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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

ISU students could face suspension for not following COVID-19 rules

Credit: WTHI
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ISU students could face suspension for not following COVID-19 rules
ISU students could face suspension for not following COVID-19 rules
ISU students could face suspension for not following COVID-19 rules

University state "indiana "indiana state university students"..

Not following "covid-19 directives"..

Now fac "possible disciplinary action".

"the interim vice president for student affairs"..

Sent a letter "to the campus community" today.

News 10's "patrece dayton" is here..

To walk us through "the warning"..

To follow the rules.

/////// the letter says ..

It only takes a few people to jeopardize keeping the on-campus plan.

"the interim vice president for student affairs" says the university has learned students are taking part in off-campus gatherings.

The concern is activity "like parties for instance" could spread the virus.

That's why the university introduced new, temporary directives today.

They allow disciplinary action under the "code of student conduct".

This enfources already existing guidelines.

First... students are required to wear face coverings in all campus buildings, and outside-- when distancing isn't possible.

Second... all students are required to complete "sycamore symptom assessment" each day.

Third... students may not attend nor host social gatherings of more than "25"-people.

That's unless it's a university event already meeting requirements.

Students who do not abide by this directive... "face suspension".

The university director of communications says ..

There will be a stepped up police presense over the weekend.

////// "they're not going to be knocking on doors, they're not going to be hiding a behind bushes waiting to turn in somebody who doesn't have a mask.

But they will be out there reminding people what the rules are and what the consqeuences are " ////// the directives the directives expire december 31st... unless extended by the president.

I-s-u is also collaborating with the vigo county health department to provide contact

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