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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Communities desperate for more housing assistance funding as moratoriums end

Credit: NBC 26 Wisconsin
Duration: 03:02s 0 shares 1 views

Communities desperate for more housing assistance funding as moratoriums end
Communities desperate for more housing assistance funding as moratoriums end

As eviction moratoriums end across the country, homeowners and renters are facing a crisis.

Many are on the verge of homelessness as cities and towns scramble to distribute what little federal emergency funds they have left.

HOMEOWNERS ANDRENTERS ARE FACINGA CRISIS.MANY ON THEVERGE OF BECOMINGHOMELESS SOMECITIES AND TOWNSARE PLEADING WITHCONGRESS FORANOTHER ROUND OFCORONAVIRUS RELIEFAID.CHRIS CONTESHOWS WHY THOSEFEDERAL EMERGENCYFUNDS HAVE BEEN ACRITICAL LIFELINEFOR SO MANY.The dog days ofsummer, have providedlittle in the way of relief ..for Americans on theverge of eviction.(two shot)One of them is LoveringHayward who hasn't hadwork in months.SOT0048S03000103 I'm searching foremployment every dayWith no income comingin, she can't pay her rent.000347 People arereluctant to say theyneed some sort of charitySOT001944 it's pretty scary,it's pretty scaryAmanda Berman is theDirector of Housing andCommunity Developmentin Newton,Massachusetts.A wealthy suburb nearBoston.But even some of thenation's wealthiest cities... are realizing theirresidents are immunefrom economic impact ofthe pandemic.SOT000455 this was there allalong, we've been havinga housing crisis forever,this is exposing howdeep the cracks areGRAPHICThrough the CAREs Act,this city was able tosecure two million dollarsin emergency housingfunds.To spread the money outas best they could,Newton decided to assistpeople in low-incomehousing with 70 percentof their rent.170 families have beenhelped since March.SOT000927 You fight andfight to get ahead andsomething like thisthrows you back really farGRAPHICNationally, 20 percent ofhouseholds missed theirrent payments lastmonth.Housing experts say thatnumber is likely to skyrocket in September ..

Asextra unemploymentfunding and rentalassistance moneydissapears.SOT000301 the real estateindustry will go throughmassive changes here inthe next few months,Jeff Larabee is aparmentlandlord.He's had some tenantsnot make rent ... and isadvising anyone who'sfallen behind onpayments to talk to theirlandlord about options.Right now, with tenantsnot paying, he'sconcerned about his ownfinances.000320 I think there'sgoing to be a lot morehomelessness, I don'tknow how were going tomake all the mortgagepayments(NATS)Back in Newton, they'retrying to help low incomeresidents as best theycan.Instead of paying 70percent of people's rent... the city is consideringdropping thatpercentage.And reaching out to theDepartment of Housingand Urban Developmentto see if any other moneyis out there.SOT000244 We got to thispoint by ignoring thereality and I don't know,it's pretty scaryA scary reality, that somany Americans arestuck in.I'm Chris Contereporting.TAGPRESIDENT TRUMPDID SIGN ANEXECUTIVE ORDERLAST WEEKENDMEANT TO PREVENTEVICTIONS.BUT THE ORDERDOES NOT OFFERIMMEDIATEASSISTANCE TO HELPFAMILIES WHO ARESTRUGGLINGFINANCIALLY AND ATRISK OF LOSING THEIRHOMES.STILL AHEAD ..


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