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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

082320 11 pm sunday

Credit: WTVQ Lexington, KY
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082320 11 pm sunday
082320 11 pm sunday
082320 11 pm sunday

C1 3 lexington's fayette mall... :07-:12 from monica: he pulled his gun and it was face level and he shot that man right in the head a frantic suspect search...people running to safety...we'll take you to the scene. kentucky history's early lexington women who get the credit for giving some of the state's first settlers a fighting chance against invaders.

Weekend open good evening and welcome in, i'm tom kenny.

And, i'm veronica jean seltzer...we're glad you're here tonight.

The search continues for the suspect or suspects in this afternoon's shooting inside fayette mall in lexington that left one dead, two wounded and hundreds of shoppers fearing for their lives.

The victim's names haven't been released.

Lexington police say it happened around four near bath and body works.

Police say there was an officer in the mall not far from the shooting scene which led to a quick and massive police response.

The emergency response unit was called-in...dozens of officers...k-9 units...a helicopter searching for suspects from the air...a stretch of busy nicholasville road closed...customers and people who work in the mall evacuated to lextran buses brought to the scene as police searched the one- million square foot mall.

The police chief says the people involved know each other or are at least familiar with each other and that the "intended target" may have known the suspect.

Abc 36's monica harkins was on scene as all of this unfolded....she joins us 'live' outside the mall where she talked to an eyewitness.

It was an emotional day...thankfully police say this was an isolated shooting...not an active shooter situation...still from what i could tell hundreds of people were at the mall...and many shaken from the experience.

L3: top story white hundreds scramble during shooting at fayette mall lexington l3: top story white linda at the mall during shooting l3: top story white hundreds scramble during shooting at fayette mall lexington ### "emily: they couldn't have been older than 20" a moment of chaos followed by hours of evacuations and tension at fayette mall.

"emily: they started throwing punches."

This is the voice of emily who didnt want to show her face because she says she was within feet of the she fears retaliation.

"emily of them got mad and said i'll show you who the bleep is now.

And he pulled his gun and it was face level and he shot that man right in the head he had.

...and then they booked it.

We all ran to the back.

They shut us in the back door and they locked the door."

Emily says she was in bath and body works when the fight broke she ran to the back she says she heard four shots.

"emily: pow pow pow pow."

Lexington police confirmed it was an isolated shooting.

Meanwhile...this is linda...she says she was in dillards when she heard the shots.

"linda: run that was my emotion and everybody else's.

Everybody was just trying to get out of there.

It was hundreds of people."

Some people in the mall geting stuck inside as stores began to lockdown....i spoke to one family off camera who was separated..and reunited about an hour later.

They say it was a traumatizing experience... linda agrees... linda"very traumatizing.

All we can do is pray for the people that got shot.

We gotta get better."

Get in stop gun violence.

Emily felt the same... "this is just stupid.

You've got your whole life...and now it's just gone..this is just stupid."

### you can hear her trembling as she talked about what happened....she says she probably won't be able to sleep tonight.

At this time there are still no updates from lexington police on any suspects.

Live in lexington, monica harkins, abc 36 news.

### we have another crew on the scene c1 3 right now to relieve monica.

We will continue to follow this story...starting again tomorrow on good morning kentucky at 5 a-m.

And you can get the latest information on our website w-t- v-q dot com.

### forcht bank sky view here's a live look at the forcht bank skyview with current temperatures from across central and eastern kentucky.

Live hd radar here's a look at live hd radar where we are using the power of 5 live radars to track precipitation.

Hometown forecast here's what you can expect, hour- by-hour, for your hometown.

Emergency personnel were on c1 3 hand tonig training plane...evacuating from florida...ahead of storms...had trouble with its landing gear at blue grass airport in lexington.

The plane is a t-6 texan this one.

The airport says the pilot was the only person on- board and radioed ahead when he couldn't get his landing gear to go down.

He eventually got it down manually and landed safely just before ten.

The pilot was not hurt.

Less than a week after school started...lexington catholic has decided it will switch from in-person to virtual learning beginning tomorrow...after parents and the health department reported students are testing positive.

A letter from the school to parents didn't say how many students have tested positive...just that the decision was made on short notice to keep the school community as healthy and safe as possible.

The school says it's tentatively planning to return to in-person classes on september 8th.

### calling it "a regrettable error," the university of kentucky found out this weekend a spreadsheet containing negative covid-19 test results and personal information of several hundred students and a few employees... was left vulnerable.

Anyone with an active u-k email address could see it.

Names... dates of birth...and the test results could be seen on a public microsoft sharepoint file the school's contact tracing team was using to share information internally, according to the university.

The spreadsheet included people who tested negative for the virus during the last two weeks of u-k's initial round of mandatory testing.

The school says all the data has been moved to a more secure and private location.

U-k says it will reach out this week to those who may have been impacted.

The university has an email address for anyone with questions and a website that will have updates...we have links to both at

According to the governor's office...tonight kentucky has achieved a four- week plateau of coronavirus cases...which is good news...but the governor says we still need to see those numbers steadily decline.

According to the governor...there are 467 new cases today...a total of 43,529 in the state.

79 of the new cases were from children ages 18 and younger...with the youngest just three days old.

The governor also reported nine new deaths today...raising the death toll to 881.

Eviction hearings are set to resume tomorrow in kentucky for the first time since march when the governor ordered police to stop serving eviction notices to people not paying rent.

A lot of people are concerned it's too soon to be allowing evictions again when people are still struggling to survive financially.

There are anti- eviction rallies planned for tomorrow and tuesday outside the justice center.

The governor said last week he'll announce a new program tomorrow that will use federal coronavirus relief money to help landlords and renters.

### solid blue report white mark stoops uk football head coach l3: solid blue report white no lost eligibility this season ncaa to allow athletes to play as many game ... it's certainly going to be an interesting college football season..

With two of the power five conferences now committed to play in the spring.


For those planning to play in the fall..

What happens if that season is cut short by the pandemic.

This week..

The ncaa put some of those worries to easy.

Whether a player plays one snap..

Or an entire season's worth of snaps..

They won't be losing a year of eligibity.

It's certainly an interesting dynamic coming into the season..

And it's making roster management less stresfull for mark stoops.

Coming up later in sports..

We're heading to the high school ranks..

As the 36 blitz rolls on.

Austin miller..

Abc 36 sports.

The weather has given us a little bit of everything today...showers...s c1 3 torms...heavy rain...sunshine...we' ll show you what to expect the rest of tonight and this

And the president under fire from within the family...we'll exlain.

Break 1 c1 3 the weekend comes to an adding sponsor to the showers and storms and how are you my friends i hope you are safe and well as we continue to battle covert 19 to forget about those facemask this week.

Keeping her distance cover your sneeze or cough keep your fingers away from your eyes your nose your c1 3 to care about you how to make sure you and your family are safe as long ago i went through our fourth bank skyview this is the reed's spray foam insulation camera overlooking the hamburg area here in the lexington city 730 right now at the airport 73 is what it feels like 84% humidity and a southwind that i becoming call right now current temperatures across central and eastern kentucky is 70 in danville are friends and neighbors in jackson right around 730 london without 710 c1 3 down in the monticello area 680 live hd radar the rain that we had a deal with a littl bit earlier continues to move o off to the east and northeast into ohio as well as west virginia around the charleston area they have some strong storms let me take you south of kentucky and show you what doing way to our south it's eventuall heading to the gulf of mexico law there's actually two tropical systems down there but the main one that has it ion our area was laura it will continue the track to the north and west and then turn a quick right by me bring you back home and show you words of those to be on friday evening and you'll notic that low pressure system the ruminants of this tropical system right on top of us jumping off a bunch of rain could change over the next few days will keep you posted until an futurecast radar and satellite shows you by lunchtim tomorrow mix of stunning clouds same thing by dinnertime what's wrap it up at the last 30 seconds and show you what to expect over the next seven days mostly setting a lot warmer by wednesday 920 there is a remanence of will thursday friday saturday this depending on which model you believe depends on it's going to arrive 85 on friday sunday a mix of stunning clouds and 82 ... watching a b c 36 will be back c1 3 carolina - the trump administration is reacting to tapes, secretly recorded by president trump's niece, mary trump.

The tapes...which the washington post found...seem to feature the president's sister maryanne trump barry criticizing her brother.

Here's alex presha with the details ### in audio obtained by the washington post - president trump's sister maryanne trump barry --- allegedly says the president cannot be trusted - that her brother "has no principles, none" sot maryanne trump: the change of stories.

The lack of preparation.

The lying.

Holy .

I mean what they're doing with the kids at the border describing him as a phony and a liar who only cares about himself sot maryanne trump: donald is out for donald, period, at another point saying - "it's the phoniness and this cruelty.

Donald is cruel," barry - a retired federal judge and the eldest sister of the president -- has never spoken out publicly against her brother.

And did not respond to abc news' request for a comment.

In a statement to abc news president trump responding - saying in part "every day it's something else, who cares" ?"i'll continu to work hard for the american people" the reported 15 hours of conversation have not been verified by abc news - the post reports it was secretly recorded in 2018 and 2019 by the president's niece mary trump who recently published a book about president trump in a statement - a spokesperson for mary trump says "she felt it prudent to tape conversations in order to protect herself" anticipating litigation over a family inheritance dispute at a white house brieifng - president trump looking to shift focus to the coronavirus pandemic announcing the fda emergency use authorization for convalescent plasma.

Sot - trump "based on the science and the data, the fda has made the independent determination that the treatment is safe and very effective."

Sot - sec azar "we saw about a 35% better survival in the patients who benefitted most from the treatment.

In the treatment of patients."

The president's 2020 rivals - former vice president joe biden and his running mate kamala harris - sat down with abc's robin roberts and david muir for their first joint interview since accepting the democratic nomination roberts: did you feel pressure to select a black woman biden: the government should look like the people, look like the country, 51 percent of the people in this country that interview airing tonight on abc in a 20/20 special on the eve of the republican national convention which kicks off monday in charlotte, north carolina with a combination of in person and online events.

Alex presha, abc news, washington, dc ### kentucky republicans will be well represented when the convention starts tomorrow.

Senators mitch mcconnell and rand general daniel cameron...and covington catholic grad nicholas sandmann are all scheduled to speak.

Find out when on our website w-t-v-q dot com.

### women get the credit for helping early kentucky settlers keep a fayette county fort safe from invaders.

Hear how the simple act of drawing water gave the whole community an in kentucky history treasures.

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C1 3 required men and women of fortitude to stand against great violent opposition.

We'll examine just one example at brian's station and discover how exceptionally brave women in that community gave them a fighting chance.

Dana zinger: brian's station was a fort, founded about 1776 in fayette county in what was then virginia.

It consisted of about 40 cabins in a parallelogram, and some of the inhabitants included close relatives of daniel boone as well as the future vice president of the united states, richard mentor johnson, when he was an infant.

Dana zinger: the night of august 15th, 1782, the fort was surrounded by a group of about 500 native americans, british and canadian rangers, led by two british captains.

And this was during the end of the revolutionary war.

So a lot of people don't realize fayette county had a connection to the revolutionary war.

The group of attackers, they were concealed among the corn, the hemp crop at that time, and the forest that surrounded the fort.

The attackers were not aware that the settlers knew their presence.

So, the settlers spent the night preparing for an attack silently and then the very next morning they knew they had to have water in order to survive an attack.

Dana zinger: business as usual, not to alarm the attackers because fetching water at that time was a chore of women.

So, if the men went out there, the attackers would know that they were aware of their presence.

They sent the women and the women without hesitation grabbed their buckets, went out, and the very nerve wracking long process, fetched the water.

Nerve wracking because they knew concealed just mere feet away were attackers ready to go.

Dana zinger: bravely they fetch the water.

They were able to return into the fort.

It gave them the opportunity to prepare, to make sure that their long rifles were ready to go and ready to defend.

And it also gave them the chance to do this without the attackers knowing that they knew that they were out there and surrounded.

The siege ended up victorious for the settlers.

Eventually the attackers realized that reinforcements were on their way, and so they abandoned their efforts and honestly, largely in part to the water that they were able to retrieve for the fort and the bravery of those women without hesitation going and getting that water without even questioning it, is amazing to me.

Dana zinger: in our collections, we have a rifle from 1780 that was supposedly used in the attack, in the siege, to defend the fort.

Also in our collection, we have a little dress, a toddler size dress that was supposedly by betsy grant, a niece of daniel boone, two years old at the time of the siege, and legend has it that she actually wore this dress during the siege.

Doug high: to learn more about brian's station, visit our archive online at

From the kentucky history center and museums in downtown frankfurk, i'm doug high.

### l3: abc 36 sports white 36 blitz continues with boyle county tune in monday at 5 pm after back-to-back trips to c1 3 seasons.


Heading into 2020..

They might have the team to get back to their winning ways.

The 36 blitz rolls on as we catch up with the ads.

With just 8 wins in c1 3 the past two seasons..

The danville admirals are tired of losing.

The ads return plenty of experience from last season..

But this is still very much a young team.



There's a lot of senior talent and experience along the offensive line.

One of those strong athletes is running back caleb burns..

Who rushed for nearly 800 yards in the final five games of 2019.

The schedule is going to be hard once again with lca and somerset in the district..

Plus match-ups against boyle county and madison central.


There's no backing down with this group.

That confidence is why the ads expect a healthy increase in wins in 2020.

With the danville admirals..

Austin miller abc 36.

Coming up we've got more action one of those strong athletes is running back caleb burns..

Who rushed for nearly 800 yards in the final five games of 2019.

The schedule is going to be hard once again with lca and somerset in the district..

Plus match-ups against boyle county and madison central.


There's no backing down with this group.

That confidence is why the ads expect a healthy increase in wins in 2020.

With the danville admirals..

Austin miller abc 36.

Coming up we've got c1 3 more action on monday.

We're heading down the road to boyle county..

Where they've got a new coach and a bitter taste in their mouth after a state championship loss to johnson central.

That's coming up monday at 6.

That'll do it for sports..

I'm austin miller.

The coronavirus- delayed indy 500 happened this afternoon and county..

Where they've got a new coach and a bitter taste in their mouth after a state championship loss to johnson central.

That's coming up monday at 6.

That'll do it for sports..

I'm austin miller.

The coronavirus- delayed indy 500 happened this afternoon and ended under's just been that kind of year.

Takuma sato won his second 500...holding off scott dixon.

Sato passed dixon after the last round of pit stops and held him off.

Sato won the 500 in 2017.

Sato's teammate...graham rahal was third.

This is the rahal team's second indy 500....having won with buddy rice in 2004.

We'll be right back with a final check of the forecast.

### scratch-a-4cast here's hicks: we don't have enough members of congress who understand what it feels like to grow up poor.

Hicks: we don't have enough members of congress doesn't understand what it feels like to struggle to put food on the table doesn't understand what it feels like or struggle to pay for health-insurance premiums. and i know because i was working hard and still poor.

Or struggle to pay for health-insurance premiums. i didn't feel like somebody growing up.

Or struggle to pay for health-insurance premiums. and so i joined the military.

Or struggle to pay for health-insurance premiums. s at the police department.

I went to school all week long at morehead.

I got out of law school, and as it turned out, just having a law degree doesn't make you somebody.

We don't have enough folks in congress just having a law degree doesn't make you somebody.

Who know what that feels like.

And if they ever did know what that kind of stuff feels like, lord, they've been in washington, d.c., too long now, accepted too much of them corporate pac donations lord, they've been in washington, d.c., too long now, to either know or care what it means to the people to be struggling.

And i think we get some representatives like me in congress, and the folks who struggle and i think we get some representatives like me got somebody on the doggone floor shouting, and we're gonna do stuff that helps these people, my people.

That's what i hope to be able to do.

I'm josh hicks, and i approve this message.

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