams taking on bernarda pera.

First set...set point...pera up 5 to 4... pera...fires over the forehead shot and she will take the first set.

Rust for serena...or is there an upset brewing?

Second set...serena looking for set point.

Pera can't handle the return...serena takes the second set 6 to 4.

Match point now for serena.

Pera trying to hang in there....but serena is just too much.

Serena wins the final set 6 to 1... if you guessed were right.

Serena beats pera 2 to 1...she now moves on to the next round.

C1 3 protection equipment into the ultimate fashion statement.

He is currently making world's most expensive face mask l3: abc 36 news white jeweler creating world's most expensive mask costs $1.5 million the jeweler says a billionaire businessman asked him to make the mask and had three demands: it must be completed by the end of the year.... be fitted with top-rated n-99 filters... and be the most expensive mask in the world.

When it's finished, the 18-karat white gold face covering will be encrusted with 36-hundred white and black diamonds.

The price tag?

One-and-a-half- million dollars.

When it's done... the mask will weigh over half a pound.

Next...the governor tests negative for coronavirus after feeling ill this c1 3 morning.

And the mother of missing bardstown woman crystal rogers shares the complex emotions she feels... praying human remains found recently will be identified as c1 3 you for staying with us.

Governor andy beshear and his family have tested negative for the coronavirus.

That is our top story at 5:30.

L3: top story white governor and family test negative for covid-19 tested after governor, first lady fa ... they were tested today..... after the governor and first lady britainy beshear fell ill earlier in the day and were forced to cancel an appearance.

The governor's office later said the governor was feeling better but opted to give today's coronavirus update by video rather than at a news conference.

Here are the updated numbers from the governor on coronavirus cases in the state.

Yesterday.... we told you the governor cautioned that the numbers released on monday may be artificially low because of a computer glitch fs img txt bullets:no coronavirus in kentucky source: the governor's office coronavirusbkgd2.jpg new c ... there are 562 new cases of the virus.

That brings the total to 35,793 cases.

The state is also reporting eight more deaths from the virus.

So far... 783 kentuckians have died from the virus.

To the positivity rate.... which the state is watching to determine what restrictions to lift.... that is now at 5-point-87 percent.

Fs vo bullets:no lexington coronavirus cases source: lexington-fayette county health dept.

New cases: 49 ... lexington has hit a new milestone in coronavirus cases .

With 49 new cases reported today.... the city now has surpassed 4,000 cases overall the good news... there were no new deaths.... which means the total remains at 47.

As the u-s roars past five million confirmed cases of covid-19.... there are some positive signs that the spread is slowing in some of the country- trevor ault has the latest.

L3: coronavirus outbreak white slowing the spread?

:adlibon: traffic cameras here's a live look at traffic conditions.

Hour-by-hour forecast here's what you can expect, hour-by- hour.

Jason wraps :adliboff: ots image:left praying for answers crystal rogers.jpg the traffic conditions.

Hour-by-hour forecast here's c1 3 traffic cameras here's a live look at traffic conditions.

Hour-by-hour forecast here's what you can expect, hour-by- hour.

C1 3 jason lindsey >> now that's fahrenheit are 240c you will notice this guy left ear which would take skiers up to the mountain of course not going no snow which we have some snow c1 3 let me know what you think about self by checking us out on a b 36 on facebook 860 in richmond before in jackson 84 in somerse 85 in frankfurt at 8 pm i'm expecting anyone degrees by 10 o'clock 750 don't forget were o every screen that you haven't when you're driving down the road with your all your jam into your favorite music maybe it's one of these radio stations you'll hear your favorite meteorologist.

A b c 36 making sure you and your family are safe from the storm storms on that answer my 70 forecast a little bit later in the meantim tom back over to you jason than you missing bardstown mother of missing bardstown mom crystal rogers speaking out publicly for the first time since the fbi took over the agonizingly long five your investigation into her daughter's disappearance in an interview with abc affiliate whas in louisville sherry ballard says this is really kind of a dream come true in a strange way immediately after taking over the case the fbi searched properties that the long to crystal rogers boyfriend at the time of her disappearance works how and his family houck has been the main suspect ever since crystal rogers went missing which was july 2015 recently you may recall in the news human remain were found near the houck famil farm as in the past when remains are found it's always brought u as a possibility that it could be crystal rogers and matt brings for mom mixed emotions c1 3 she hasn't been given a timelin as to win the remains could be positively identified but she thinks with the fbi and all of its vast resources able to find those answers that she is so desperate to get the fbi has set up a website to share information about this high profile case we have all of that on our website w t v now in her rest man in the lord curled into his car money fs 64- year-old laughing gal whether filing a complaint by two girls is hard to build up near the while you were walking the very area offer them to get his suv on monday david pulled over mapping out a driving activity is action have the vehicle involved in the perry county sheriff's office is investigating a shooting that left a woman to see it happen on old mill ridge road and the bonnyman community around 6 o'clock this morning the corner pronounced 57-year-old amber combs of bonnyman dead at the scene the sheriff's office has no arrests are expected at this time the investigation is expected to be presented to a grand jury in perry county next month ... a billboard has gone up along i 65 it has a lot of people talking because it takes aim at the kentucky farm bureau for kentucky addressing advocacy groups created that billboard calling for into what it says are the bureaus discriminatory policies against the lgbt cute community as well as teachers and unions the group says kentucky farm bureau insurance customers may not know that there some hoarding those policies through an annual fee that they pay the kentucky farm bureau sent out a statement responding to these claims saying in part our policy positions rise from the grassroots of each county farm bureau as such our voice reflects our membership in kentucky's rural community people are at are found in over returning home said they were called in a great home and our community last night and discovered james goins and ashley miller ... chris vertically sticking i wrote in to tell you a little earlier and for the hauling coc- cola tipped over spilled soda all over reno road this afternoon and contract management right now there are some crews on the way to try to tell the data driver after making two wyatt turn likely no injury ... right movie it's needed to boost the state bus system the us transportation department announcing more than $5 million being awarded to the state to try to replace rehabilitative or by buses and construct bus related facilities that money is going to go to the state transportation cabinet and the transit authority of central kentucky ... russia's pres.

Vladimir putin claiming his countries come up with and is now already using a coronavirus vaccine strata i wanted my hepatitis c gone.

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C1 3 jason wraps :adliboff: ots image:left praying for answers crystal rogers.jpg the mother of missing bardstown mo rogers is speaking out for the fihe fbi took over the five year investigation into her daughter's disappearance.

In an interview with our affiliate, w-h-a- s, sherry ballard says this is a dream come true.

Immediately after taking over the case..

The f-b-i searched properties belonging to crystal's boyfriend..

Brooks houck..

And his family.

Houck has been the main suspect since crystal went missing july 20-15.

Recently, human remains were found near the houck family farm.

Just like in the past when remains were found, the possibility it could be her daughter's brings her mixed emotions.

"i prayed it was, and then i felt ashamed of myself and guilty because i prayed it was, i wanted it to be to have closure."

She hasn't been given a timeline as to when the remains could be identified... but she thinks the fbi with all of its resources, can find those answers she's been desperate to get.

The fbi has set up a website to share information about the case.

You can find it on to eastern kentucky.... where deputies have arrested a man they say tried to lure two girls into his car with money.

Full mug:deputies: man tried to lure girlsngale jeffery massingale.jpg &lty sheriff's office says le was arresrove up near them while theysunday a into his s-u-v.

On monday.... deputho they ing the description of the vehicle ioffia shooting that left a woman deamg the coronbs, of bonnyman, dead at ests are expet this time,ted to be presented ta pe... taking aim at the kentucky fti-e billboard.... calling for an end to wpolicies against thrs and unions.

They say kentucksupporting tee they pay.

Fs img quote:kylicy positions rm bureau sent outyingour policy p grassroots of each county farmml whitley county james goins ashley miller james sheriffighland park community t night... and discoveed to cleana sticky mess on verteendale rd.

S after this semi... hauling coca cole road this afternoon.

Thhorities at 434 --u to e rd ky- 1978 between leestown rd en oftruck for vehicle removal.

Money is headed to kentucky to boost then money coming tnt tin department announced more than five million dollars was being awarded to the state to replace, rehabilitate, and purchase b anntucky transportation caof central kentucky.

Russian press come up with.... w using.'ll tell you why scientists around the world are soundi to clear a cors vaccing with a lsm.

Ecomes first country to approve/use covid-19 vaccine scerwent the necessary tests and hers has already been inoor peopl scientists in the u-s and arour.

Saying putin has offered no p injections have not been subjecthe vaccine could backfir.

L3: en mistaken for cardiac arrest r- reported.w research found claal cardiac arrest when they were as an ervi have a first impression of cardiac arrest and there's no history or overt signs of a drug overdose.

Americans who struggle to keep food in their homes could suffer long- term health issues.

In a 10-year study of 25-thousand people... researchers found those who experienced food insecurity were more likely to develop serious health issues such as cardiovascular disease.

According to researchers.... among the participants in the study... death from cardiovascular disease was 75- percent higher in food-insecure people.

Storm chances continue today.

Will it stay that way for the rest of the week?

We've got chief meteorologist jason lindsey in next to let us know.

And later.... actress alyssa milano shares her struggle with the coronavirus... months after getting it... and one of the unexpected symptoms she is now this is my new shaq-a-roni pizza.

Extra cheese, extra pepperoni right to the edge and the biggest slices in papa john's history.

But it's bigger than pizza because $1 from each sale is donated to support communities.

Is this the world's best sandwich?


Lance's real peanut butter between two toasted crackers is the best.

Pick up some tasty sandwich crackers from lance.

Alright let's roll.

C'mon pizza's here.


Is that shaq?

This is my new pizza the shaq-a-roni and it's bigger than pizza because for every shaq-a-roni sold, $1 is donated to the papa john's foundation for building community.

Up across the midwest..... after a c1 3 rare wind storm with power similar to a major hurricane blew through several states monday.

The storm.... known as a derecho....had winds speeds of more than 100 miles per hour in when it hit iowa.

The storm also hit eastern nebraska and parts of wisconsin and illinois and lasted several hours..... damaging buildings.... flipping vehicles.... blowing over trees and knocking out power to more than a half-million people.

Jason wraps :adliboff: actress alyssa milano says she continues to battle symptoms after c1 3 the airport is 840 but it feels like it's 89 a mix of selling cloud 65% humidity in a southwest when sustained at about 6 miles per hour here some temperatures from across c1 3 region and beyond it feels like 92 right now in louisville her friends and neighbors over but it feels lik 90 down in nashville right on 9 is what it feels like an in the knoxville area around 80 89 here's a look at live hd radar and you will notice not much going on for the majority of kentucky but the far western part of the state over towards a fulton right up to the mississippi river there letter some scattered showers write c1 3 off to the north and east from the south and west was bring everything back home because that's where you care about right when it comes to scattere showers are some of them off to the south and east levels close to the virginia kentucky and tennessee borders here's a look at live hd radar as i use the power of five radars to make sure you and your family are safe from any significant storms over the next few hours or so here's proof with my future cas to stop it at 10 o'clock you should be seeing a cloud or two out there but that's about it here's a look at tomorrow morning at breakfast time next and cloud same thing for lunch time and dinner time typical fo this time of year showers storm during the pop-up there on the radar here's a look at my seven day forecast small chance of rain tomorrow i think the majority of us will see just th sunshine in the clouds thursday friday into the week and a better chance of rain is a other maker starts to stall out and c1 3 of focusing mechanism of a good chance of rain drying out on tuesday but you'll notice temperatures right around norma for this time of year especiall by the weekend around 85 on saturday overnight lows in the 60s 70s you're watching a b c 36 ... will be back right a as a caricature artist, i appreciate what makes each person unique.

That's why i like liberty mutual.

They get that no two people are alike and customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need.

Almost done.

What do you think?

I don't see it.

Only pay for what you need.







C1 3 contracting the coronavirus back in march.

L3: entertainment news white alyssa milano losing hair after getting covid-19 she says one of the symptoms is hair loss.

Milano posted a video on twitter.... showing her brushing her wet hair.... then holding up a clump of it to show how much came out.

She finishes the video by emphasizing how important it is to wear a mask.

Milano said last week that.... though she had been very ill... she tested negative for coronavirus twice before testing positive for antibodies.

Simon cowell has a fill-in for his judging duties on "america's got talent" ... as he continues to recover from a back injury.

Kelly clarkson will be serving as a guest judge in his absence.

Cowell underwent surgery after an electric bike accident over the weekend.

Be sure to stay with us.

Your top stories of the day are coming up after the break.

L3: comin c1 3 forced to undergo coronavirus testing.

And... l3: coming up white fbi taking over is "a dream come true" cb pkg: i've begged for this.

Why the f-b-i taking over crystal rogers' a dream come true for her mother.

L3: coming up white sec presses on plus...the big ten and the pac 12 cancel their seasons...but the s- e-c presses on.

### welcome in.

I'm tom kenny.

We thank you for joining us this evening.

And i'm veronica jean seltzer.

Governor andy beshear says he has newfound empathy for those who have to wait to get covid-19 tests results.

That's because he and his family had to undergo testing today.

That's tonight's top story at six.

L3: top story white governor and family test negative for covid-19 tested after governor, first lady fa ... governor beshear and first lady britainy beshear were scheduled to attend a virtual ribbon cutting at one this afternoon.... but the governor's office says the two began feeling sick earlier in the day.... and were forced to abruptly cancel their appearance.

His office released a statement late this afternoon.... saying the governor and his family have tested negative for covid-19.

While beshear was said to be feeling better... today's update was held via video and not a press conference.

Here are the updated numbers from the governor on coronavirus cases in the state.

Yesterday.... we told you the governor cautioned that the numbers released on monday may be artificially low because of a computer glitch fs img txt bullets:no coronavirus in kentucky source: the governor's office coronavirusbkgd2.jpg new c ... there are 562 new cases of the virus.

That brings the total to 35,793 cases.

The state is also reporting eight more deaths from the virus.

So far... 783 kentuckians have died from the virus.

To the positivity rate.... which the state is watching to determine what restrictions to lift.... that is now at 5-point-87 percent.

Fs vo bullets:no lexington coronavirus cases source: lexington-fayette county health dept.

New cases: 49 ... lexington has hit a new milestone in coronavirus cases .

With 49 new cases reported today.... the city now has surpassed 4,000 cases overall the good news... there were no new deaths.... which means the total remains at 47.

Ots image:left covid-10 recovery coronavirus 5.jpg more than three thousand people have recovered from coronavirus in fayette county.

But what does recovered mean exactly?

Abc 36's cody adams spoke with the health department to find out more.

L3: coronavirus outbreak white what does recovered mean?

Lexington how does the health department determine exactly what it means to be recovered?

Kevin hall/ lfchd: people use the word recovery but really what we are doing is releasing people back into public activities because they're no longer infectious.

It's all based off of recomendations from the cdc.

Kevin hall/ lfchd: the guidelines have shifted.

We go by cdc recommendations and they have updated that since the start of the outbreak because they have more people to study and more information so this is not uncommon.

It's laid out as this... for most persons with covid-19 illness, isolation and precautions can generally be discontinued 10 days after the first day of symptoms and no fever for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing medications, and with improvement of other symptoms. kevin hall/ lfchd:its not looking at people 100% to full health they may still have lingering issues but they are simply not at risk according to the cdc of infecting other.

And that's what's important.

We don't want anyone going out and spreading this to others.

New guidelines from the cdc say a negative test is no longer necessary.

Kevin hall/ lfchd: so just because you were positive and you need that second test to get back to work, that's really not the case.

Talk to your health department talk to your medical provider to see what other options you have to get back to work.

All of this means your local health departments play an even bigger role.

Kevin hall/ lfchd: what people don't understand is if you are considered infectious we are trying to check in with people on a daily basis, check on their symptoms and to just give them a little support.

In studio cody adams abc 36 news kentucky's secretary of state has submitted his preliminary plan to the governor for how voting would work in the november general election.

According to a report in the lexington herald- leader...michael adams' plan does not include the same expanded voting provisions used in june's primary.

The report says it doesn't have no- excuse absentee voting by mail for all voters.

That puts adams on a collision course with the governor who wants mail-in voting available to everyone.

No comment yet from the governor.

State law says the two men have to agree on an election plan.

A day after the governor asked schools to hold-off on in-person classroom teaching until late september because of the coronavirus...a group of madison county parents and students gathered outside that district's main office to show their support for in- person learning.

Abc 36's alex king takes you to the demonstration.

"small but mighty... that's how one mom described the group here at madison county schools showing support for the tough decisions being made involving kids returning to school."

It's our community, our kids, and we feel like it's our decision."

Marcy cummings has three kids in madison county schools... one of them is her daughter hannah, who is in seventh grade at madison county middle school.

She says they wanted to show support for school leaders as they work on making some difficult decisions for the school year.

"i'm a pediatric occupational therapist so i've worked with a lot of kiddos who have struggled with mental illness and things like that but i have seen even with my own kids that you can get kind of bummed.

We are not made for isolation, i feel like we need socialization, and even that connection with your teachers."

This all comes after governor andy beshear's recommendation that schools open whenever they feel comfortable but delay in-person classes until sept.


Rachel rieck is a senior at madison central high school... she says every student looks forward to having the experience of their senior year.

She says finishing out her junior year online because of the coronavirus was difficult.

"i consider myself an introvert, i'm not out in people's business all the time, so at the very beginning i was like awesome i don't have to talk to people for a long time but then as it got on i was like i want to see my friends."

Rieck says that one thing that can help with anxiety for students... is being around people in a positive environment.

While some schools have decided to start online... others still are weighing in-'s unclear when that option might happen...but these madison county residents want school leaders to know they are behind them... reporting in richmond, alex king, abc 36 news.

:adlibon: c1 3 traffic cameras here's a live look at traffic conditions.

Hour-by-hour forecast here's what you can expect, hour-by- hour.

Radio forecasts listen for the abc36 storm team forecasts on these radio stations.

Jason wraps :adliboff: ots image:right praying for answers crystal rogers.jpg the mother of missing bardstown mother crystal c1 3 rogers is speaking out for the first time since the f-b-i took over the five year investigation into her daughter's disappearance.

Abc 36's christy bollinger has more on sherry ballard's new hope she will get answers.

"this has been my dream come true for a long time."

The day sherry ballard's been waiting for finally came last week.

That's when the fbi took over her daughter's case.

"i've begged for this.

I've done everything possible that i could to make them stand up and take attention because i think i need someone of their magnitude to break this case and give me the justice that i need."

Immediately after taking over the case.... the f-b-i searched properties belonging to crystal's ex- boyfriend.... brooks houck... and his family.

Houck has been the main suspect since crystal went missing july 20-15.

Recently... human remains were found near the houck family farm.

Just like in the past when remains were found.... the possibility it could be her daughter's brings her mixed emotions.

"i prayed, it was.

And then i felt ashamed of myself and guilty because i prayed, it was, um, i wanted it to be to have closure."

Now, she thinks with the f-b-i and all of its resources, she can find those answers she's been desperate to get...though she knows it comes at a price for her and crystal's five children.

"it scares me.

Because i've held that together this far.

But i think once someone's arrested.

And i see that for my own as.

Is it really going to hit me hard, everything that's happened and what i've been through.

And what these kids and my whole family have been through."

Even when and if her daughter's case is solved... she'll be left trying to answer this haunting question.

"how do you move on?"

Christy bollinger, abc 36 news.

The f-b-i ha s set up a website to share information about the case.

You can find it on our website w-t-v-q dot com.

Lexington mayor linda gorton has named a replacement for lexington's 6th district.

L3: abc 36 news white mayor names 6th district councilmember lisa higgins-hord to fill vacated seat lisa higgins-hord will serve for the rest of angela evans' term on the lexington-fayette urban county council.

Evans stepped down from the council in july to pursue a graduate degree at princeton university.

Gorton says higgins-hord is a university of kentucky administrator with experience working with groups throughout the community.

Gorton says david kloiber.... who is running for the 6th district seat without opposition.... will be a quote: "excellent councilmember for the 6th district".... but adds.... right now.... timing is critical... and that's why she named higgins-hord as the new council member.

L3 bryan: white it is official.

The big ten and the pac 12 will not play football this fall.

Both conferences offically making the announcement tuesday afternoon.

Both did use the word postponement meaning there is a chance they play in the spring.

Commissioners from both conferences saying the health and welfare of their athletes were a big reason for the decision.

One key difference though...the pac-12 says all sports so that means basketball will not be played until 2021 either.

What about the a-c-c and the s-e-c?

Well for starters, today an a-c-c official told c-b-s sports the conference absolutely intends to play football this fall.

The a-c-c medical advisory group has told the league they can play safely.

What about the s-e- c?

Commissioner greg sankey says they are full steam ahead with a season.

Later in sports hear from sankey on that.

Still no word on the big 12.

Over on the hardwood, if you were going to name an n-b-a restart m- v-p...i don't see how former cat devin booker isn't your number one choice.

First and foremost...his suns are 6 and oh in the restart and over the next two days could clinch a spot in the 8th seed play- in game.

Booker is averaging 30 points in the bubble...which leads everyone.

His 35 point game last night gave him his 90th of his career which ties him for the most 30- point games in franchise history.

L3 bryan: white there was a very special graduation in lexington today.

But it had nothing to do with academics.... and everything to do with family.

We'll explain when we c1 3 those at long term care facilities...who haven't been able to see their an effort to stay safe.

Today...after a difficult bout with covid..

The people living at cambridge place in lexington got to take a little bit of joy back...with a drive through "graduation ceremony" of sorts.

Abc36's justin roth captured the moment.

They have something to celebrate here.

06 cara "we did have 25 cases of covid here thankfully goodness most of them.

Most of the residents were asymptomatic."

But now, cambridge place in lexington....has been covid free for a couple weeks.

A milestone big enough to share with a distance 11 cara "it's been very different for the last few months and so this is a time to celebrate them and their victory to get them outside to see their families from afar and to have some joy and happiness today."

Families...armed with signs ...honked their car horns nats honking 11 trent "we wish we could see her in person and give her a hug, spend some time with her but we want to do everything we can to help and support her right now in this."

Seeing your family is always a boost... but for the's everything.

15 cara "it's mind over matter, they have to mentally and emotionally be in a good spot and when they don't see their loved ones it really does affect them so i really them that it's a blessing that we can get to that point."

While visitation is allowed right now in the state...cambridge place isn't risking it...only keeping visits to events like this.

But it hopes to start some sort of in person visitor program again in the near future justin roth abc36 news ### a little cooler.... and possibly stormier.

Chief meteorologist jason lindsey fills us in on that next.

And coming up a little later.... a jeweler is tapped to craft a very expensive face cover.

What's going on this pricey p-p-e.



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This is my new shaq-a-roni pizza.

Extra cheese, extra pepperoni right to the edge and the biggest slices in papa john's history.

But it's bigger than pizza because $1 from each sale is donated to support communities.

Alright let's roll.

C'mon pizza's here.


Is that shaq?

This is my new pizza the shaq-a-roni and it's bigger than pizza because for every shaq-a-roni sold, $1 is donated to the papa john's foundation for building community.

C1 3 cal has been the driving force for kentucky basketball, but the guy who has almost been just as important...kenny payne.

And now his days at kentucky are over.

Payne has officially accepted a job to be an assistant coach for the new york knicks.

Tom thibodeau just took over as head coach.

Payne is clos to william took over as head coach.

Payne is clos to william wesley...or world wide wes..he recently took payne is clos to william wesley...or world wide wes..he recently took over as executive vice president for the knicks.

Payne's resume can be seen in the guy's he's coached at kentucky.

He's the big man whisperer.

Anthony davis is up for n-b-a defensive player of the year.

Bam adebayo up for most improved player.

Oh yea...there's also karl anthony towns and demarcus cousins.

Just recently after everyone had written off nick richards...he's named all s-e-c this past season.

It is not official...but reports are cal's close friend and current indiana assistant bruiser flint will be the replacement.

While the big ten and pac 12 will not play football this fall.

The s-e-c presses on.

As it stands now, the s-e-c will play football this fall.

S-e-c commissioner greg sankey was on the dan patrick show where he says if another conference were to cancel or postpone it would simply be one piece of info for a decision...nothing more.

He also expanded on why the s-e-c will still play.

The georgetown college tigers won't play football until the spring.

C1 3 the mid-south conference making the decision official on tuesday.

Orginially, the conference had decided to begin play in mid- september, but now will look to play football in spring 2021.

Let's go out to the top seed open in nicholasville.

Top-seeded serena williams taking on bernarda pera.

First set...set point...pera up 5 to 4... pera...fires over the forehead shot and she will take the first set.

Rust for serena...or is there an upset brewing?

Second set...serena looking for sent point.

Pera can't handle the return...serena takes the second set 6 to 4.

Match point now for serena.

Pera trying to hang in there....but serena is just too much.

Serena wins the final set 6 to 1... if you guessed were right.

Serena beats pera 2 to 1...she now moves on to the next round.

Who will she play?

It's only right...venus williams takes down c1 3 victoria azarenka in straight sets..6-3, 6- 2.

It will be the williams sisters facing off in the quarterfinals of the top seed open.

:adlibon: c1 3 three days.

One jeweler is turning personal protection equipment into the c1 3 ultimate fashion statement.

He is currently making world's most expensive face mask l3: abc 36 news white jeweler creating world's most expensive mask costs $1.5 million the jeweler says a billionaire businessman asked him to make the mask.

When it's finished, the 18-karat white gold face covering will be encrusted with 36-hundred white and black diamonds.

The price tag?

One-and-a-half- million dollars.

When it's done... the mask will weigh over half a pound.

That's all the time we have world news tonight with david muir is next.

Have a good evening.

Schools debate whether to follow the governor's guidelines >>> tonight, breaking news as we come on the air.

Joe biden picks senator kamala harris as his running mate.

Reaction pouring in at this hour.

Senator harris and her first words.

President trump responding, too.

What he said just before we came on the air tonight.

>>> also this evening, our reporting here.

What went into this historic pick?

The california senator and former presidential hopeful.

She would be the first woman vice president, the first black vice president and the highest ranking asian-american in u.s. history if elected.

Tonight here, the moment joe biden asked her over zoom to join the ticket.

The president moments ago was asked about the pick, how he responded.

And tonight, former president barack obama and hillary clinton among those celebrating biden's pick.

Our political team standing by, mary bruce, linsey davis, jon karl all with late reporting tonight.

>>> the other major news this evening, the coronavirus.

And the growing number of children infected.

Just as millions of children

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