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Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Mother hopes Operation LeGend brings answers in son's murder

Credit: 41 Action News
Duration: 02:41s 0 shares 1 views

Mother hopes Operation LeGend brings answers in son's murder
Mother hopes Operation LeGend brings answers in son's murder

Grieving families hope Operation LeGend brings answers in their loved ones' murders.

PAGE AS WELL ASSTREAMING PLATFORMS.THE U-S ATTORNEYGENERAL ANNOUNCESOPERATION LEGEND HASRESULTED IN NEARLY 15-HUNDRED ARRESTSACROSS THE COUNTRY.UNDER OPERATIONLEGEND -THE JUSTICEDEPARTMENT PROVIDESAGENTS, INTELLIGENCEANALYSTS, AND DIGITALEVIDENCE EXPERTS TOHELP POLICE WITHUNSOLVED CRIMES.OPERATION LEGEND ISNAMED AFTER 4-YEAR-OLDLEGEND TALIFERRO - WHOWAS SHOT AND KILLEDWHILE SLEEPING AT HOME.LAST WEEK - HISSUSPECTED KILLER WASARRESTED.41 ACTION NEWSREPORTER SARAH PLAKEEXPLAINS MORE ABOUTWHAT THESE ARRESTSMEAN FOR KANSAS CITY -AND AND FAMILIES WHOSEEK JUSTICE.KCPD Chief Rick Smith saysthat Operation LeGend isworking and that withoutfederal help his departmentwould have never been ableto solve all these crimes asfast as they did.This is absolutely making adifference.Attorney General William Barrand the police department arepraising Operation LeGend - afederal response to increasingviolent crime in Kansas City..and 8 other cities.Since it started on July 8th,THEY SAY federal agentshave helped police arrest 18homicide suspects and takemore than 70 illegal guns offthe streets.Its mission is to save lives,solve crimes and take violentoffenders off streets beforethey can claim for victims.With this help, the policedepartment says its homicideclearance rate has gone upfrom 34 percent in June to 45percent today.Barr SAID HE attributes aspike in crime this year to pentup anger due to statequarantines, prosecutorsreleasing criminals too soon,and demonizing the police.He said police are doing theirjobsOur primary responsibility is todeal with crime.

The socialconditions that contribute tocrime, the fact that peopleargue with each other and soforth, is really something thatother agencies should befocused on.Many other grieving familieshope Operation LeGend willgive them the justice theyneed.I need someone to comeforward, I need answers.Toni Priore's son, DanteWachtler, was shot and killedtwo years ago near 9th &Harrison.

It was 4:30 in themorning and he was about toboard a Greyhound bus backhome to California.Hearing about what's going onthere really gives me hope, itreally does.

But I still want toreach the people of KansasCity and want to ask them,please if you know anything, ifyou have just the tiniest bit ofinformation please call thepolice or call crime stoppers.Barr did not say what willhappen when OperationLeGend ends, but said theywill stay in Kansas City aslong as they know it works.Sarah Plake 41 action news.THE JACKSON COUNTYPROSECUTOR'S OFFICERESPONDED TO BARR'SCLAIMS THATPROSECUTORS ARE TOOLENIENT WITHDANGEROUS CRIMINALS.JEAN PETERS BAKER'SOFFICE SAID ONLY 2 OUTOF 10 VIOLENT CRIMESEVER MAKE IT TO HEROFFICE..


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