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Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Collier Schools back to school inside look

Credit: FOX 4 Now Florida
Duration: 01:59s 0 shares 1 views

Collier Schools back to school inside look
Collier Schools back to school inside look

Mask requirements and social distancing reminders are just some of the safety procedures Collier County Public Schools will have in place.

"We don’t want to just open fora couple of weeks and then haveto shut it down."COLLIER SCHOOL LEADERS PREPPINGFOR STUDENTS TO BE BACK AT IT.HI, I’M PATRICK NOLAN.SANDRA RODRIGUEZ IS IN A NAPLESWITH A LOOK.0:05 - 0:130:24 - 0:34*NATS* "school bell"THE 20-21 SCHOOL YEARS IS LESSTHAN 3-WEEKS AWAYSOT(Charlene Paula, Reading Coach,Mike Davis Elementary School):"We want to continue toencourage the kids that learningis still fun, they’re stillamong their friends."BUT THIS YEAR━ COLLIER COUNTYPUBLIC SCHOOLS WILL LOOK A BITDIFFERENTSOT(Chad Oliver, Exec.

Director ofCommunications, CCPS):"We don’t want to just open fora couple of weeks and then haveto shut it down."STARTING WITH SCHOOL BUS SAFETYPROCEDURESSOT(Chad Oliver, Exec.

Director ofCommunications, CCPS):"When they come on board theywill immediately be asked towear their face covering,they’ll use the sanitizer, andthey’ll need to load from theback of the bus to the front."WINDOWS AND ROOF HATCHES WILL BESLIGHTLY OPEN TO INCREASE AIRFLOW BUSES WILL BE CLEANEDDAILY AT A MINIMUMSOT(Chad Oliver, Exec.

Director ofCommunications, CCPS):"Despite 58% coming back oncampus, we’re still running thesame number of buses, the samefleet of buses."ONCE AT SCHOOL━ USING HANDSANITIZER WILL BE THE NEW NORMIN MAJOR TRANSITION AREAS*NATS*MASKS ARE REQUIRED THROUGHOUTTHE SCHOOL SAFETY GLASSES AREHIGHLY RECOMMENDEDSOT(Chad Oliver, Exec.

Director ofCommunications, CCPS):"Because we’re wearing the maskindoor, we’re going to space outthe desk to the greatest extentpossible."CLASSROOMS WILL BE CLEANED ANDDISINFECTED AT THE END OF EACHSCHOOL DAY...NEW THIS YEAR━ THE DISTRICT’SCLASSROOM CONNECT INITIATIVE...SOT(Chad Oliver, Exec.

Director ofCommunications, CCPS):"The urgency of COVID-19expedited the process to makesure we’re giving all of ourstudents a laptop or a device sothey can seamlessly transitionif they need to from home toschool."SOT(Chad Oliver, Exec.

Director ofCommunications, CCPS):"It was a hefty investment,14-million dollars for thelaptops initiative but it’sworth it."MARK DAVIS ELEMENTARY IS ONE OFTHE 4 LOCATIONS THAT HAD ONCAMPUS SUMMER SCHOOLAND TO HAVE SEEN SOME OF THESEPROCEDURES ALREADY IN PLACESOT(Charlene Paula, Reading Coach,Mike Davis Elementary School):"I didn’t have any problems withany of the kids, not fol

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